Iron Man 2.0 #3

Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: Barry Kitson, Kano, Carmine Di Giandomenico Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 13, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Spinning out of INVINCIBLE IRON MAN! Guest-starring Iron Man! Tony Stark and James Rhodes create the all-new War Machine suit! Rhodey’s new mission already nearly killed him. A deadly new super villain poses a threat War Machine can’t fight…and to stay alive, he’ll have to evolve into something greater than War Machine. Unconventional
combat calls for a different set of weapons…and Rhodey will have to become the one-man army of the future – Iron Man 2.0!

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Dan Horn Apr 17, 2011

    There's a bit of a disconnect between the artists in this issue as the transitions are pretty glaring, but each artist still does a fantastic artist with his own portion of the issue. The choppy progression in the artwork does nothing to make this chapter any less marvelous. Spencer's Iron Man 2.0 has the makings of one of Marvel's best titles. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Rafael Gaitan Apr 15, 2011

    While the Palmer Addley mystery is only mildly addressed, there's enough legitimate progress to be an engaging read and act as proper set-up for what's sure to be an exciting run. I want to know what's going with Palmer Addley just as badly as the people in the book do, and that's how you know you're reading something worthwhile. If you've been sleeping on Iron Man 2.0, power up and pick up what is one of the most tensely plotted and expertly handled books on the market. Suit up. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Apr 17, 2011

    This comic was pretty much the tale of TWO comics... The beginning was sort of slow and I'd even say a bit boring. Once we got up to the Rhodey/Tony new War Machine stuff though, this issue kicked it up like 8 or 9 notches. One thing Nick Spencer has proven he's GREAT at is dialogging Tony and Rhodey's scenes. Their interaction was awesome in IM 2.0 #1, and it was awesome here. They come across EXACTLY as I expect them to, so kudos to Spencer for that. The storyline from the first two issues kind of took a break here, as this issue built up to the unveiling of the new War Machine duds. While I would have liked a little bit of story advancement, I can overlook that since War Machine really DID need a new suit of armor! That old one was SO 1990! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex EvansShare this: Apr 17, 2011

    A middling comic, but one that still glows with potential.  I feel like I said the same thing last month, but that doesn't make this any less enjoyable of a read.  At the very least, this month is better insofar as it doesn't have any real head-scratcher moments. Read Full Review

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