Generation Hope #13

Writer: James Asmus Artist: Ibraim Roberson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 16, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
6.5Critic Rating
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Hope and what is left of her five lights travel to China to find their latest recruit. Sebastian Shaw makes his return! But what are his intentions this time.

  • 8.0
    Outer Realm Comics - Rebecca Stein Jan 2, 2012

    A solid, promising beginning for a relatively new writer. Good art, good characters, and strong relations to the future of the X-Men franchise as a whole. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 16, 2011

    I should point out that GENERATION HOPE has always been a tough book for me. My main problem is I never really cared for any of the characters. I followed the series every few issues and decided it was time to come back with the beginning of Regenesis. James Asmus is off to a great start. He establishes who the team is along with their attitudes towards others. Some of the characters can be annoying but that's because of their personalities. Tension in team books usually moves the story along. We have some interesting additions to the team and their mission towards the end doesn't turn out quite like they'd expect. Asmus managed to get me hooked. I will be back next issue to see what the fate of the team is. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Nov 16, 2011

    I fully admit, I was ready to drop this series once Gillen left, an opener this strong has left me wanting to read the next issue. If Generation Hope #13 can spur any other readers into a similar 180, well, that's got to be one in the win column for Marvel. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Nov 22, 2011

    Gah, this sucked. And hard. Well, it would be bad form to drop a series that I JUST put back on my pull list, so I'll give this series at least one more issue(probably two knowing myself), but good god was this awful. Granted, it wasn't Avengers #19 terrible, but it was close. Now, while I detest almost every character in this one, I will say that Zero and Transonic have some potential. Hey, check me out, I just said something kind of nice about this series! I think I'll end this post there, since I'm sure everything else I type will be very negative. Read Full Review

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