Deadpool #8

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Paco Medina Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 4, 2009 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 4
6.5Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

“MAGNUM OPUS,” PART 1 OF 4 SPECIAL CROSSOVER WITH THUNDERBOLTS! Deadpool unleashes his most insane plan yet: a full-on assault against Norman Osborn! As Deadpool storms his way to the top of Avengers Tower, Osborn is forced to pull out all the stops to save his own skin — and that means deploying the brand new Thunderbolts! Plug your ears, kids — this is gonna be loud! Parental Advisory …$2.99

  • 7.6
    IGN - Bryan Joel Mar 4, 2009

    I'll admit I had my prejudice, but Deadpool #8 was a nice surprise. At the very least, it looks like "Magnum Opus" won't be like last year's "Original Sin" crossover between Wolverine: Origins and X-Men: Legacy, where the title pulling all the weight was evident from the start. A promising beginning, to say the least. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Mar 4, 2009

    Of course things never work out as planned for our beloved merc’ with a mouth. As he reaches his desired floor Norman is nowhere in sight but the new Thunderbolts welcome him with open axe. Honestly there is not much else to say about the issue. It is twenty three pages of non stop destruction and mayhem with a side of anti social remarks and insults that continues in Thunderbolts #130. Daniel Way is tucking this title under his arm and charging down field dodging tackles and stiff arming the competition. Eight yards down Mr. Way, keep your mind and eyes focused on that goal line. All the Deadpool fans are cheering you along. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Stephen Joyce Mar 3, 2009

    If you're looking for a fight with the Thunderbolts in this issue, just keep moving. Maybe you should just wait until the next issue of Thunderbolts for the actual fight. If you enjoy the character of Deadpool and the crazy jokes--and there are a few that are good in this issue--then you'll somewhat enjoy this issue. Basically unless you are a diehard Deadpool fan, you can probably skip this issue. Read Full Review

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