Winter Soldier #10

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Butch Guice Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 12, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 7
8.5Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

Her mind cracked and warped, can Bucky save the Black Widow…from herself?

  • 9.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Sep 18, 2012

    Winter Soldier is another flawless entry in a story that is deeper, more exciting and better written than pretty much anything in the Marvel Universe. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Sep 16, 2012

    This was yet another really good issue of this series. As usual. Ed Brubaker is one of those writers who once he gets rolling is probably better than anybody else. Sometimes it takes Brubaker's stories a little time to develop, but once they do... Pure awesomeness. This storyline is no exception. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Sep 12, 2012

    Butch Guice steps in on pencils this issue. His layouts are fantastic, using a bending, disorienting layout for the flashbacks. It works well, giving a sense of chaos as the Black Widow pummels her way to freedom. It's not perfect -- Steve Rodgers looks a little off, for instance " but it's a damn fine looking issue. It's also worth noting that Marvel has started listing Bettie Breitweiser as providing "Color Art" instead of being credited as a colorist. I couldn't agree more, because what Breitweiser does is absolutely stunning. It is art and it's simply beautiful. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Sep 18, 2012

    Though the fanboy part of me wants to hate certain aspects of the story Winter Soldier #10 but it is just too well executed to hate. Ed Brubaker continues to show why Bucky Barnes as Winter Soldier is deserving of starring in his own solo series. Putting Natasha in a situation where she not only reverts back to the old Black Widow but also forgets her whole relationship with Bucky puts further weight on this latest arc. Having Butch Guice on art only helps further the enjoyment of this issue as he is the perfect fit for the tone Brubaker is going for this story. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Sep 12, 2012

    Guices art is a good comparison to the art found in other books this week like New Avengers #30 where in that case it was just a bunch of faces with open mouths this shows actual facial expressions which adds to the emersion of the story. A special mention has to be made to the colourist Bettie Breitweiser because the choice of colours made the book even more impactful. This can be said to a larger degree during the flashback scenes at the front and back of the issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Sep 16, 2012

    It's unlikely the Black Widow will stay lost for long and, yes, there will be some guilt over her actions and the death of Jasper but no real lingering effects to the overall Marvel Universe. The only way this story has any lasting meaning is if the Black Widow had killed Nick Fury (which didn't happen, and I don't see any reason a character with the savvy of Fury would have put himself in position for her to try) or if Bucky is forced to kill Natasha (which won't happen either). Still, it's well told and worth a look. Read Full Review

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