Green Lantern #40

Event\Storyline: Blackest Night Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Philip Tan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 29, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 13
7.2Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

"Agent Orange" part 2! The prelude to "The Blackest Night" continues as the war of light explodes across the Vega System. It's the Green Lantern Corps vs. the bizarre Orange Lantern Corps led by the most disgusting, filthiest, vilest being in the universe. But now that Agent Orange has been disturbed, what does that mean to the rest of the universe? Plus, John Stewart battles alongside his newest ally...Fatality?

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Stephen Joyce May 7, 2009

    The Agent Orange storyline is shaping up to be on par with everything that has led up to it. This issue has shed more light on the Orange Lanterns and there is still more to learn about them. Johns keeps introducing interesting characters that are unique and alive. Green Lantern is the perfect blend of sci-fi and superhero comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 29, 2009

    But overall I'm satisfied with how Agent Orange is shaping up. With a terrific new villain and the promise of great character moments to come, as well as the looming release of Blackest Night #0 this weekend, it's a great time to be a Green Lantern reader. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Avi Weinryb Apr 30, 2009

    Green Lantern fans better put on their blue rings and hope the quality of this book continues unabated. Looking back at earlier issues in this volume's run, it is clear that Johns has an organized approach to the ongoing story, and has been setting it up for some time. The pay-off is (hopefully!) just over the horizon. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn May 3, 2009

    Green Lantern #40 was another fine read. Johns continues to make Green Lantern one of DC's more interesting reads. The Orange Lanterns are a nice addition to the fabric of tale that Johns is weaving as we head toward Blackest Night. Readers who have been enjoying the road to Blackest Night will certainly enjoy this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 May 7, 2009

    I have to say, I'm enjoying Hal's interaction with that annoying Blue ring. Hal wishing for world peace and the ring scolding him for being insincere was pretty funny. My one problem with the Hal/Blue ring story is that I find it very hard to believe Hal doesn't hope for anything. There must be something Hal hopes for... The return of dead teammates, the love of Carol, safety for his brother's family, there HAS to be something, doesn't there? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Apr 29, 2009

    This issue falls a little short and feels like a light read. Green Lantern #38 was similar but the Origins & Omens backup story more than made up for the few pages taken away from the main story. Geoff Johns did keep things compelling but there was just something missing from this issue. I cannot put my finger on exactly what but the ending alone will keep many readers coming back. Philip Tan also brings some of his best work to the issue. His Larfleeze at the end of the issue is wonderfully towering and threatening. For the most part his art, panel layout and motion are rendered beautifully but there are some points where people and faces look awkward. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza May 5, 2009

    DC has made no bones about the Green Lantern franchise becoming a tent pole for the comics and other media, with a major motion picture set to begin filming this fall, a direct-to-DVD release and scads of DCDirect action figures hitting store shelves in the coming months. While I was hesitant to jump on the bandwagon, I've found myself enjoying this "Green Lantern" title a little bit more each month. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 6, 2009

    No, not really. Still, Hal is in dire straits, and this issue gives us a different take on ring-based emotional light powers. Instead of an army wearing rings, Larfleeze has a ring that contains an army. It's a fillip that at least helps to differentiate them from the existing Corps and helps to offset what I'm percieving as a dilution of the Green Lantern shtick. This whole "all colors have rings and all rings have special powers" conceit could actually disappear up it's own ass if not handled correctly, but I think Johns and company did good work establishing the orange light as unique. This does punch a small whole in my "Hal wears all colors of rings and becomes Uber Lantern" theory, but I'm just glad not to have the GL or Sinestro Corps duplicated. The manipulations of Guardian Scar are well-handled, as well, duping her fellows into doing her dirty work for her and putting the pieces in place for her power move. It's a good issue, with a credibly scary opponent, and Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Apr 29, 2009

    It's not so much that this is a bad issue, as it's still better than most comics on the market, but it's a noticeable dip in quality, mainly through the pacing and character driven moments, for the past few months when compared to previous Green Lantern issues. I'm typically harder on my favourite books when I feel they're dipping in quality than I am with genuinely bad or even average issues, so take any of my complaints with a grain of salt, too. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Apr 30, 2009

    What's hampered this story arc the most is the artwork. Philip Tan's detailed linework certainly captures an exotic and imaginative array of alien forms, but it's also difficult to discern movement and flow in the panels. The two-page spread depicted a platoon of Green Lanterns looks great, but some of the credit has to go to colorist Nei Ruffino, who adds so much energy with some brilliant colors. I love how the Orange Lanterns really pop as well. Rafael Albuquerque's work on the backup story is fairly solid but doesn't really boast that wow factor. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Raymond Hilario May 3, 2009

    What's troubling about Agent Orange is that the villain is not quite established. Instead, this arc is packed with lots of subplots that are either being developed, or are finally being revealed. To make up the bulk of the story, new laws are added to the book of Oa (which we've seen before), and a new thread is introduced involving John Stewart (which is supposed to play some role later on, and not validate Fatality's boring monologue in the beginning). But this isn't what the fans were looking for. They wanted what they got in Sinestro Corps War, where Johns introduced a new color, and a new emotion. In a story that is supposed to introduce a new formidable opponent for the Green Lantern Corp, we are only getting a childish villain that seems to be making a cameo appearance. In a story that's supposed to be rich in metaphors and overtones, we're treated to fast-paced action sequences that are to be forgotten. Read Full Review

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