Batman, Inc. #8
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Batman, Inc. #8

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Scott Clark Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 24, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 14
5.3Critic Rating
6.6User Rating

When Waynetech's launch of Interworld is plagued by a series of "virtual murders," Batman teams up with Oracle to hunt down the culprit in a simulated environment that's slowly collapsing into post-apocalyptic zombie-haunted chaos. A computer-generated Batman adventure that brings Dark Knight justice to a wild new frontier, to face a new and virulent menace. In a world of numbers, does everything have a price?

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Aug 25, 2011

    A fun idea, executed well, but with all the gloss and lack of depth as an excellent action movie. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 24, 2011

    It's not entirely clear when we're getting the last two chapters of Inc., but until they arrive, issue #8 offers a deceptively dense story to mull over. Just be prepared to squint while reading. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Aug 29, 2011

    This setup allows Morrison to give the wheelchair-bound Oracle the chance to engage in some physical action through a Batgirl avatar, teaming up with a virtual version of Batman to counter the viral threat. The writer wears his influences on his sleeve, with the entire issue evoking a Matrix-esque sense of a Baudrillardian erosion of reality in favour of simulation, not to mention the Tron-inspired costumes and gadgetry with which Batman and Oracle equip themselves. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Aug 27, 2011

    Realistically, Morrison's experiment goes a little off the rails here. In many places, the comic is weird, unclear, or downright bad. But it's not all horrible. There's enough going on in this issue to make giving it a read through worthwhile. It's far from a perfect story, but I do appreciate that Morrison is willing to take risks and try new things, even if they aren't always successful. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Aug 24, 2011

    While there's a connection to the overall plotline involving Leviathan (as well as an update on another character that I'll bet almost everyone forgot about from Morrison's "Batman" run), "Batman Incorporated" #8 feels forgettable. Even more frustrating, the hints about what was planned for #9 (Batgirl versus a "finishing school for evil") will presumably go nowhere until the return of the series next year, despite the next-issue blurb at this issue's ending. (Although with the relaunch about to occur, there's always the possibility that both it and the planned "Batman Incorporated" #10 will get scrapped entirely; only time will tell.) As a result, it's a weak temporary conclusion to a series that up until now has been exciting and energetic. Everyone involved with this comic has done better in the past, alas. I don't expect this series to just be a three-star comic, and I suspect none of its other fans do, either. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 24, 2011

    This is the most bizarre Batman, Incorporated issue we've had. A strange adventure set in a virtual world is highlighted by the use of digital drawings. The art takes some getting used to as it works in some parts but looks strange in other areas. Being the final issue of Batman, Incorporated until 2012's relaunch, it's disappointing that we don't have a more solid story. There were some interesting elements but it ended up feeling like more of a filler issue rather than the end of a chapter. There is one significant tease that should make you perk up and long for more of Grant on Batman. We'll just have to wait to see where any of the plots set up are dealt with. I expected more and it's unfortunate that this is how this volume ends. Read Full Review

  • 0.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Aug 28, 2011

    I'm at a complete loss here. If you understood this comic, and realized that Jezebel was somehow behind this, then I tip my hat to you, you're a much smarter person than I am. This comic book read like Grant Morrison slammed his head into his keyboard a bunch of times and sent the results of that to DC... It was... I... I honestly don't even have words for it. I mean it didn't offend me or anything, it just made NO sense! Why the hell was a dog saying, and I quote, "5H898EH23346!"!!! I'm not going to spend any more time on this comic. Like I said, if you enjoyed this issue, more power to you. Me? I just want to forget I ever made the mistake of reading this mess. Read Full Review

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