After a devastating loss to the enemy, Kimberly and the remaining Power Rangers must rally their remaining forces in a final stand against Lord Drakkon's cruel world-ending contingency plan. The Rangers will take on an enemy never before seen in Power Ranger history!
The big conclusion to Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn is finally here, and boy does it deliver. Read Full Review
A big, crazy, inventive issue swings for the fences and knocks it out of the park. Read Full Review
Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn#3 closes the door on this alternate universe, but it leaves room for more stories to be told. With solid character work, action and overall calibre I hope Birch tackles another Power Rangers story in the future. Read Full Review
Is history destined to repeat itself in this alternate universe? Or will good triumph over evil? Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn rockets to its conclusion. Read Full Review
Power Rangers: Drakkon-New Dawn
Issue: 3
Publisher: @boom_studios
Writer: Anthony Burch
Artist: @simoneragazzoni
Colorist: @raul_angulo_art
Cover: @junggeun_yoon
Foil Cover: @montesgoni
Letterer: @edukedw
The conclusion of this mini-series is finally here with this action packed issue. Kimberly and the remaining Power Rangers must rally their remaining forces to face off against Eclipta for their survival in one epic final battle.
Personally, my favorite types of issues in any super hero comic is the epic final confrontation. This issue definitely delivered in that regard. Not only does this issue deliver in regards to captivating action, but also the character gr more
This was a rather poor series. Maybe because it refers so much to the Power Rangers in Space series, which I never liked. I'm still not sure if I'll keep on reading stories about this reality, even though it will likely play a big part in some upcoming crossover. I just didn't find this story worth what I paid.