Who can save Madrox from hopping from dimension to dimension!? Guest-starring Tony Stark and Steve Rogers.
I have no idea where this story ends, and I can't wait to find out. If you're not reading X-Factor, I highly recommend adding it to your list – it's quickly become one of my favorite books of all time. Read Full Review
For me, this book has just about everything I could want. It's interesting on both intellectual and visceral levels. It has strong artwork that improves upon a strong story. And, perhaps most apparent, it's pretty freaking hilarious. This book isn't the greatest jumping-on point for new readers, but I'm sure there are copies of X-Factor #230 in most people's comic shops (not to mention digital) that will help. Stick this title on your pull list now, because it's one of the most consistently enjoyable comic books in the industry. Read Full Review
I've said this many a time around here, but it bears repeating... I LOVE alternate dimensional storylines! Especially good alternate dimensional storylines! And this storyline? It definitely fits that bill. Sure, we could have seen some more from the other X-Factor members, especially after last issue's bombshell with Havok and Polaris showing up, but the Madrox story was so good I have no real complaints. Read Full Review
Overall, X-Factor #231 may not be the strongest issue of the arc thus far, but it does well to maintain quality and accessibility that most 'second-issues-for-new-readers' struggle with. Read Full Review
While this isn't the best jumping on point in the middle of a story arc, you should strongly consider adding X-Factor to your weekly pull list. Read Full Review
I gave the previous issue a look-see and was drawn in. I came back for this one. Lupacchino's art and David's writing are enough to guarantee that I'll be back for the next issue. Read Full Review
A fair offering for X-Factor and Madrox fans. There was some nice, standard poignancy in the tragedy of Cap and Iron Man and I look forward to seeing what's up with the Sorceror Supreme in the next issue. Read Full Review