Final Crisis #6

Event\Storyline: Final Crisis Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: JG Jones Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 14, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 13
7.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

As the entire world turns against them, the last of Earth's Super Heroes must face the unstoppable power of the Gods of Apokolips for the final time. Supergirl vs. Mary Marvel! Superman vs. Darkseid! The fate of the Flash! And the incredible return of the New Gods! The End of Days has come and the ultimate war between good and evil will at last be decided on the battlefield of a broken world!And as the skies bleed, as the walls between universes crumble and fall, the ultimate threat to life makes its presence felt as an evil beyond imagining arrives to claim its prize. Mandrakk the Dark Monitor is coming and the DC Multiverse will never be th more

  • 9.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Jan 17, 2009

    In time, depending on what happens to Batman, the score for this comic may wind up being higher, or much lower. But as it is right now, not knowing what the future holds, this comic was nearly perfect. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kyle Garret Jan 18, 2009

    In fact, I can hardly wait to sit down and read through this entire, fantastic labyrinth of a story through from start to finish all over again. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Jan 18, 2009

    And Luthor has his own pseudo-heroic path to travel. Morrisons Final Crisis is not easy. Its not expected. Its not conventional. Thats what makes it great. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jan 14, 2009

    When it comes down to it, though, as I look at the closed copy of Final Crisis #6 that sits on my desk as I write this, the first thing that comes to mind is a book that blew me away with its high level of entertainment and overwhelming scope. The issue is significantly flawed, yes, and it's difficult not to suspect we were meant to read this installment after the few remaining tie-ins had hit. Still, I can't help but think back to how much fun, excitement and awe I experienced while reading the book. In that regard, I'd say the issue delivered and then some. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Feb 14, 2009

    Batman dies, you have to read it whether you're a fan of it or not. However, for what it's worth, this is easily the best issue of the series, regardless of how the event turned out, and, when I read this, it was the first time I was honestly blown away by this event. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 14, 2009

    Though at times it appears that DC hired a rotating cast of artists to barf on the page and call it a day, I can't help but label Final Crisis #6 as my favorite installment of the series. Everything Morison has been attempting to do with this story really starts to hit home for me. Some may complain that certain plot elements are wrapped up too easily, but I find that to be a bonus. With so much out of the way, Morrison has set the stage for a truly epic and unpredictable finish in two weeks. I can't wait. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 15, 2009

    Still, the end is near - and then we'll see what tricks Morrison has for us. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Jan 18, 2009

    Finally, Im 99 percent certain that Doug Mahnke illustrated pages 32-34 (the final three pages). Superman has the same appearance of leathery skin stretched tight over a pinched-looking skull that he has in Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #1, which was also illustrated by Mahnke. For the most part, I like Mahnkes work, but his Superman just looks emaciated in the face--almost like how an unwrapped 4,000-year-old mummy would look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jan 18, 2009

    It's a little depressing that people are dismissing this series as "crap" or impenetrable just because it's a little more demanding than your average superhero book. Whilst some readers do have legitimate complaints with the book, and it probably won't be to everyone's tastes, I'd like to think that most comics readers are open-minded enough to be receptive to someone who's actually trying to do something unique and innovative with the medium, whilst also telling an exciting, epic superhero story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Benjamin Birdie Jan 14, 2009

    So the sandbox Morrison is playing in is nothing new to his long time readers. He has always played with the comic book form, both figuratively and literally, and now he's able to do that with the entire DC Universe at his disposal. What's remarkable is that he's been able to personalize it in so many ways in this series, all while constantly drawing attention to its artificiality. He's paying tribute to imagination, the literal power of words and ideas, by making it the one thing that can save everyone when nothing else is left. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jan 17, 2009

    Final Crisis #6 was a disappointment after such a fantastic issue in Final Crisis #5. Morrison failed to build off the momentum of Final Crisis #5 and served up a slow and disjointed read with this issue. Final Crisis #6 will leave many readers largely unimpressed and disappointed. Morrison really needed to start giving the reader some pay-off in a story that has been largely set-up and he failed to do that in Final Crisis #6. Morrison certainly has his work cut out for him with Final Crisis #7 and being able to deliver a satisfying ending. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Jan 17, 2009

    It is hard to say if the gems within this issue are enough to make up for the massive faults in the story. Considering that this is the second-to-the-last chapter, it may very well be a sign that the conclusion will be an even bigger mess. That is too bad. Had the editorial side exerted a stronger hand in directing the movement of the story, perhaps this miniseries would truly have become the classic it was suppose to be instead of just another money-making comic-book 'event.' Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Jan 15, 2009

    While it feels like something major happened in this issue, it's just an attempt to get the reader all worked up thinking something Earth-cracking is going to happen, when in reality the final issue will have the sun rising again on a brand new day in the DCU. I think this issue falls flat because the company has been releasing major event after major event for four years, and each time one series concludes, the curtain is pulled away a little bit more to reveal the fact that no change is permanent. This is a shame because of all the Final Crisis issues, this one is my favorite by far, but still only good enough to earn a 2.5 out of 5 Star rating. Read Full Review

  • 1.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Tony Rakittke Jan 15, 2009

    Ultimately, I can't decide if Morrison is a victim of editorial slavery or an advocate of the bad storytelling DC has been pushing down our throats since Crisis on Infinite Earths. I can say with confidence though that this series was not meant for the casual reader. It does not like you. In fact, it wants you to go away. Read Full Review

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