Venom #14

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Tony Moore Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 7, 2012 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
8.4Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Mephisto Offers A Deal The Heroes Might Not Be Able To Refuse. Before Ghost Rider’s Decision Rips This New Team Apart, Can They Work Together To Stop Blackheart? Cap And The Avengers Might Have Something To Say About The Fallout. Reteaming All-Stars Rick Remender And Tony Moore

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Sara 'Babs' Lima Mar 7, 2012

    This is no masterpiece by any means, but it is a mini-series that managed to take an unlikely cast of characters, put them in a sticky situation and force them to work together. It worked. Each character got panel time and proved to be an asset to the team in this quirky mini-series. This is by no means a jaw dropping, edge of your seat story; but it is a solid comic book.The art is a lot of fun and compliments the tone of the book, and the loose ends are tied by the time you get to the final page. Definitely a fun little mini-series featuring an unlikely cast of characters. I wouldn't mind seeing them work together again. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Mathis Koos Mar 9, 2012

    The story ties up nicely with a epic battle between Ghost Rider/Venom/Hulk and Blackheart. Blackheart is defeated in a clever manner using his own devices and all seems right with the world. A reminder of the Deal with the Devil that these 4 characters made is thrown in, and I wish I could just forget about it. The deal with the Devil portion of the story really killed it for me and being reminded of it in this otherwise fantastic finale seems wrong. When all is said and done though, Circle of Four ended up being a fun romp through Hell with a fresh team up of Marvel Universe characters. I think the weekly shipping factor is what made guest writers and artists a necessity, but I think the story would have been much more successful if done solely by Remender and Moore on a monthly basis. I'll see you here next month as we kick off another story with Venom. A Venom that is no longer on the run from the government. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Outer Realm Comics - DeShawn Mar 10, 2012

    Not much to say, it's a great group shot and a good metaphorical representation of what went down this issue. Blackheart could've been depicted in his demon form, which I think would have made the cover more interesting, especially if he were engaged in battle with Venom Hulk Rider. That would've likely would've spoiled the event when solicitations were released, and we wouldn't want that. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Mar 8, 2012

    This whole arc seemed like a diversion at first, but really picked up intensity and is now this really dark, ugly chapter in the dark, ugly histories of all of these pseudo-heroes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Erik Norris Mar 7, 2012

    Overall, the Circle of Four mini-event has been a rousing success. As I've stated before, this is one of Marvel's best events in recent memory. It might not have gotten the publicity and hype put behind it like something like Avengers vs. X-Men, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't check it out. It's a damn entertaining read from start to finish, even if the final chapter doesn't stick the landing perfectly. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Mar 10, 2012

    You KNOW what I'm the most pissed off about, right? There was NO reason Bad-Ass Ghost Rider couldn't have been killed off in this storyline. Absolutely none. Hell, I'd have even been okay if she was killed off in a relatively heroic manner! Instead, she acted like a bitch the entire storyline, and ended up leaving with the Spirit... I would have bet good money that Marvel was going to give the Spirit back to Johnny Blaze in preparation for the new Ghost Rider movie! Instead, that unlikable, useless Bad-Ass Ghost Rider is still out there. And that sucks. Yeah, that really put a damper on this issue for me. This comic was okay and all, but it isn't something I'll be thinking back on in a few days time. It was a pretty lackluster storyline that ended in a pretty lackluster way. Here's hoping we get the awesome Venom back come next issue now that this Hell nonsense has concluded. Read Full Review

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