Spotlight on Beast Boy! Gar Logan grows tired of not being taken seriously by his Titans teammates. And what he plans on doing about it will astound you!
When I saw this was going to be a spotlight on Beast Boy issue I nearly didn't bother to read it! I've never been a fan of BB, he's always been a shallow annoyance to me. However, this issue wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't like it was mind-blowingly good or anything, but the fact that it was readable made it WAY better then I thought it was going to be. Read Full Review
This issue wants to be "A Day in the Life," but it feels more like a "DC Tryout Book." DC desperately needs to decide how to commit to this title, what "Titans" needs to be and how to get there. This title has been boring and flat for over half a year now, and this issue is just another example of that. I want to enjoy "Titans," truly I do, but to receive this level of effort for my hard earned three bucks really makes me want to chalk it up and start a different title. Read Full Review