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Batgirl #24

Writer: Bryan Q. Miller Artist: Pere Perez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 10, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 3
9.1Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Stephanie Brown has done her best to put her past behind her, but as the Repears' mysterious client stands revealed, Batgirl's going to learn the hard way that those who fail history are doomed to repeat it. This issue has it all: Secrets unearthed! Alliances broken! Splash pages!

  • 10
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Aug 13, 2011

    Gail Simone, who will take this title over next month with Barbara, has made it very clear that she believes Stephanie Brown deserves a place in the new DC Universe. I hope we find out what that place is, and soon, because shes completely earned it. Bryan Q. Miller has proven what a magnificent character she can be, and theres no reason she should be kept on the shelf for very long. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Jimmy Aug 11, 2011

    This issue stands out to me as one of the best issues of the run, ranking up there with issue 18 (the Klarion team-up) for my top two. The art is incredible, and it gives the perfect sense of closure. Anyone who has been reading Batgirl HAS to buy this issue, though people who haven't been reading the series probably wouldn't get much out of it. This issue resonated with me with practically every page, and even the rushed nature of the Cluemaster sequence wasn't Miller's fault, since he had to end things with this issue. I give Batgirl 24 a full five out of five stars, with the hope that Mr. Miller gets put on at least one title in the relaunch (a Brave and the Bold revival, anyone?) Read Full Review

  • 9.9
    A Comic Book Blog - Claire Smith Aug 11, 2011

    Batgirl #24 Review August 11, 2011 DC Comics Reviews 2 comments Tweet This entire 24 issue run culminates in Stephanie's reunion with her third-rate villain of a father and it did nothing less than dazzle me, in this issue and over the past year.Batgirl #24Stephanie Brown does three things in this issue: has a wee bit of a showdown with her father, wakes up in a hospital room to have a touching moment with her mother, and then " the coup de grace " she and Barbara have their heart to heart to set things on the right path for the reboot.Her father, who "made her Spoiler" uses Black Mercy, a powerful hallucinogen, to knock her out and attempt escape from Blackgate. To what end, I'm not sure, but it leads to Stephanie slipping into a coma and waking in a hospital room where her mother sits, tending to her. I really loved how subtle their moment of understanding was. Her mother never had to say, "I know what you've bee Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Joey Esposito Aug 10, 2011

    Miller gives a beautiful send off to a character that he no doubt had many more plans for, so much so that we get glimpses into her life as an altogether different costumed vigilante and mom. Stephanie's closing monologue is touching and sincere as Miller paints a picture for her readers with a wink and a nod that these stories never end, not really. Stephanie's last line of dialog is one of the most well-crafted I've ever seen, perfectly summarizing her character as well as the glory, tragedy, and ultimate underlying message of reading superhero comics: "It's only the end if you want it to be." Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Aug 15, 2011

    Miller doesn't sign-off with regret, or anger. He leaves us with a tearful but hopeful Stephanie Brown savoring her moment in the sun. It's an unbelievably classy exit for a character I couldn't have cared less about two years ago and now I can't imagine the DCU without. For rebooting Stephanie Brown into one great character, for giving her such a terrific farewell, and for everything in between, I've got to thank Bryan Q. Miller. Here's hoping we haven't seen the last of Stephanie Brown; the DCU needs far more characters like her, not less. But if we have, man, what a way to go! Must-read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Aug 12, 2011

    This was a great comic and a strong, if VERY bittersweet, ending to one of my favorite monthly DC titles... Good-bye Steph. And good luck with the reboot... Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Aug 10, 2011

    As readers we've been lucky that some writers were given the opportunity to close their books up nicely, before the re-launch, some of course were not so lucky :: cough "Birds of Prey" cough ::, but Miller does the best of any that I've seen thus far (with the exception of "Detective Comics") and gives readers something satisfying and emotional, personal and proud, for both the book and the character. Miller's love for the character and book is palpable on the page, and you can't ask for more than that. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Aug 11, 2011

    Story-wise, we'll have to give up the plot as a wash, but the issue is the perfect reminder of why this series and character have so deeply captured our affection. But save your tears; as Steph says, "It's only the end if you want it to be." Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Danny Djeljosevic Aug 15, 2011

    Batgirl #24Posted: Monday, August 15, 2011By: Danny Djeljosevic Bryan Q. MillerPere Prez, Guy Major (c), Dave Sharpe (l)DC History lesson: in 1998, Peter David quit his legendary run of The Incredible Hulk due to an editorial dispute (Marvel wanted Savage Hulk back, David wanted to write his comic). His final issue (#467) was an extended denouement set in the future that, among other things, teased all the stories David wouldn't be able to write. Simultaneously a somber, much-earned sendoff to the title he redefined and a middle finger to Marvel for botching the book he made a hit again, David's final issue is a major moment in the idea that these for-hire writers actually have something at stake artistically in these corporate comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Matt Demers Aug 10, 2011

    Like I said earlier, I'm sad to see Batgirl go. This series was light-hearted without being too goofy, and expanded a character that was much-maligned after her resurrection. The cover of the comic not only says goodbye to Steph, but all the people that helped her make her who she was. I will miss these characters, and this book. Read Full Review

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