Thunderbolts #163.1

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Declan Shalvey Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
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JUSTICE - LIKE LIGHTNING! As Songbird readies the hunt for the escaped Thunderbolts, she must present their history to the mysterious forces that guide The Raft - but those forces have more devious plans for these former Masters of Evil!

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - David O'Leary Oct 20, 2011

    Yet another great issue of one of Marvels better books. Kev Walker is back on the next issue that delves into time travel while Dec flies off to Vertigo for a while to work on Northlanders. This book stuck to Marvels idea of what the point one initiative should have been and even if you dont read Thunderbolts regularly you can still pick this up and enjoy the heck out of it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Sep 23, 2011

    Meh. This issue was okay, but it definitely didn't wow me or anything. It also didn't seem like a great jumping on point for new fans, since it basically continued the story that's been going on in this series for the past few issues. I guess Songbird's flashback was supposed to be for newbies, but it wasn't all that helpful, and the stuff at the end of the flashback/dream with Zemo just added confusion to it all. This issue basically can be summed up like this: Thanks to Valkyrie, the T-Bolts can hunt down their rogue teammates by latching onto the energy signature of Gunna's axe. And all of that information came out in the last two pages, making the rest of this comic a waste of time for me... Read Full Review

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