Justice League Dark #7

Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Admira Wijaya Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 28, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 8
6.2Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Straight off the shocking events of last month's I, VAMPIRE #6, vampires across the world have gone berserk, attacking anyone and everyone with a pulse. Fearing her apocalyptic vision of the future has come to pass, Madame Xanadu mobilizes the team to intervene. But everything the JL Dark members know about how to slay a vampire is useless, for the world has changed. It's a crossover that had to be, continuing into this month's I, VAMPIRE #7!

  • 9.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Mar 28, 2012

    Now it's onto I, Vampire #7 as Rise of the Vampires rolls on! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Scehdeen Mar 28, 2012

    Another plus to this crossover is that it doesn't have to be viewed as a crossover at all. The two issues merely examine the conflict from opposite perspectives, meaning JL Dark readers are free simply to move onto the next issue in April if they so choose. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 29, 2012

    It's sad to see Milligan leaving "Justice League Dark" so soon, but right now it looks like he's leaving on a strong note. DC Comics should use "Justice League Dark" #7 as a template on how to handle a crossover between two titles; this is not only a fun issue, but a great example of how to make a crossover work well. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Addicts - Anubhav Dasgupta Apr 2, 2012

    Well, if you're thinking of chucking this issue, don't. The art is magnificent. Seriously, someone give this Admira Wijaya guy more jobs and sh*t. He's f***ing brilliant! Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Mar 30, 2012

    Meh. That's my thought on this issue in a word. I mean it wasn't horrible or anything, it just didn't grab my attention. On the plus side, this was probably the best issue of JLD since it debuted, so that's something... Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Tim Vinton Apr 2, 2012

    When I reviewed Justice League Dark #6, I said that it was my least favorite issue, but it was still a decent book by most standards. This is certainly now the worst issue in the series, but this time I can't even offer the same backhanded compliment. In the end, there are still characters I like fighting vampires and something has to be said for that. The art is tolerable at times and decent at others. Even with these things going for it, the best I can say for this book is that it is just barely average. As far as I'm concerned, that is hard to accept with a pedigree like this series has, but it is what it is. My hope is that Milligan will step up his game before his run ends, but if not, there's at least Lemire to look forward to. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Examiner - Michael Seigler Apr 1, 2012

    Its very fortunate that Justice League Dark's art has been so stunning thus far (both from Janin and Sampere - despite Sampere being a downgrade), because without that, the book might not be looking at a particularly long lifespan, and the premise deserves to be explored over a much longer period of time. Hopefully with the start of Jeff Lemire's run with # 9, we'll start to see the series live up to its potential. Until then, I'm still along for the ride, and hopefully you are too - we've got to support good ideas, even through the rough patches. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon; Mar 29, 2012

    I took a chance and sunk my teeth into this one and unfortunately, it's about as cold and dead as its antagonists. Read Full Review

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