Gotham City Sirens #24

Writer: Peter Calloway Artist: Andres Guinaldo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 29, 2011 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The breakout at Arkham continues! When Batman shows up to stop the escaping villains and allies with Catwoman, battle lines are drawn between the Sirens. Will Selina stick by The Sirens? Or will she take on Harley and Ivy? And what side will Harley take when faced with a choice between her love the Joker and her best friend Ivy?

  • 8.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Wayland Jul 6, 2011

    One quibble here really is that I'm not sure I see the need for two more issues. This really could have been the end quite nicely. In the future, we've seen a barely dressed Harley will be on Suicide Squad, Ivy is improbably in the new Birds of Prey, and Catwoman is going back to her own title. Oh well, it was a good read. I'm a bit disappointed that Harley went back to Joker, I was hoping she'd finally wise up, but it was very in character. I do wonder how that's going to work with the Squad" not even Waller (if she's part of the new Squad) is nuts/overconfident enough to put Joker on that team. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Jul 3, 2011

    Um, was this the last issue or something? Weird... I mean by the end of this issue, there was only one Siren left standing, Catwoman... I mean I like CW and all, but I liked the dynamic of Cats, Harley and Ivy together... Ah well. As usual, this was an above average read. My only complaint would be how swift the Joker/Harley-Batman/Catwoman showdown was. I mean we were building up to this big tag team main event, and it's all over over the course of a few short pages. I personally could have went for an entire issue of Bats and Cats battling the demented duo all throughout Arkham, but alas, it was not to be. If this was the last issue of this series, I'll definitely miss it, if not, then cool, I'll be reading issue #25 next month! Read Full Review

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