Amazing Spider-Man #695

Writer: Dan Slott, Christos Gage Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 3, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 4
8.2Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Dark times are coming for Peter Parker and change is closer than you even fear. As we aim headlong to ASM #700, The Kingpin s latest plan turns one of Spider-Mans greatest strengths against him. Hobgoblin is backbut his days may be numbered as the past sharpens its blades.

  • 10
    Blue Raven Comics - Eric Scroggs Oct 4, 2012

    Artist Giuseppe Camuncoli makes a welcome return this issue, possibly outdoing his excellent work from No Turning Back a few issues ago. He draws a pretty wicked Hobgoblin and is perfect for this story. I really can't praise this issue and this series enough. At the risk of repeating myself, this is the best series being published today and this issue gets a very enthusiastic 10/10 from me. Well done! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Flip Geeks - Mikael Francisco Oct 3, 2012

    This issue grips you from start to finish, and is a very good lead-up to the inevitable smackdown between two Goblins. Let's just hope the creative team of Amazing can deliver a story that doesn't end up falling flat (like last issue's “Alpha” conclusion). Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - mcknight57 Nov 23, 2012

    This is a better issue than the ones before in many aspects and as such, earns a 4/5. The only thing stopping it from being a solid 5 is that it sort of feels like it's borrowing from DC on the double-page spread. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Marvel Disassembled - Mike Oct 3, 2012

    As for the future of Spider-Man, no new series has been announced just yet but there's a teaser for something labeled 'Superior'. New creative team has been announced but it's gotJanuary 2013 launch date that fits quite nicely as ASM is ending on December 26. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Oct 8, 2012

    Culminating in an explosive splash page featuring much of the Marvel NOW! lineup, this would be an amazing standalone comic " but the fact that it's an opening chapter makes Amazing Spider-Man #695 even more impressive. It doesn't try to reinvent the wheel with new wrinkles or add-ons to the status quo, but instead takes a tried-and-true element to the Spidey mythos, turns it on its head, and lets the soap opera bubble over as a result. As long as Slott and Gage are behind the wheel on Amazing Spider-Man, you owe it to yourself to take yourself right into the "Danger Zone." Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Oct 9, 2012

    Note: Apologies for the lack of images for this review, Marvel decided not to release previews for this issue for some unknown reason. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Scott West Oct 4, 2012

    Now in this 50th anniversary year, Spidey has faced off against Doctor Octopus and now the original Hobgoblin which is fine with me. I'd love to see the Green Goblin return as well but I think Norman Osborn is too far gone from that role to return any time soon… but I guess we'll see. Issue #700 is still on the way and I expect that's when the proverbial bomb is going to drop. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Oct 6, 2012

    Okay, I don't think for a second that Hobby believes that Peter is Spider-Man.  So let me just put that out there right off the bat.  Instead, I figure he kidnapped Peter due to that report that said he was Spidey's tech guy.  What better way to get into Spidey's head than to kidnap Spidey's tech guy.  Not only that, but Hobby can take Peter to Kingpin, who can then force Peter to perfect the Spider-Sense dampening device Kingpin had Stone working on.  It all makes so damn much sense!  There was also some stuff with the presumed to be dead former Hobgoblin, Roderick Kingsley, returning to Manhattan to take back his mantle from Phil.  All in all, great stuff here, as usual.  I can't wait to see what Dan Slott has in store for Spidey(and us!) as the march to #700 continues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Oct 8, 2012

    This was a pretty solid issue. If anyone was wondering if this title had lost its juice after that mediocre Alpha story, this should put those minds at ease. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Oct 3, 2012

    The art from Giuseppe Camuncoli is much more realistic than the kinetic, angular work of Humberto Ramos, but it's still solid stuff, bringing the energy when needed. The players in the game here - two different Hobgoblins, the Bugle, the Labs, Stone, Kingpin, Madame Web - are all leading up to something interesting, and Slott, and Gage, for that matter, are the kinds of writers we can believe when they say they've got things cooking that will knock our socks off. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Oct 3, 2012

    The art in this issue is a much needed improvement. Giuseppe Camuncoli does a great job of mimicking Huberto Ramos work in recent Amazing Spidey issue without looking as childish. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Oct 4, 2012

    Amazing Spider-Man #695 is a very good issue that will please series fans as they enter the “Danger Zone.” Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    First Comics News - Matthew Szewczyk Oct 3, 2012

    Overall the issue was good but you really get the sense that things are picking up now leading to some huge story lines along with the seven-hundreth issue in a few months. This is a great time to get on board with the Amazing Spider-Man series and enjoy the new stories, it is only going to get better from here! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Crux - Nick Verissimo Oct 3, 2012

    There are not tons of standout moment s in this issue, but it is very solid from top to bottom. It lets you in on how big these events are going to be, but subtly points towards them without deciding to skip ahead to the end and trace back key moments as they go along. I like the slow simmer that Slott has started. When things get to boil over, everything is going to be an irreversible mess. Well, sort of, you know, considering this stuff might not matter in the Marvel Now! Ah heck, that's a debate for another day. Buy this book! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Oct 7, 2012

    The countdown to AMS #700 continues, but in the meantime we’re still treated to some kick ass Spider-man stories like this one. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Oct 3, 2012

    And if you want to see a bunch of tiny teaser images for Marvel NOW! awkwardly shoehorned into the narrative, you can find that in here, too. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Eric "djotaku" Mesa Oct 5, 2012

    It's a really good issue, but Dan Slott is doing a lot of setting up for this arc so it's not a great issue. No surprise there, it's pretty rare for the first issue of an arc to be great. We're left wondering just where this is all leading to that forces Slott into hiding. All I have to say is that if it involves Mephisto and erasing of more continuity or if we end up back at the beginning of Parker's life or something like that I will straight up stop reading this book. I know fans always threaten to stop reading, but I truly mean it. I don't have that much money for comics so if Dan Slott gives me an excuse to stop reading Spider-Man I will take it. And since there's the possibility once again of the world knowing his identity (which was also part of the non-marriage deal), I am a little wary. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 5, 2012

    Dan Slott has some big plans for the book in "Amazing Spider-Man" #700 and he seems ready to poke at the foundation of Spider-Man's current status quo, like an over-caffeinated teenager boldly shoving Jenga planks out of a once-sturdy tower. This issue has a little wobble in it, not enough to topple that tower, but certainly enough to draw out concern for future moves. That said, Slott has provided plenty of entertaining stories in the past, enough to nurture hope that "Amazing Spider-Man" will be a fun, enjoyable read right up to the final issue. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    PopMatters - Michael D. Stewart Oct 8, 2012

    We could spend a long time digging into the minutiae of problems facing Amazing Spider-Man #695, but that would ignore the larger picture. While there is much to admire about Slott's work at plotting so many storylines and keeping them fairly coherent, it must be said how much potential is being left in the margins. Visions of the future are fine, but don't let them handicap your efforts, especially on the march to a milestone issue. Read Full Review

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