Siege #3

Event\Storyline: Siege Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Olivier Coipel Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 17, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 8
7.5Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Lives have been lost! Lines have been drawn! And the battle for Asgard is in full force. The moment for revelations and life-changing moves is here, and for some, this will be the last choice they ever make in this world.

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Mar 21, 2010

    Coipel is Coipel. Hes one of the best artists that Marvel Comics has right now. His folksy style captures all characters idioms so well. I like his rendition of the Sentry as this parasitic creature. Of course I like his Thor and I like his Captain America and Iron Man. Theres a double page spread in there that just calls to action. All the heroes are lined up and ready to kick ass. Just perfect. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Mania - Chris Smits Mar 23, 2010

    With the final issue left to come, Siege #3 sets everything up while still leaving the reader excited to see what the hell can possibly happen next. Siege #3 gets another A+ from me for the series and I have to say that if you're a fan of the Marvel Universe, READ THIS BOOK! There are some great "Oh S#!T" moments that I didn't even mention because they're best left in the pages of the book when you read it. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Mar 18, 2010

    This issue is lots of fun - a cool splash of water after the long dreary trudge of the Dark Reign. I'm looking forward to the grand finale! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Mar 18, 2010

    Is this issue a little too simple? Maybe. Is it a little too cheesy at times? Definitely. Is it an epic of awesome battle scenes and cool explosions? Hell yeah. This is what an event comic should be. You don't buy Siege for character, you buy it to see sh*t get f*cked up, which is exactly what you get here. A total improvement on the first two dismal issues. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Comic Addiction - Robert Tacopina Mar 17, 2010

    I thoroughly had a blast reading this issue and don’t have any complaints at all. Yeah someone will inevitably find something that irks them but in my opinion this was an excellent book and Bendis and company did an incredible job. I can not wait for the final issue! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Apr 1, 2010

    Anyway, this was another solid effort from BENDIS, although I liked it a little bit less then the awesome first issue, as some of BENDIS'S annoying dialogue began to rear its ugly head again. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 16, 2010

    The fourth issue of this series will have quite a bit to live up to given what has happened in the first three issues, but from what I've seen here, issue #4 seems like a lock to be a great read. Surprisingly enough, this series appears to still have some surprises in store and more than a few wonderful characters to deliver those surprises through, I just hope the final issue uses all of the pages for story and Coipel art. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 17, 2010

    I expect some readers will be surprised with how issue #3 wraps up. Those who expected Siege to hinge on a final brawl between Cap and Osborn or Spider-Man and Osborn will find the truth to be far different. The shift does come a little out of the blue, but on the other hand it can't be argued Bendis hasn't tipped his hand in the Avengers books already. However he chooses to wrap up this big event, I'm expecting plenty more memorable showdowns and dynamic visuals in issue #4. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that the tidal wave of unnecessary text recedes next time. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Mar 18, 2010

    Siege #3 was another incredibly disappointing issue. I have never thought that Bendis was a big event writer and Siege is simply confirming my beliefs on that matter. If you enjoyed Siege #1 and #2 then I would certainly encourage you to get Siege #3. You will probably enjoy this issue. I would also recommend Siege #3 to action fans who do not care at all about dialogue, character work and a deep and complex story. Readers who just enjoy fighting and seeing things get blown up should get plenty of entertainment value out of Siege #3. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Matthew J. Brady Mar 16, 2010

    However this works out, it's probably for the best; if the event had dragged on any longer, it would have seemed like another one of those long affairs with a disappointing payoff. This way, it can finish up and get to the next status quo with a minimum of fuss. Of course, it's really not necessary at all, but if fans have to have this sort of thing, Marvel could do a lot worse. Either way, don't expect me to shell out any money for it. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Mar 17, 2010

    If you made it this far, you know I don't like this event and nothing anyone says will change that. Every little thing adds up to grate on me. I can see why people like it, I can see why they are enjoying it and I know many of my complaints are overblown and nitpicking/Comic Book Guylevel whining. I can't help it, but feel I've explained the majority of the things that bother me about this issue to the best of my ability and believe that they are valid complaints. Whether they bother you or not or if you put as much weight on them as I do is up to you. Personally, I just can't enjoy this issue or event on any level other than the superficial. Read Full Review

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