Captain America & Hawkeye #629

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Alessandro Vitti Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 25, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Captain America and Hawkeye Vs. Dinosaurs!?!

  • 10
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Apr 25, 2012

    Huh, this comic was pretty much perfect... By the time I got to the end I was desperately looking for something, anything, that I could point at and say, “Nope, I didn't like this.” However, I never found that thing. Great dialogue? Check. An inviting story? Check. Good art? Check. And the biggie for me since I'm such a huge fan of both, Cap and Hawkeye portrayed properly? Yep, that gets a check too. Not only that, but this comic actually felt more like a team-up book between two equals. It didn't feel like Hawkeye guest starring in Cap's book. Both characters have their strengths and weaknesses, and Cullen Bunn did a great job displaying those here. Seriously, I don't have a bad thing to say about this issue... Which means, for the SECOND time in ONE night... Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Apr 26, 2012

    The first offering of a new "Marvel Team-Up" or "Marvel Two-In-One" type of book has a fair amount of promise. Playing up to the marketability of two stars from this summer's sure-fire hit feature film is a good way to launch a book and ensure that eyes see the book. Once the eyes get there, Bunn does a good job of offering up an entertaining story, but this issue is far from a complete tale. Successful team-up books of the past were able to master the done-in-one story but thread through a subplot or a few. Hopefully Bunn did his research and employs that formula going forward. For now, however, this is a pretty good start. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 25, 2012

    This arc absolutely needs to have a strong hook to rise above the glut of Hawkeye material on the market, and so far it doesn't have one. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia May 11, 2012

    Bunn picks up on the heroes' relationship with one another effectively and enjoyably, and introduces a conventional yarn about super-science-gone-wrong, which is fine since it involves human-dinosaur DNA mixing and a potential viral outbreak of dinosaurism (or perhaps I'm just reading too far into things). It's an enjoyable start, though a little too protracted, as if to pad out the intro to make it last a full four issues. I'm hopeful long-term that the “Captain America and…” winds up being less rigid about its four-issue per structure and gives the stories as much or as little time as they deserve to bring the fun. Read Full Review

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