Green Lantern #47

Event\Storyline: Blackest Night Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Doug Mahnke Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 28, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 15
8.1Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

BLACKEST NIGHT continues! The war between the Blue Lanterns and Agent Orange implodes as the universe darkens! But a strange turn will send this epic battle in an unexpected direction when Larfleeze has something he desperately hordes taken away from him!

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Oct 31, 2009

    A few hiccups here and there, but an otherwise rock solid read that hits all the right notes for me. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 2, 2009

    I don't think this comic can stand alone, but I can't imagine anyone reading this who wouldn't be following Blackest Night, too. Together, those comics are spinning a heck of a tale. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Nov 9, 2009

    The fact that I find myself caring about these other Corps tells me that Geoff Johns has done a splendid job on this series for the past 4 years now. Not only do I have an emotional investment in Hal and Sinestro and their respective Corps, but more and more I find myself truly caring about the rest of the Corps running around in the DCU. As usual, this was a great comic that I'd highly recommend. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Oct 30, 2009

    This week's issue of Green Lantern is the polar opposite of this week's Blackest Night thanks to its tight storytelling, big action with a purpose, strong storytelling, and simply gorgeous artwork. In fact, the two are so different that it is hard to believe that the same man wrote both issues. Of course, this issue was also helped by Doug Mahnke's superb artwork. I've been a fan of Mahnke's for years and I'm glad to see that he is doing such an amazing job on this highprofile gig. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 28, 2009

    All in all, issue #48 is one of the stronger issues of Green Lantern this year, but it isn't perfect. As mentioned, there are times when the shifting focus detracts from the flow of the script. Johns focuses a single page on John Stewart, which does little but remind readers that John has a role to play in Blackest Night. Also, the transition between Atrocitus' role early in the issue and his later appearance is poorly handled. I was left wondering if Johns skipped over some vital piece of the story, and if he plans on revisiting it later down the road. But that aside, Green Lantern #48 was a satisfying read and just one more sign that the Lantern books are firing on all cylinders these days. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Joe Lopez Oct 29, 2009

    Johns and Mahnke deliver yet another superb chapter of Blackest Night. While some other titles crossing over with the event have started to feel tired when it comes to the primary gimmick, Johns uses Green Lantern to further flesh out the story in a magnificent way. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 28, 2009

    It's been a delight to see "Green Lantern" have the space to help expand what even eight full issues of "Blackest Night" doesn't have time for. Normally I'd be complaining that characters like John Stewart are only getting one page of forward movement, but looking at Mahnke's pencils here, it's such a wonderfully creepy moment that I'm all right with that. When "Blackest Night" is collected, I hope they release a volume of all of the connected "Green Lantern" issues at the same time. Really, this is required reading; not only because it's showing what the rest of the characters are up to, but because it's an excellent story in its own right. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Oct 29, 2009

    Youd be hard-pressed to find a better fit for a comic story featuring a variety of undead aliens than Mahnkes dark, creepy art style. His opening splash featuring monstrous, distorted visions of alien life establishes an unnerving tone right from the start. I also love the sharp features he brings to Sinestro and the motive quality of the characters faces. I was also pleased to find that the use of several inkers didnt lead to jarring shifts in the art or any noticeable inconsistencies this time around. Colorist Randy Mayor is also to be commended for his approach to the Black Lanterns emoti-vision. The blends of the bright colors representing how the living characters are feeling are quite well done. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser Oct 30, 2009

    It is doubtful that many will read this issue who dont already have reasonable expectations for how it will relate to the rest of the Blackest Night titles. If youve been on board with the style and substance of the last few months worth of Green Lantern, youll feel right at home with this latest issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Oct 30, 2009

    I'm having great fun with the main Blackest Night titlefor some time now, but I have to say I'm not as in love with this issue, or with the Green Lantern portion of the overall.Various pundits havebeen joking about the inevitable appearance of a "White Lantern" forsince pretty much day one, and this book does little to dispel the thought thatwe're headed precisely there. Hal Jordan is a bit limiting as a main character (at least for me) in that his current portrayal is a little bit too "Cosmic Batman,"positing that nothing will ever throw Jordan off his game as he's just too darn awesome. When the rest of the cast includeshis ex-main-squeeze andhis bestfrenemy, I want to seea little more psychological ramifications. The real star ofthis issue is Sinestro, who deals decisively with his ex, as well as his former best friend, and even makes a remarkably rational decision when faced with death. The overall effect is to make me like HIM more than our ostensible hero, at least if we baseall Read Full Review

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