Alex + Ada #5

Writer: Jonathan Luna, Sarah Vaughn Artist: Jonathan Luna Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: March 26, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 8
8.3Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

Ada will never be the same again.

  • 10
    Word Of The Nerd - Ani Gonzalez Mar 25, 2014

    The difference between these androids and humans are choices, Ada now can choose. But with choices comes consequences, and that is hard to learn even for geniuses, so I'm looking forward to seeing how she is going to learn. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Steven Merced Mar 26, 2014

    On top of the issue being an amazing read it is also still just beautiful to look at. It's simple yet detailed artwork that is to be respected. From a wrinkle in the bed sheets to the stubble on a man to even the way a tear runs down a cheek everything you want to be there is there with enough detail to help you get fully immersed in the series. The series leaves me wishing that I did not start reading until it was out in trade form. I know that may sound odd to some readers but just the fact that now I have to wait another 30 or so days to read the next issue makes me sad and eagerly excited to see what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Multiversity Comics - David Harper Mar 28, 2014

    This issue in itself beckons a significant change for the remainder of the series, but if you're a comic reader looking for something special and something entirely its own, I couldn't recommend this book more. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Johnson Mar 25, 2014

    Alex + Ada continues brilliantly with the story, and I as a reader, have grown to love and by the end of this issue you will also be completely on this couple's side and rooting for them with all your might. This is a sci-fi book that's doesn't feel like one and makes you root for honest and caring relationships. Luna and Vaughn have created a story it's hard to not love and at the core that's what this book's all about. You'll question what it means to be human and for once a sentient A.I. won't be viewed as an enemy but as someone who deserves the right to choose and to trust. If you haven't picked Alex + Adaup yet then I can't suggest it highly enough, as not only a great comic, but simply and great and honest story. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Mar 28, 2014

    Luna has a winner on his hands with Alex + Luna, so do yourself a favor and pick yourself up a copy this week. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The MacGuffin - Matt LeMaire Mar 24, 2014

    ALEX + ADA is not filled with explosions, violence or superheroics, instead filled with human drama on a very intimate level–a drama that can resonate with nearly anyone. It's this effective use of drama and an examination of the human experience that makes the book so compelling, coupled with some interesting and striking art. Alex + Ada may be a comparatively quiet book compared to many others on the stands, but its narrative and characters are no less intriguing as a result. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Mar 31, 2014

    A nice issue that doesn't necessarily bend your mind, but effectively pivots from Act I to Act II of the story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 26, 2014

    "Alex + Ada" #5 continues a quiet but enthralling series. Luna and Vaughn aren't going for big flashy stories but they don't need to, here. Instead it's thoughtful and intriguing, and I'm in for the long haul at this point. This might be a low-key series, but "Alex + Ada" is a winner. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Adam Kelly Mar 27, 2014

    The best way I can explain this issue is flat. There wasn't a build-up to anything, a real cliffhanger, or a sense of unpredictability. I'll read next issue but only because I'm covering the series to review. I honestly can't recommend picking this up but I hope fans of the series will stick with it. I'm not sure how many more disappointing issues like this I can take though. Read Full Review

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