David O'Leary's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 48
8.4Avg. Review Rating

All Nighter #2

Aug 31, 2011

The continuing mystery of the title on several fronts remains the books selling points. If they were answered too early in the run then the book would just be a teenage girl sweating over which boy to choose but thankfully Hahn realises that this and leaves enough questions to be answered to leave everyone wanting a bit more.

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All Nighter #3

Nov 18, 2011

Its nice to come to the realisation that this book was worth sticking around for. It has earned a place at the top of my reading pile and in one sense it is a pity it is a mini series as Id love to see it continue but at the same time, Ill just enjoy it while its here.

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All Nighter #4

Dec 31, 2011

With just one issue left to wrap everything up Hahn has enough questions left to answer that the final issue has a lot of expectation riding on it. I hope that he can carry it off as I have enjoyed this series no end and I would not like to be let down in the final issue.

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Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #520

Jul 19, 2011

Im afraid that this aint the shining light that people make it out to be. It has its ups but it has too many downs to keep me on board. I am unaware of the future of the book with the return of Daredevil coming next month. If Black Panther were to go on I would wish for it to be more like previous incarnations and not having such a strong character and his wife substituting for someone else and trying to be something they are not.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #1

Sep 13, 2011

When Buffy goes on sale later this month it will be a welcome return of the book to hardcore fans. For the casual reader it unfortunately comes across as a little better than average comic book.

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Chew #23

Apr 19, 2012

This run so far has been golden and is becoming a modern classic in the making. It will be fascinating to see where the events of the last page are going to bring Colby in his work relationship with Director Penya. Whatever the outcome, it will be funny, disgusting and great comics all in one.

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Dead Man's Run #0

Nov 18, 2011

The first issue of the series proper goes on sale on January 4th next year and the zero issue here has raised enough questions and given me enough of a hook that I will be there to see the outcome and see where it goes. The talent on show in the creators is too much for this to be a failure and I encourage you to dip your feet in at try it.

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Dead Man's Run #1

Jan 29, 2012

This book is a slickly written and a great looking addition to the shelves. The promise of what will be a great battle between Sam and the Warden for Juniper's ultimate fate is just too enticing a prospect to leave to one side and ignore. With tantalizing sub plots added for good measure in particular those including General Romero, I can consider myself pulled in hook line and sinker and you should too by getting in on the ground floor of this book boasting huge potential.

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Dead Man's Run #2

Apr 19, 2012

Greg Pak is taking his time crafting this tale and Im perfectly okay with that. He has managed to create a protagonist in Sam that is easily relatable as he wants to save his sister who is in Hell somewhere. His stroke of luck memorizing the map in the Wardens office means that Sams very survival in the book is essential as he gathers a small group of fellow prisoners who wouldnt mind escaping Hell with him. As we move forward with this absorbing read, I am firmly entrenched in what could be a sleeper hit of the year.

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Fantastic Four: Season One #1

Mar 1, 2012

As a bonus to the story as if the main part of the book wasnt value for money as it was, you also get Fantastic Four #570, the pivotal first issue in Jonathon Hickman and Dale Eagleshams already famed run that helped redefine the FF for a new era of readers. This is an epic book and does a wonderful task of speaking UP to new readers and is the epitome of what a great comic should be. This book is now a tent pole for the rest of the Season 1 books and the bar is set very high as a result. You may ask, legitimately, for the need for yet another retelling of the teams origins and you could talk for hours about the reasons for and against it but what you cant escape is the fact that book is hugely enjoyable and a credit to all involved.

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Farscape #22

Aug 11, 2011

With such little time left on this series I encourage you to sample the title before it is too late. It goes on sale next Wednesday the 10th at a comic shop near you.

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Farscape #24

Dec 6, 2011

I have greatly enjoyed this series over the last couple of years and Im someone who never really delved too much into the show when it was on TV, Im more of a Trekkie truth be told, but became a fan through following the mini series and then the ongoing that BOOM! have produced these last few years. This was a fitting goodbye to the series, however permanent or temporary, and it has been a great ride.

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Fatale #1

Jan 29, 2012

The usual extras that you come to expect from Brubaker and Phillips other works are present here and are only going to see print in the single issues as an incentive to those who dont want to wait for the trade. They include a cool painted piece from Phillips and a text piece on H.P. Lovecraft written by Jess Nevins. And also Brubaker breaks news in this issue that the first Criminal arc Coward is top adapted to film with David Slade with a script written by Brubaker. This comic is just about the perfect package. At a price cheaper than most Marvel and DC books with all those extras and an extended story there is honestly not a single argument against picking this book up. The bigger pity is to see Brubaker on Twitter bemoaning the fact that some comic shops have completely overlooked the book in pre-orders and never got it in! What were they thinking? Top stuff.

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Fatale #2

Mar 1, 2012

Getting back to my remark about not needing superheroes with a book like this, this book is a great tonic for that jaded reader who is sick of more of the same from the superhero line. This title is one of those rare books that you could lose yourself in looking for clues to the overall story and no one does subtle like Brubaker which makes this book so enjoyable. Combined with luscious art from Phillips the discerning comic reader needs little else than books like this as an example in how to much you could love this medium. Awesome stuff.

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Graveyard of Empires #1

Jun 6, 2011

Graveyard of Empires goes on sale the 15th of June and I hope as many people as possible check it out as war stories of this calibre are hard to find these days in comics and with the twist in the tale, what comes next bodes very well.

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Graveyard of Empires #2

Sep 13, 2011

We have to wait now for the third issue but this book is very much worth the wait. Im delighted that Sable is getting great reactions to the book as I have been a fan of his writing for a long time and I implore you to get on board and enjoy what is a great ride so far.

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Grifter #1

Sep 28, 2011

A shaky start no doubt, but a start nonetheless. Although not without its faults there is more than enough to draw the reader back. The book looks amazing also, marking out Cafu as one to watch going forward. As my first taster of the new 52, consider me aboard.

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Half Past Danger #1

May 1, 2013

Well the time for talk is over and the book is just about here. I was lucky enough to get my hands on the first issue ahead of time and I got to say, just wait until you get your hands on this one folks, its going to rock. Half Past Danger #1 of 6 hits stores on May 22nd and issues will boats covers from Mooney, Declan Shalvey, Lee Bermejo, Tommy Lee Edwards and more. Mooney put all the effort into this series taking on writing, art, lettering and colouring which is such a rarity in comics these days so you can how much it was a labour of love for him. Well worth picking up.

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Hellraiser #3

Jul 19, 2011

I have been enjoying the run so far and with the addition of Stephen Thompson on this issue and Leonardo Manco leading off the first two issues with aplomb, I feel the book may become known for its art as much as the storytellers. There is no reason for anyone to not dip in here and sample this wonderful property, even non fans of the franchise will get something enjoyable out of it Im sure, I know I have.

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Hellraiser #4

Sep 13, 2011

As this story is still in its early stages it should still be easy enough to find previous issues so I implore you to pick it up as it is marking out a real spot for itself on many reading lists and when you see the sales lists, it is creeping up there to become one of the company's top books. Great stuff.

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Hellraiser #7

Dec 6, 2011

Another great issue from BOOM! I have said before that I have not seen the movies prior to reading this and I have found it a greatly accessible book which I have enjoyed no end. A lot of folks are prudent with their comics spending these days and rightly so but I have no hesitation in recommending this book.

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House of Night #1

Dec 31, 2011

What I would say to readers who are on the fence about this book is just go and pick it up. After finishing the first issue I can surmise that it was a fun story that surprised me after an initially slow start.

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Iron Muslim #1

Apr 19, 2012

This issue represents the first of a series of books from BOOM! over the next few weeks that are part of Johnstons Avengers themed spoof books and if this is any indication as to what is to come, then the rest of this series looks to be in trouble.

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Last Mortal #1

May 18, 2011

This is an interesting first issue in that there is no wow factor in it but there are enough beats that get your attention that you are intrigued more than anything as to how they would play out. This book goes on sale on the 18th as I said already and if you have a few quid handy, Id say give it a look, you may be surprised.

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MacGyver: Fugitive Gauntlet #1

Nov 5, 2012

There is a great piece at the back whereby you learn how the TV show came into existence that is an informative bookend to a great debut issue. All the pieces seemed to have fallen into place here and the series is off to a great start leaving the book in a good position moving on.

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Marksmen #1

Jul 19, 2011

This book is off to a strong start with both the price of the book and then with the quality of the material within. When this book goes on sale on the 20th, there is no reason at all for you to not to read it. Fans of sci-fi and action or just fans of good looking books need look no further than Marksmen #1.

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Pigs #1

Jul 2, 2011

Image Comics is on an absolute tear lately with this being the latest in a line of great first issues. Following on from All Nighter and Graveyard of Empires and now Pigs, is there anyone else putting comics as good as Image. I dont think so. When this book drops in September, you owe it to yourself to pick this up, you wont be disappointed.

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Pigs #2

Oct 20, 2011

This book is firmly at the forefront of my reading list and should be at yours too. It leaves questions hanging while broadening the story leaving you in the knowledge that what comes down the pipe will be quite cool. It is quite episodic in nature and reads like a fast paced high drama, in a nutshell a great book through and through.

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Pigs #3

Dec 6, 2011

There has been a solid foundation laid to this point with three great chapters. As the team moves ahead with their plans and seek the vital information from the senator this book can only get better and it promises some great material as the books begins to gather pace. Highly recommended.

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Pigs #4

Dec 31, 2011

Now that the initial arc is done, the final scene in the issue left a couple of questions dangling to be answered including what happened exactly to he president. I won't spoil the ending but the fate of the group is tantalizing and what happens to them including the sympathetic Felix means that there is a whole lot of life in this book yet.

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Pigs #5

Jan 29, 2012

Probably the best issue of the run yet and Im delighted that this book continues to live up to expectations and surpass them each time I read a new issue. The whole creative team is doing a great job of maintaining a tense tone to the book and generating great amounts of characterization for an ensemble cast which is not an easy thing to do and I genuinely cannot recommend this book enough. I havent felt like this about a book since Michael Nelson embarked on the awesome 28 Days Later run from BOOM! Studios two years ago and that was one for the ages.

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Pigs #6

Mar 1, 2012

This book deserves every superlative being thrown at it at the moment. Fear not though if you think that the story is too far along to jump on as the first collected volume has just gone on sale and it is a great start point for one of the stand out books of this past year and as the next arc gains its legs you could do less than to try it out. It is one of those all too rare books that grabs a readers attention on several different fronts at once and grips you from moment one. Highly recommended.

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Rocketeer Adventures #4

Nov 18, 2011

This issue was golden as has been this mini to date. I cant get enough of the new Rocketeer at IDW and if you havent picked up any of the new stories yet, I wholly encourage you to do so.

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Silver Surfer (2011) #5

Jul 19, 2011

I hope that book is collected in trade because as I mentioned earlier, I doubt this book has been burning up the sales charts but if it does I thoroughly recommend you pick it up. It is one of those books that more than gives value for money.

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Snapshot #1

Feb 25, 2013

If you hadn't heard of Snapshot going in you won't be forgetting it coming out. The book is a real pleasant surprise and I'm on board from here on out. It has the makings of a great story and the work look amazing so there is very little to gripe about, just move on from here and wait patiently for the next issue.

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Soulfire Vol. 3 #1

Jul 2, 2011

This is actually a stronger first issue than I was expecting. Krul got just the right amount of beats started here that it never came across as too much and in actuality it has only served to further entice me to continue reading. Good stuff!

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Spawn #206

Jul 19, 2011

I am converted. I am back on board with a vengeance. With exceptional art and engaging story, look no further for what a comic book is supposed to be than Spawn.

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Spawn #207

Jul 19, 2011

A great start to this arc as we get some clarity on the recent events that allowed Jim to pick up the mantle of the Spawn. The continued mystery is very enticing, the continued search by Twitch to help Sam is a cool sub plot. In short it is a great book. Go read!

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Spider-Men #4

Nov 5, 2012

I have no hesitation is tagging this book as one of the best cross overs in recent years. I have a hope that the crossover isnt ignored in the respective universes and is acknowledged by both sides. Who wouldnt love to see an Avengers/Ultimates crossover. If Marvel looked at what the fans want, with the exception of a Marvel/DC crossover which wont happen because of petty politics, they would see that they have two hugely strong universes at their disposal where they can weave tales that could entice readers like myself back into the fold once more as this one has. Excellent stuff.

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The Boys #61

Dec 31, 2011

The fun is back to be sure. As we move into the final nine issues after spending years following every up and down that was put our way the payoff is promised to be coming in a huge way. The building blocks for that are now nearly all aligned and there is no better time to be reading this book.

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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker #1

Aug 31, 2011

Although it is just the first issue of the series, enough of the essential beats are set up here and hopefully when expanded on further, the promise of Ennis about this mini being the great one to read will be justified. It is a very good start to what I hope will be a memorable story about one of the best characters in comics in the last decade.

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The Goon #36

Dec 31, 2011

This is a great issue and is on shelves right now for you to try yourself. I can say with some confidence that you wont be disappointed.

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The Infinite #1

Aug 31, 2011

This book may honestly be one of the worst comics I have read this year and certainly the worst I have read since Fallen Sun, the Sentry farewell book from last year. It is a bitterly disappointing read and I dont encourage you to read it.

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The Strain #1

Dec 6, 2011

This first of the adaptation of The Strain trilogy of books is a great comic, deftly written with some nice art. It goes on sale on December 14th and in so doing begins a two year trek which will have me along to the end.

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The Strain #2

Mar 1, 2012

The book is the epitome of entertainment. Even if you dont count yourself a horror fan usually, I would imagine that you would appreciate great comic story telling as much as the next person and you would do yourself an injustice by passing this little gem by.

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The Strain #3

Mar 22, 2012

Another great chapter in one of the years best books. There is a great plot being laid out in front of us with some genuine uneasy scenarios, you have visceral art and a great soup of a book. If I were to give you one bit of advice while reading this book, dont read it in the dark.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #163.1

Oct 20, 2011

Yet another great issue of one of Marvels better books. Kev Walker is back on the next issue that delves into time travel while Dec flies off to Vertigo for a while to work on Northlanders. This book stuck to Marvels idea of what the point one initiative should have been and even if you dont read Thunderbolts regularly you can still pick this up and enjoy the heck out of it.

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Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #1

Mar 22, 2012

This book surprised the hell out of me. It was one of the most entertaining things I have read in a long time and my reading these days is more discerning as I find myself moving steadily away from a diet of superheroes to trying to find something more fulfilling. There was enough plot points dropped and left dangling that I fully expect the journey to their conclusion to be worth the price of admission as the final few pages of the book picked up pace and the new direction of the Transformers took off.

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