Amazing Spider-Man #652

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Stefano Caselli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 19, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 4
7.8Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

REVENGE OF THE SPIDER-SLAYER PART 1 Alistair Smythe, The Spider-Slayer, has returned, and Mac Gargan isn’t the only subject he’s upgraded. The Spider-Slayer is about to unleash an entire Insect Army on Spider-Man’s world!

  • 9.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Jan 21, 2011

    Um, I really don't have any complaints here at all... The story was VERY sound(as I'd expect from anything written by the severely underrated Dan Slott), the art was good, and the dialogue read like a Spidey comic. I guess if I was forced to complain about something, I'd complain about the weird Mary Jane portions of this story, where she was longing for Peter, even though she was the one who dissolved their marriage with the help of Mephisto(or whatever the hell that story is now). I personally don't get why MJ is even in this series anymore. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MJ as a character, but seriously, Marvel erased Peter and MJ's marriage. Why is she still here? Besides that though, this was a great first issue to this storyline, and I'll be looking forward to the second part. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Colin Andersen Jan 19, 2011

    This story is shaping up to be a delightful throwback to some of the crazier and more fun stories of the 60s (even referencing one such story). It has a few hiccups here and there but none that are impossible to overlook. Its too early to tell whether or not to say if this story is better than the last, but if it ends being anywhere near as good as that one, then I will be happy. So far, Dan Slott is doing an excellent job of making Amazing Spider-Man his book and I look forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Jan 19, 2011

    Dan Slott is off to a really good start to another story arc on ASM. Life is just happier when ASM is snappy and good. And what a battery of artists they've had on this title?!? Talk about not missing a beat! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jan 19, 2011

    Fred van Lente and Reilly Brown round out this issue with the first part of a backup tale that pairs Spider-Man with the new Power Man. The script is wacky good fun, and Brown delivers some excellent artwork that gives Caselli a run for his money. This backup feature doesn't look to have any bearing on the series as a whole, but in and of itself it's well worth a read. Ever since Big Time began, this series has put most other books to shame when it comes to worthwhile backup material. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Jan 23, 2011

    By this time, my interest in a Marvel title usually wanes to the point where I'm keen on checking into the comings and goings of Bruce Wayne. The story this issue returns to some of the larger than life adventures that we've seen before, and while I can live with hundreds of Spider-Slayers attacking in mass, I'm really interested in seeing if Spider-Man will save the day (he will), thus pulling me in for another arc of web slinging action. The art by Caselli is good, and over all the issue is worth a look. It isn't the shining ray of light the Big Time arc was, but it is still interesting, earning The Amazing Spider-Man #652 3 out of 5 Stars... but then again, you saw that coming. Read Full Review

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