Nightwing #86

Writer: Devin Grayson Artist: Patrick Zircher Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 15, 2003 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
5.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Cyber-Punks, street bikes and machine guns are just the beginning of Dick Grayson's troubles. The coming times will be the most definitive epoch in Dick Grayson's history since he donned the mantle of Nightwing!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 26, 2003

    The book opens with a fairly impressive bit of action, as Nightwing tests out his new motorcycle by racing around on the rooftops of Bludhaven, while doing battle with a ruthless band of thugs. Now the fight is a fairly high energy affair that acts as a nice introduction to the book's newest artist, and while Nightwing never looks to be in any real danger, it's an interesting battle that plays up a nice sense of speed, plus the idea that these characters can fall off these rooftops that are racing around upon. As for the rest of the issue, I rather enjoyed Dick's method of moving through life with his blinders on as we see he's unable to see the problem developing before his very eyes until Barbara is reduced to tears, and even then he's clueless as to what he can do to make things better. Devin Grayson also delivers some fairly engaging moments of interaction in this issue, as the scene between Alfred and Batman was a fun sequence, as was the scene where Dick questions why Alfred has Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Oct 20, 2003

    Dramatic changes in the status quo plus subplots that move at a glacial pace does not equal success, so its no surprise I didnt like this issue all that much. Hell, even the main plot (Nightwings dealings with the new Tarantula) hasnt moved all that much and Id say thats more than a little frustrating. Im still waiting for Grayson to wow me, and shes been on the title for over a year. Any way you look at it, thats not good. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Nov 10, 2008

    Dick's behavior in this comic was just horrifyingly wrong. I hope that there is some reason he is acting this way, and I hope it is explained really soon, because I am rapidly losing my patience with this crap. Read Full Review

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