Wolverine #73

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Adam Kubert Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 13, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 6
6.3Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

TWO STORIES over TWO ISSUES! Each tale begins in WOLVERINE #73 and concludes in #74…as the WOLVERINE comic book makes a change you won’t believe… “A DAY IN THE LIFE” PARTS 1 Superstar WOLVERINE artist ADAM KUBERT returns, joined by superstar WOLVERINE writer JASON AARON! Experience a day in the life for America’s favorite mutant—a day packed with action, women, villains, costume changes and beer. Ever wonder why Logan keeps himself so busy these days? The answer lies within. “ONE PERCENTER” PART 1 more

  • 8.2
    IGN - Bryan Joel May 13, 2009

    When it's all taken into consideration, Wolverine #73 is actually a positive reading experience. Daniel Way succeeded in rocketing high above my expectations and turning out a great story, and Jason Aaron at least has the decency to be interesting and discussion-worthy over the course of his odd misstep. Add to that the artwork, which is top-notch and manages to add to each story's effectiveness. An issue like this actually makes me a bit sad to see a format change in the series if the title is capable of moments like this. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Benjamin Birdie May 13, 2009

    Bumping the close of Old Man Logan to make room for this low-key exploration of Wolverine's character might not have been a bombastic move on Marvel's part. These stories don't have the kind of action or relentless cadre of guest-star heroes that the movie did, but those who found themselves interested in the concept of Wolverine as seen in the movies might be pleasantly surprised at such an adept, complicated, and compelling look at the character behind it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 15, 2009

    I'm not sure why they broke both stories in half and slapped them together instead of just releasing them each in their own issue and I'm a tad disappointed with how the Aaron/Kubert half panned out, but I think I'm still satisfied with the purchase and, while not an absolute must read issue, think it's definitely worth checking out if either story or creator team interests you. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Rob G May 18, 2009

    Great art and bland story delivered cold for this excursion into the Wolverine mythos. That being said, I do think new readers will enjoy this story enough to keep them plugged in. And new readership is a good thing for all. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Jun 7, 2009

    What the hell was this??? Neither one of these stories did a thing for me. The first one really didn't have a plot, or give me any reason to want to read the next issue, and the second one just wasn't very interesting. Sheesh, if I wanted to read a bad comic book, I should have read New Avengers #53! Read Full Review

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