Thunderbolts #152

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Kev Walker Publisher: Marvel Comics Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5
7.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The T-Bolts leap into HULK's "Scorched Earth"! At the request of Steve Rogers, Luke Cage must take his hardened team to deal with a doomsday scenario unleashed in the pages of HULK! And now that the squad is a man short, Cage finally uses his power to recruit another prisoner to duty- and his pick will shock you! Will the Thunderbolts accept this new member as a part of their force? Or will this heavy duty wild card destroy the balance of power?

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Jan 27, 2011

    So Hyperion was crazy all along... Maybe they should have listened to Moonstone! She may be a lot of things, but she was a psychiatrist, and is great at reading people. This issue was a fun, old fashioned monster-stomping romp, which I liked. There were a few little things that bugged me(like why didn't Moonstone simply turn intangible to avoid the blasts, and Juggernaut was basically defeated by being swatted away by one of the monster's tails), but all in all, this was a good story. Not only do the T-bolts still have to deal with the monsters, they're also going to have to contend with a foe who is Marvel's answer to Superman... Not an easy task! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jan 26, 2011

    Featuring excellent dialogue, unique characters and an art style that perfectly captures the mood of the book, I can't help but continue to recommend this series to those that aren't currently reading it. While not a perfect jumping on point, this quirky issue will do for those that want to see what Thunderbolts is all about. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 27, 2011

    Reading "Thunderbolts" once more has an "anything can happen" air about it, without having to worry that said "anything" is going to involve a hideous maiming or other nastiness. For a book that's a combination of heroes and villains working together, there's a great upbeat sense to this comic, but without dulling the edges of the villains. If you haven't read it already, check it out, this is a ton of fun. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Craig Reade Jan 31, 2011

    With a "previously/character intro" page, solid pacing, a overall point to the issue combined with a cliffhanger/tease to make you want to read the next issue, Parker hit all of my "Serial Storytelling" checkmarks with precision. Plus, this is a $2.99 book - which is another attraction these days. This issue was fun, action packed, and the creative team did an outstanding job in every area. A very fun issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan K Lindsay Jan 28, 2011

    This is a simple and fun comic. It doesn't warrant further study, I don't think there's any hidden subtext, but you won't walk away feeling ripped off. This is an issue where you can switch your 'thinking brain' off and just turn on your 'hell yeah brain'. You will enjoy the ride. Read Full Review

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