Stephen Joyce's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 37
7.2Avg. Review Rating

Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #587

Feb 20, 2009

Even if you havent been following Amazing Spider-Man this issue gives you everything you need to follow its story. It could stand alone. Its nice to see that this day and age when most stories are hard to get into unless you catch the first part of the story arc. Id put this one in the buy category--its fun and entertaining (psstand its only $2.99).

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Batman and Robin (2009) #9

Feb 28, 2010

However, Stewart's work aside, the only parts of Morrison's that I actually enjoyed were the character moments and conversations that Batman has with other people. I really enjoyed the scene where he not only thanks Batwoman for the help, but he also tries to hit on her. I guess she doesnt have the heart to tell him shes not into Batmen.

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Batman and Robin (2009) #10

Mar 14, 2010

Damian is the real character to watch throughout the next couple of issues. This is definitely an issue to pick up if youve been following anything concerning Batman in the past year. It was a great read and wonderful story.

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Batman: Battle for the Cowl #3

May 24, 2009

Battle for the Cowl has been a great ride, but it is good to see it come to an end. If youve wondered why Dick Grayson has not taken up the cowl, this issue will answer all those questions. The art alone is worth picking up this issue. The ending works in the long run for this series. It may not have been the best issue out of the three, but its still very entertaining.

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Blackest Night #7

Feb 25, 2010

While the pacing for this book seemed to be off, and some story elements were missing from this main series, Blackest Night[ #7 was a joy to read and has me very excited for the next issue. The art is wonderful. In fact, Ive found myself just flipping through the book to look at the art. Blackest Night has been a great ride and will definitely shape the future of the DC Universe for years to come.

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Blackest Night: Batman #1

Aug 16, 2009

If you are a Batman fan, this issue is definitely worth picking up just for the Batman story. If you are following Blackest Night, I think it would be worth your time and money to pick this issue up as well. Not only are you going to get a well-crafted story, but it also fills in some of what was going one in the background of Blackest Night #2. Unfortunately, if you're not following either Batman or Blackest Night, then this book probably won't do much for you--but it is still a well-crafted book.

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Blackest Night: Batman #2

Sep 12, 2009

Quite frankly, this issue isn't that great. It has a few good moments in it and some great art, but that's not enough to save this book. You could probably just read the third issue in this series and understand the significance of this series. This issue really feels like they were just trying to stretch this into three parts.

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Dead Irons #1

Feb 16, 2009

If you didnt pick up this book, please have your retailer order you one or go to Dynamites website and order yourself. In a time when more and more books are being priced at $3.99, we as readers need to shove our money to great titles and let the less than stellar books fall to way side.

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Dead Irons #2

Mar 9, 2009

Bottom line, you need to be reading this book. If your retailer doesnt order this title you should just go to Dynamites website and order it for yourself. The characterization is great. The art is phenomenal. Dead Irons is one of the best series Ive read in a long time.

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Deadpool (2008) #8

Mar 3, 2009

If you're looking for a fight with the Thunderbolts in this issue, just keep moving. Maybe you should just wait until the next issue of Thunderbolts for the actual fight. If you enjoy the character of Deadpool and the crazy jokes--and there are a few that are good in this issue--then you'll somewhat enjoy this issue. Basically unless you are a diehard Deadpool fan, you can probably skip this issue.

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G. I. Joe #3

Mar 12, 2009

Basically, this book is great. The relaunch has been handled perfectly and I recommend picking this up. Its still early in the series, so there is no trouble jumping on board. If you enjoy good stories with strong characters this is a perfect book for you.

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G. I. Joe #4

Apr 3, 2009

Old school G.I. JOE fans need to be reading this book. Its everything you remember about your favorite childhood heroes and more. New fans to the franchise will definitely get something out of this as well. These characters are great and as the series progresses they keep getting better. G.I. JOE #4 was a blast to read and will capture just about anyones attention who gives it a glance.

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G. I. Joe #8

Aug 13, 2009

G.I. JOE has been a great ride thus far and doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Dixon and Gallant are doing a wonderful job on this book. I recommend that any G.I. JOE fan pick up this series. This issue continues a trend of being easily assessable to fans both new and old.

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G.I. Joe Movie Prequel #1

Mar 13, 2009

This book isnt worth getting. Like I said earlier I really wanted to find something in this book that would get me excited for the upcoming movie, but there was nothing there to get me excited at all. They could have put any war comic title on this book and it might have been a mediocre book, but with G.I. JOE you expect certain things and this doesnt deliver. Dont waste your time with this book.

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Green Lantern (2005) #38

Feb 27, 2009

If you havent been reading Green Lantern you really should pick the book up and give it a try. Im not a Green Lantern fan, but the "War of Lights" idea is really interesting and doesnt feel like the typical superhero story. Its more of a sci-fi story. I think that there is definitely something for everyone in this book.

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Green Lantern (2005) #40

May 7, 2009

The Agent Orange storyline is shaping up to be on par with everything that has led up to it. This issue has shed more light on the Orange Lanterns and there is still more to learn about them. Johns keeps introducing interesting characters that are unique and alive. Green Lantern is the perfect blend of sci-fi and superhero comics.

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Green Lantern (2005) #41

Jun 1, 2009

Green Lantern has been enjoyable for a long time now. With Blackest Night approaching in the DC Universe I think everybody should be reading this book. That said, this issue is a must for anyone just interested in the different Lantern Corps since it explains the Orange Lantern Corps origin.

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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #40

Sep 12, 2009

If you are reading the Blackest Night series then there is no excuse for you not to be reading Green Lantern Corps right now. This book is a great example of how larger plots and small subplots should be woven within a single book. I've only been reading Green Lantern Corps for the past few months, but the characters are great and the writing is solid enough that it's probably going to keep me on the book for the long haul beyond Blackest Night.

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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #46

Mar 19, 2010

Green Lantern Corps has been a delight to read throughout Blackest Night and this latest issue doesnt disappoint. Peter Tomasi had a challenge on his hands with some much going on in one issue and he pulled it off beautifully with the help of Patrick Gleason. This latest chapter for the corps has definitely been a highlight for the series and it was great to see this chapter end on a high note as we get ready for the conclusion of Blackest Night. Even if you havent been reading Green Lantern Corps this issue is a must read for Blackest Night fans.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #11

Mar 10, 2009

This issue is pretty much average. Nothing too serious happens as far as I'm concerned. I did enjoy it, but if it weren't for the cover, I probably wouldn't have wanted to read it. If you have been following Guardians of the Galaxy, you'll enjoy this issue just fine. But if you're looking for a return of Captain Marvel, you may feel a little let down.

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Hotwire: Requiem for the Dead #2

Mar 16, 2009

If youre looking for something a little different from the normal books you see each week or you have a few extra bucks youd like to spend on a good story, then this is a perfect series for you. Its easy to get into and Steve Pugh catches you up on everything.

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Irredeemable #1

Mar 30, 2009

This is an amazing book! I cannot stress how much I truly enjoyed it. Mark Waid has crafted a tale that has captured my attention and left me wanting more.

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Irredeemable #2

May 4, 2009

This issue may not have as much action for some peoples liking, but it is still a great story. It gives us a great view of the Plutonians world and expands on the character. While this series is only on its second issue, Im willing to bet that this story becomes a classic once it is completed.

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Lost Books of Eve (volume one) #1

Oct 7, 2009

While some people may not enjoy the subject matter, I recommend picking this book up. Josh Howard has been able to create a fantastic tale by putting a new spin on a story everyone knows.

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New Avengers #51

Mar 29, 2009

However, aside from some confusing art, this issue is definitely worth reading. I think it is going to set up some really nice plans--not just for the New Avengers but for the Marvel Universe as a whole. If you are like me and dont care about a new Sorcerer Supreme being chosen, dont let that scare you off from this issue. There is still enough substance here that will entertain you.

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Olympus #1

May 17, 2009

I went into this series expecting one thing and got something entirely different-which turned out to be a good thing in this case. I think this series has a lot to offer any reader. There's a sense of mystery, action, and mythology. The characters are great. The story is great. I would recommend to any comic book fan to at least give this first issue a try.

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Red Robin #1

Jun 14, 2009

If you're a hardcore Batman or Tim Drake fan this book will appeal to you.

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Red Robin #4

Sep 12, 2009

This issue does a lot of good things by picking up on some recent plot threads that no one else seems to be exploring. At the same time it lacks consistency in the art and storytelling, most notably in the dialogue. I still recommend this book for anyone who wants to see where Bruce's fate may end up. Of course, those who have been following Tim Drake will want to continue reading his adventures, but some Batman fans may find this book rewarding as well.

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Swordsmith Assassin #1

Aug 20, 2009

I have mixed feelings about this book due to the clich story elements. The biggest draw to me is the art work and the setting. I don't think those two elements are enough to keep me around for the entire series if the story doesn't pick-up. If you like this kind of story this may be worth the read.

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Ultimatum #3

Mar 24, 2009

While this is not the greatest book from Marvels Ultimate line it is Jeph Loebs greatest work for the Ultimate line. Unfortunately that really isnt saying much. The bottom line is that if youve been following the Ultimate Universe or just this series, its worth getting just for the sake of seeing where things are headed.

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Wolverine (2003) #71

Mar 22, 2009

If you avoided this book because its about Wolverine you missed out on a great story. Its not a classic Wolverine story, this is a bold take on an interesting future for the Marvel Universe that any Marvel fan should be reading.

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Wolverine Origins #33

Feb 24, 2009

By putting the "Dark Reign" logo on this book, Marvel is trying to suck in people who saw Daken in Dark Avengers. I don't see any reason for the "Dark Reign" logo to be on this book. If you don't know who Daken is, go back and read some of the older issues from this series. I do recommend this book for any Wolverine fans and people who just enjoy a good story.

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Wolverine Origins #34

Mar 17, 2009

If you are a Wolverine fan you will definitely enjoy this issue, but not because it focuses on Wolverine. You'll enjoy this issue because Daken is truly the next level of Wolverine. It is said that heroes are only as good as their villains. If that's the case, Wolverine is becoming a better hero each time Daniel Way gets to feature Daken. This issue is definitely worth a read by any X-Men and action fan.

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Wolverine Origins #35

Apr 28, 2009

While a tad unbelievable in parts with the fight between Daken and the X-Men, the issue holds up fine. I'm still enjoying this series very much. The suspense as to whether or not Daken will coat his claws with metal of the Muramasa blade is great. I honestly don't know how this story will end and that has me excited.

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Wolverine Origins #36

Jun 2, 2009

While the action may not have been as ramped up as it had been in previous issues lately, Wolverine: Origins #36 is still a very entertaining read. Daken is given a new layer that should be interesting to follow in the months to come. Wolverine fans are going to really enjoy this issue. Casual readers may not get as much out of this issue.

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Wolverine Origins #41

Oct 22, 2009

To be perfectly honest, this issue isn't that great. While it may be a little entertaining in the opening scenes it quickly begins to drag and becomes rather boring. It probably would have been better to just have Wolverine and Skaar beat the crap out of each other, rather than having Wolverine hiding out in some man's house and seeing an FBI agent talking with Romulus. At least that would have been a little bit more entertaining. This issue hopefully sets things up for a better story next issue.

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X-Men Origins (2008): Sabretooth #1

Feb 13, 2009

All in all this was an enjoyable read. It didnt really do too much for the character of Sabretooth, but it was entertaining. Anyone who enjoys Sabretooth or Wolverine stories will enjoy this book, but with a $3.99 price tag youre probably going to need to be a really hardcore Wolvie fan. Otherwise Id steer clear of this one-shot.

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