Overall, I feel like this issue would've stood as a 4 star comic if it had been the first of the crossover. As it stands as the third of four, I have to dock it some points, leaving my final score for Irredeemable 33 at 3.5 stars. Read Full Review
If this storyline was solely contained in the Irredeemable series, I'd be quite pleased with it. Instead, I'm mildly annoyed that I have to pick up an issue of Incorruptible to find out what happens... To be honest, a) I doubt my shop will even have an issue of Incorruptible #26 in stock, and b) I don't know if I want to spend another $4 on a series I don't particularly care for... So while I MAY pick up, read and review that issue of Incorruptible, realistically? It's probably not gonna happen. Read Full Review