Red Hood And The Outlaws #9

Event\Storyline: Night of the Owls Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Kenneth Rocafort Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 16, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 9
7.4Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

"NIGHT OF THE OWLS" continues here! The Court of Owls is attacking, and the last person in the world you'd expect to answer Batman's call to arms is the RED HOOD! Also featuring MR. FREEZE!

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 16, 2012

    Kenneth Rocafort also delivers yet another attractive set of pencils. His page layouts are especially impressive in this issue, as he frequently builds his panels around Freeze's ice structures and engages the eye through diagonal angles. This book wouldn't be half of what it was without Rocafort's consistently well-executed pages. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers May 16, 2012

    Another fun issue form Red Hood and the Outlaws. Not much left to say... The book was just fun, like it always has been. Also, enjoyed the Batgirl cameo. Shared Gotham universe! Woo! One slight drawback was the Talon. Based on all the others, I've never known a Talon simply to run for no reason. I never really got why he was fleeing the scene. I mean.... I get it was to get him to the circus grounds, but the Talons are relentless killing machines, and we didn't really get a reason as to why this one stopped. Basically I feel we're just missing that variable between the "Ruthless killing machine" and "Sympathetic Jason analogue." It's not as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be, just voicing my thoughts. Still like the issue plenty though. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Entertainment Fuse - Sean Elks May 18, 2012

    Red Hood and the Outlaws gives a pretty solid entry to the Night of the Owls event. No, it isn't crucial reading for the event, but almost none of these tie-ins honestly are. The common ground between Red Hood and the Talon does make this one of the more interesting and substantial Talon confrontations in the event so far, though. The downside of this issue is that Lobdell lets the potentially interesting presences of Mr. Freeze and Batgirl go to waste. This issue had the potential to be a lot better than it is, but what it is really isn't bad. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry May 16, 2012

    Overall it's a nice one-and-done story that's new reader family so don't be afraid to pick it up if you've never read a Red Hood adventure before. Is it a bit exposition heavy in parts? Yes. And there's not as much action as I was hoping and the Talons are really turning out to be lame cross-over villains. Far too many of them seem to eventually break down and give a “Nobody loved me. I didn't have a childhood…” speech. Cobb and Staunton are the only ones who have felt like an unstoppable force and a real threat. Still, I definitely recommend this as one of the best tie-ins to the Night of the Owls outside of “Nightwing” and “Batwing”. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp May 22, 2012

    Although I'm not thrilled with the redesign of Freeze or the conclusion of the Red Hood's battle with Talon there are several nice moments here including Kory's reaction to being attacked by Mr. Freeze, Todd's inner struggle and walk down memory lane, and his confrontation with Batgirl in the comic's final pages. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 May 21, 2012

    Huh... I don't know about the way Scott Lobdell wrote that Talon here... That was pretty weird... All of the Talons prior to this were pretty much one-minded, emotionless machines programed to follow the Court's orders... Except for this Talon, who wasn't... Like I said, it was weird. For the most part this was a good issue, but that stuff with the Talon really bugged me... Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Outer Realm Comics - Chifuyu May 16, 2012

    The characters seem slightly lost in the overwhelming amount of red color that was used here and it is one of the less accurate covers concerning the contents of the book. Jason did not fight the Talon so much as chatting him up. Read Full Review

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