Morning Glories #16

Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: Joe Eisma Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: February 22, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
8.2Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

"P.E.," Part Four

  • 9.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Kat West AKA Comic Uno Feb 25, 2012

    Pick this issue up. It is a great issue to add for this series and mystery. We might even gotten some hints for why these students are so special form Morning Glories Academy. If you are not following this series yet I recommend you to pick it up. Trust me you will not be able to put the issue down. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Feb 24, 2012

    Another very solid issue. Sure, it gives us more mysteries just as it is answers questions that we weren't asking, but that's kinda the point of the series and we are slowly getting some answers about what the Morning Glories Academyisn't. Check it out. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Outer Realm Comics - M S R Feb 26, 2012

    Also, for the second month running, we get a 32-page story with no $2.99. If you have space in your budget for that teensy bit of extra spending, then pick this one up! There's no reason to be obtuse now, is there?! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Feb 23, 2012

    Well this was weird... It was good and all(as usual), but everything that happened here was just damn weird! I guess that's par for the course with this series though. So now Casey has been sent back in time, and has some sort of instructions from Hodge that will, I'd imagine, help the rest of the Morning Glories kids in the present... Man is time travel hard to write about! Now, while this WAS a good issue and all, I can't shake the feeling that this issue may well be the catalyst to end this series... I mean I haven't heard that this series was getting canned or was gonna end or anything, but IF Nick Spencer and Joe Eisma wanted to pull the plug, Casey escaping Morning Glories sure as hell would be the way to start knocking down those dominoes and bringing this series to a close... Here's hoping that doesn't happen for a very long time though... Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 29, 2012

    The combination of Casey's current storyline with the flashbacks of her getting ready to leave the nest to attend Morning Glories work well, especially when her father remembers running into his daughter in the woods more than a decade earlier. That, plus Miss Hodge's return (which is identical to that which we were also given months ago), are nice touches in making it feel as if the comic is giving us more answers than it really is. Worth a look. Read Full Review

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