Batwoman #25

Event\Storyline: Batman: Zero Year Writer: Marc Andreyko Artist: Jim Fern, Trevor McCarthy, Andrea Mutti, Patrick Olliffe, Jay Leisten, Tom Nguyen Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 20, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 7
5.9Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

The no-holds-barred battle between Batwoman and Batman threatens to kill them both!

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Nov 22, 2013

    The fact that we know the story to come and the actual origin of Batwoman is an important piece to the success of this story, but it's not essential. We know her troubled childhood trauma. We know she ends up with Maggie in the end. And we know that cousin Bruce becomes Batman and cousin Bette becomes Flamebird. But what we don't know, which this issue singlehandedly accomplishes, is that we should care. To be completely honest, I've only been getting this title for the artwork. J. H. Williams III is a superstar and Amy Reeder is great and all of the other talented artists on this book make it a visually impressive read each and every month. But Marc Andreyko's arrival ushers in a new realm of possibility for the first time since Greg Rucka left his recreation: Actual characterization, actual plot advancement, and actual storytelling. The good art staying good is just a bonus. Mark my words, once everyone gets over this "controversy for controversy's sake" mentality surroun Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 20, 2013

    This issue features four pencillers, which isn't necessarily surprising given how quickly the transition from Williams and Blackman to Andreyko happened. Series veteran Trevor McCarthy is joined by Andrea Mutti, Pat Olliffe, and Jim Fern. The overall style is fairly uniform despite this, though there are some odd visual inconsistencies in terms of environmental details and Kate's impromptu makeup disguise. Williams' departure has its impact in terms of the page layouts, which are noticeably more geometric and simple. But there's still a certain outsider quality and spark of life to the art that marks this as a Batwoman comic. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    GoCollect - @DocBenway Nov 21, 2013

    This Batwoman story is solid enough stand on its own with or without the Zero Year tie-in. Thats kind of the way this book has been in the new 52: a peer to, but independent from the rest of the Bat books. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Jason Motes Nov 24, 2013

    The writing was really good, though and the art was solid… actually really good at times. And I'm loyal to characters, so I will probably continue to follow this book. It's not as unique as Williams' run with W. Haden Blackman, but it's still a better than average book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Nov 26, 2013

    It seems that Andreyko and his team may be making a statement in this issue's transition from the comfort of Bruce Wayne to the rough-and-tumble world of crime-fighting. Kate Kane is willing to throw herself through a glass roof to fight crime. That's a woman whose comic I want to keep reading. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Nov 20, 2013

    Maybe now, Batwoman will get to punch Owlman in the face at the end of Forever Evil, but I'm not sure her greater involvement in the New 52 at large is worth the loss of Williams & Blackman. If nothing else, though, hopefully Director Bones of the DEO will step up to the plate in a big way, too. It's hard not to root for a cigar-chomping guy with invisible flesh to show up more often. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Nov 23, 2013

    Those who love Kathy and Maggie will enjoy the moments that could have been. Those who enjoy the spirit of Batwoman will love the sense of righteous justice that she embodies before becoming a masked vigilante. However, those looking to see what Andreyko and the book's new artist, Jeremy Haun (who will premiere in issue #26) have in store, need to wait a month. This is a book that you need to take at face value. Come back next month for the main event. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Nov 21, 2013

    There is nothing bad or great to Batwoman #25. It's safe superhero storytelling. Hopefully the team gets to stretch once Zero Year ends. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Nov 20, 2013

    Given everything surrounding this book and how this issue came to be, I can tell you, they could have done a lot worse. There are consistency issues, the Zero Year story is rather uninspired, but writer Marc Andreyko does demonstrate that he knows this character, cares, and respects what came before, rather than being someone who treats this as a just another job. It'd be a mistake to use this issue as a gauge to predict where the title will go from here, as its particular problems aren't necessarily indicative of anything in the longterm, but the positives that were presented do provide some hope that everything is going to be okay with Batwoman.  Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Jacob Torres Nov 25, 2013

    Marc Andreykos run of Batwoman is off to a shaky but solid start. Andreyko came into this late in the game and most likely, the Zero Year crossover wasnt his idea. Andreyko is a talented writer and fans of Batwoman, as well as those interested in the character, should give him at least another issue or two. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Nov 22, 2013

    This is not a good start. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Nov 20, 2013

    Im not ready to write off Andreyko yet (see what I did there?...huh? as this issue doesnt feel like it was well planned, and thats not necessarily the creative teams fault, I honestly think they did really well with what they had. Still, I have to review the issue I read and I really cant recommend this book, even to fans of Batwoman as its simply a retread of content and characterization that weve already seen. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Nov 20, 2013

    Andreyko proves himself completely capable to write Batwoman. I'm more excited to see what he does outside the "Zero Year" box. I'm also hoping that the art on this one is the exception and not the rule. It's rare for one story to bear the weight of so many artists without hurting the quality of the book. Batwoman #25 could be the start of a quality entry in the "Zero Year" saga but it definitely has its warts. Fixing those will be the difference between a memorable first arc that does Williams II/Blackman's work some justice and a disastrous one that only justifies the comics community's hemming and hawing over editorial interference. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Nov 20, 2013

    Batwoman #25 is sadly not that good. While the writer Marc Andreyko gets the characters and their voices down right, the storytelling on display is very poor and the artwork is messy due primarily to how many different people worked on it. This was a clear rush job and a bad start for the new direction on the book. Hopefully the future will be better than this. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 26, 2013

    All in all, the issue is an okay one, but not terribly engaging in terms of making me want to come back and get dragged into Batwoman's adventures. The layouts and art are good, but Kate Kane looks like almost a different person entirely under the pens of this issue's multiple artists, and J.H. Williams creative layouts are sorely missed. Batwoman #25 serves as a run of the mill issue with a big sore thumb plot point that bothers me like a sore tooth, but doesn't serve to torpedo the whole issue, leaving us with an average issue and 2.5 out of 5 stars overall. It's not a bad book, and I might come back and see where she is once all the Zero Year stuff is done, but I don't feel a really strong compelling motive to do so. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Population Go - Sam Hawkins Dec 7, 2013

    Saying this however, this issue was a lot better than the uninspired offering of Green Lantern Corps, which came complete with the most pointless Batman cameo. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 23, 2013

    There's nothing creative about this tie-in, or particularly revealing about the main characters. It's a cheap, lifeless tie-in " and having four different artists, all of whom do sub-par jobs, is just another sign that this tie-in was rushed into production when DC found themselves in an unfortunate situation (which was mostly their fault). Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Nov 20, 2013

    Issue #25 is clearly a rush-job and a wholly unnecessary tie-in, but it's not the train wreck you'd expect it to be either. I recommend reserving judgment on the new creative team until issue #26 when they're allowed to start their own storyline rather than struggle to involve themselves in a crossover event. The plot of ""Or High Water," as the issue is called, is very forced but the voice of Kate Kane and her father sounded right to me and while the action was over the top for the character at this point in her life, it would have worked exceedingly well for a mature Batwoman. Ultimately, though, this is totally skippable (especially for the price). Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Nov 26, 2013

    A strange, pointless, and discouraging read in almost every way. Taken together with the uncomfortable creative changes on this series, this should be a red flag to escape before things get worse. Dropped. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Nov 20, 2013

    I'm more than willing to give "Batwoman" another chance next month. Andreyko's written a lot of good comics in the past (most notably his 38-issue run on "Manhunter") and incoming artist Jeremy Haun has proven himself in the past, too. This feels like a comic ultimately hindered by the restraints put on it between scheduling and attempts for a tie-in sales boost. Not a great debut for Andreyko, but under the circumstances, more than understandable. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Multiversity Comics - David Harper Nov 22, 2013

    I do think that Marc Andreyko and Jeremy Haun can do very good things on this book, but because of its nature and because of the quality of this issue that introduced Andreyko to many Batwoman readers, they may be screwed from the start. It's a damn shame, just like much of what has complicated DC's recent history. Read Full Review

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