Irredeemable #36

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Diego Berreto Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: April 18, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
7.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

SEE WHERE OTHER SUPERHERO STORIES ARE AFRAID TO GO! The Plutonian has ruined so many lives, and nearly destroyed the human race. When a savior emerges from the most unlikely of places, leaving the world reeling from the news, where can the Plutonian fit into this new world? And is death a fitting punishment for a god? An intense not-to-be-missed issue of Mark Waid’s Eisner and Harvey Award-nominated superhero saga.

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Apr 23, 2012

    I admit it, this title had started to sag a bit in the late-20′s, but things have been picking up nicely, and next issue has quite a vicious setup going for it. For a book whose basic premise ("What if Superman was bug$&@# crazy?") is so simple, the plotting has been dense and thick with twists and dodges, never going where you might expect it to go. This issue hits three separate big reveals, all foreshadowed in previous months, all game-changing, and does it with style. Irredeemable #36 is everything that a second-to-last issue should be, making me want next issue immediately, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Apr 21, 2012

    I'm gonna miss this series when it's gone.. It's been a really good read. Anyway, as for this issue? It was okay. It wasn't great or anything, but it WAS good. It all does seem rushed(for example, why have Modeus sleep with the Plutonian in Bette's body and then kill Bette's body off this issue... That seemed like it could have led to something...), but the cliffhanger here, and the final confrontation between the Plutonian(the world's strongest man) and Qubit(the world's smartest man) to close out this series should be awesome... Or at least I hope so... Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Apr 18, 2012

    "Irredeemable" #36 deals with one situation and then raises another by the end. This is what the series does, it puts one concept to bed while another flies out at you from a completely different area. No one is ever safe and there are always shiny things to take your attention elsewhere. Read Full Review

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