Bloodshot #0

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Chris Cross Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: August 21, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 2
8.3Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Discover the declassified secret history of Project Rising Spirit's Bloodshot program and its most successful soldier - as told by superstar creator Matt Kindt (MIND MGMT, Justice League of America) and fan favorite artist ChrisCross (Superman/Batman)! From the darkest days of World War II and Korea, and through the hell of Vietnam and Afghanistan, Bloodshot's origin leaves a bloody trail of discarded lives and forgotten families. But which memories are real? Which families? Which children? Is Bloodshot many men...or no man at all? Is he simply a soulless killing machine or something more? Who is responsible? And why have the engineered the m more

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Aug 19, 2013

    Bloodshot #0 is another in a long line of some of the highest quality, in terms of art and storytelling, superhero books currently being published by any comic book publisher. I keep waiting for Valiant to falter and deliver a dud. I'm overjoyed (if not surprised) to report that we haven't seen one yet. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Aug 21, 2013

    A solid narrative and shockingly detailed violence... what more could you honestly want from an issue of BLOODSHOT? This is a must buy for anyone who loves the series and a more than serviceable jumping on point for everyone else. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Herotaku - Frankie Rodriguez Aug 20, 2013

    Easily, my favorite #0 of all the Valiant Titles. This gave us origins, surprises, great dialogue, talked about learning to be human with dynamic art that really did something different and held your attention. Kindt writes a smart script and lets his art team tell its own story as well " tying it all together in a strong package. Chrisscross and Baumann form a FORMIDABLE art team that I truly wish was staying together after this issue. LOVED this issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Fortress of Solitude - Byron Hendricks Sep 2, 2013

    The art is great and this is mainly due to the layout of the panels. One scene in particular is really enhanced by the layout. The panels seem to change position and shrink as a character dies a brutal death at the hands of many attackers. This layout really helps you get the feel of this character being overwhelmed by his surroundings as he is unable to maintain his focus as his attackers strike him from all directions. The panels then go on to become tiny solid black panels as if he is taking his last breathes and is about to die at any moment. Baumanns colouring accompanied by a good layout and exceptional writing have truly made Bloodshot #0 a solid issue that feels like the Universal Soldier concept on steroids! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Stash My Comics - Leo Johnson Aug 22, 2013

    This is a great way for new readers to not only get involved with the book, but to also get the full origins of the character. It's a great issue to start on. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - joedwardlewis Aug 20, 2013

    With the character, there's no grey area " a problem for Bloodshot's operators, as he leaves a trail of destruction. Dr. Rees is charged with giving the solider memories, a conscience, a soul. This is one machine which requires a ghost. It's truly great, one and done, storytelling. ChrisCross' art brings the graphic script to life (and then death). Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Aug 21, 2013

    Chrisscross provides art in this issue and does a fantastic job. The characters and settings look great, but it's storytelling and layouts that really shine. The way the panels flow and shrink as a character is torn to pieces on the streets of a hostile foreign country. The way the eyes cut through any given scene, showing us just how dead inside these men are. The fabulous Moose Baumann does some slick color work in this issue, as well. Basically, Bloodshot has finally kicked into high gear. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Multiversity Comics - David Harper and Brandon Burpee Aug 22, 2013

    This issue was super solid. I loved the history of Bloodshot and felt Matt Kindt did a great job bringing action and intrigue back to the title. I also felt ChrisCross was a fantastic fit for the issue. There were also little things I appreciate aesthetically. In particular I really enjoyed the blood splatter that continued through all the pages of the book. I felt that was a small touch that went a long way to adding some personality and flare to the issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Johnson Aug 20, 2013

    Origin stories can be tricky but Kindt and ChrisCross find a way to breath life into this story. The final few pages of the issue is a perfect ending to such a complicated story. It's sad but packs a punch in which you won't easily recover. This is a good jumping on point for new readers and another solid and satisfying issue to long time readers. This is a near perfect match of writing and art that brings the pages to life. Bloodshot is the complicated anti-hero of the Valiant Universe and reason why Valiant is a top-shelf comic publisher. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Randall Austin Aug 21, 2013

    My fellow Ungrownups and Geeks, Bloodshot #0 is a true treat. It tells us what we need to know about Bloodshot-quiet, empty, effective, and flawed. Rest assured that this issue is definitely worth your time and dollars—RLA Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comicosity - MJ Feuerborn Aug 24, 2013

    An eerie but engaging read, Bloodshot #0 is a perfectly built story that feels like it could step right onto the big screen as the first act of the newest summer blockbuster, But probably not without at least an R rating and stirring up yet another national discussion on violence in media…which means it's a good one. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Aug 21, 2013

    Kindt and Cross spin an enjoyable yarn in the course of 22 pages. Cross delivers some awesome pencils worthy of massive praise, while Kindt has a solid script. For more on the background of the violent anti-hero this is the place to be, those who are expecting a tale reflecting the finer points of the heroes new personality should search elsewhere. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Aug 21, 2013

    Current Bloodshot fans should enjoy this, as will Harbinger fans whose introduction to the character was in the recently-concluded "Harbinger Wars." "Bloodshot" #0 is a solid issue that's a nice addition to the rapidly-expanding retake on the Valiant Universe. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Chris Wilson Aug 22, 2013

    Bloodshot #0 is a good, strong book but some of the storytelling elements are problematic. The overuse of violence toward women and children is unnecessary and excessive. Matt Kindt provides compelling ideas of whether a soul scientifically exists and if it can be recreated. ChrisCross, including having a great name, gives fantastic artwork, making it look like an action movie. While not quite living up to the quality the Bloodshot title has provided in the past, Bloodshot #0 earns a respectable 3 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Culture Mass - Andy Mansell Aug 22, 2013

    A surprisingly entertaining and potentially multi-layered read, but there's a bit too much unnecessary crimson ink on the page. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AleSiryus Sep 24, 2016

    Italia - come tutto ha avuto inizio! Purtroppo non è stati svelato chi fosse realmente bloodshot prima di essere trasformato, bensì viene raccontato il perché e da chi è stato generato. Interessante e originale la teoria dell'anima (21 grammi) che svanisce prima di spirare. Bel capitolo, molto intenso! Disegni ottimi

  • 9.0
    Yippeekiyay Oct 14, 2013

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