Belle: Beast Hunter #1
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Belle: Beast Hunter #1

Writer: Dave Franchini Artist: Bong Dazo Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Release Date: January 17, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 1
7.9Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

NEW SERIES! NEW HERO! The Grimm Universe is filled with heroes far and wide dealing with threats from vampires, werewolves, corrupt governmental organizations, to ancient orders battling for control of the realms of power.
But what lies in the deepest corners of our world could give the evilest creature nightmares. A threat since the beginning of time is rising and only one person will be there to stop it from destroying everything!
Working from the shadows a long lineage of warriors have been defending life from the darkness that exists and from that family of soldiers comes the newest ally in the war of monsters, Belle the Beast Hu more

  • 10
    The Fandom Post - Richard Gutierrez Jan 17, 2018

    Belle: Beast Hunter is an absolute joy to read and absorb with literary excellence to lead the way, then reinforced by visual treats of phenomenal illustrations and heartfelt colors of acceptance to brutality. If you have to introduce a new character within a star-filled lineup of fairy tale based titles, then you can do no better than the presentation given to us by Franchini, Dazo and Rodriguez which teeters to being an instant classic for Zenescope. And with little room to improve, I cannot wait to see how the rest of the story unfolds given how they have presented us a tale with little room to go but up. One month seems too long to wait, but you can always spend the time to see if you can find all of the treasures hidden within the pages of this iconic treasure. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jan 20, 2018

    A new hero has arrived and she's fantastic! The story is brisk, filled with plenty of action, fun lines, and threads of future plots, and the visuals are detailed and exciting. This is how you launch a book. Yeah, Zenescope, you've got me hooked. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Jan 14, 2018

    If you haven't dabbled in the Zenescope titles before, this is the perfect opportunity to wade in and test the waters. You'll find them warm and inviting, and possibly tempting you into the deeper end of the GFT pool. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jan 18, 2018

    Belle: Beast Hunter is like Batman crossed with the B.P.R.D. The title character has a plethora of gadgets and gizmos at her disposal, plus years of training. She'll have to put all of those to the test as a monster-filled conspiracy is beginning to play out around her. This first issue hits the ground running by quickly introducing Belle and her world. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Jan 18, 2018

    As mentioned above, Zenescope have worked hard to create their cohesive universe, almost plateauing out with their recent books. Now is the time for Zenescope to drive forward, to make hay from having top writers like ChuckDixon providing stories for them. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jan 17, 2018

    Over the past few years, there have been a few trends in comics. First, it was the lame duck first issue followed by a magical series, and then there were the first issue wonders that instantly dipped and failed on the second issue. Right now, it seems like we're getting solid first issues that aren't looking to be over the top and thrilling, but instead lay down a foundation that helps the rest of the series. That's what we have here with Belle. It's not that thrilling, it's interesting and leaves you wanting to read the rest of the story. Hopefully, the second issue can build upon the setup here and deliver a remarkable series. Read Full Review

  • 5.4
    Geekery Magazine - Lucas Fashina Jan 17, 2018

    Even though it is quite a departure in the normal provocative fare that I normally expect from Zenescope it is still good. I cant help wondering if this is more aimed at little girls in order to gain a wider more general audience Either way I am hooked, and will definitely check out the second issue when it comes out. Read Full Review

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