Dark Reign: The List: Wolverine #1

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Esad Ribic Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 28, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
8.7Critic Rating
5.7User Rating

Norman Osborn wants control of the Weapon Plus program. Wolverine wants to stop him. Fantomex wants to shoot everyone in the face. Marvel Boy just wants the hell out. And Weapon XVI wants to bring the world to its knees.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Oct 27, 2009

    Oh! I almost forgot to mention that not only do you get my favorite story in ages when you buy this comic, as an added bonus, Jason Aaron's 2002 talent-search winning Wolverine story, "A Good Man" is also included. Why are you still sitting there? Go buy this book! Don't tell me the store's not open yet or it hasn't been released yet. Go get in line! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Dec 10, 2009

    Hot damn, that was frigging AWESOME!!! Just Noh-Varr being in this comic would have been enough to leave me very happy, but the addition of Fantomex was like a pleasure overload! Although I have to admit that I haven't really enjoyed any of Grant Morrison's DC work, his Marvel work is mind-blowingly good, so for this comic to feature two of Grant's Marvel creations(Fantomex and Noh-Varr), and for Jason Aaron to have done a splendid job with said characters, I couldn't be happier. This is one of those cases where I was expecting nothing before I read this one, and I turned out being VERY pleasantly surprised. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 28, 2009

    Without a doubt, this is the most successful of the Dark Reign: The List books so far. It also happens to be one of the less important chapters. If major plot twists and developments are your desire, The List: Punisher has you covered this week. If you simply want a fun, slightly twisted adventure in the style of Morrison's New X-Men, this issue won't disappoint. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Oct 31, 2009

    Obviously this is not essential reading, but the sketch pages, reprint of Jason Aaron's first Wolverine story and the two entries from the Marvel Encyclopedia help justify the $4 cover price. The story is very good and opens up the potential for a greater cast and storylines to come. If you appreciate a good, but different Wolverine story that has some humor in it and is light on the assassin stuff then this story is for you. You even get some laughs out of Norman Osborn's scenes. This is a great one shot and Wolverine story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Oct 28, 2009

    "Dark Reign: The List " Wolverine" isn't essential reading for those following "Dark Reign," but it is a fun and entertaining read as Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic team up two of Grant Morrison's Marvel creations and just let them go wild. It is definitely worth picking up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny Oct 30, 2009

    Dark Reign: The List – Wolverine is worth picking up as long as you don't mind that Wolverine takes a back seat to others for most of the comic. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Ultimate Goblin Jun 21, 2023

    That was a dog shit. There's barely even Wolverine in it, much more Noh-Varr and Fantomex, but I'm not a fan - they are boring, just like this comic. The story is shit and I'm clearly not a fan of such Ribic's style... He's great on this cover, but not in the comic itself. Some Osborn pics were definitely the worst I saw in my life and I saw many. Got Homer and Bart Simpsons flashback...

    Can't imagine what anyone can find in it.

    UPD: Just noticed it's Jason Aaron who wrote this... Well, the guy can do better.

  • 8.0
    tonpas1989 May 5, 2020

  • 5.5
    KnM Aug 13, 2024

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