Nightwing #73

Writer: Devin Grayson Artist: Rick Leonardi Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 11, 2002 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
6.2Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Chief Redhorn's wife Mary travels from Italy to France via a high-speed train. It should be a simple ride for Nightwing, but when a cadre of gun-toting Bludhaven cops climb aboard, they bring new meaning to the term "bullet train!"

  • 6.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Nov 4, 2008

    Story wise, I was happy to see things starting to come together, even though I was a little surprised Dick would be willing to speak to Mrs. Redhorn without any type of disguise at all... What would the Batman say! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 22, 2002

    An enjoyable issue that shows us Devin Grayson has settled right into this book, and has herself a very strong understanding of this book's cast. This issue has itself a cute little scene where Barbara works to protect Dick's secret identity, and Nightwing's little exchange with the thugs of the roof of the speeding train made me smile. On the other hand I do think that Devin Grayson created a fairly interesting setting for a battle to take place, and then failed to deliver one, which is a bit worrisome, as if nothing else Chuck Dixon has trained the audience of this book to expect some killer action sequences. It just seems strange that Devin Grayson would move the action to the top of a speeding train, and then fail to deliver any really exciting moments. I mean it's a bit like Indiana Jones making his way through a temple without setting off any of the traps. Still, the issue is entertaining enough thanks to Devin Grayson's strong use of Nightwing & his supporting players. Read Full Review

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