A Walk Through Hell #4

Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Goran Sudzuka Publisher: Aftershock Comics Release Date: August 29, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 4
7.3Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Shaw has a story to tell, but McGregor isn't too sure if he wants to hear it. With the utter depravity of Carnahan's crimes revealed, the two agents begin to understand the nature of their predicament-and things turn out to be worse than they could ever have guessed.
A new kind of horror story for modern America, written by Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys, Crossed) and drawn by Goran Sudzuka (Y: The Last Man, Hellblazer) that HAD to be told at AFTERSHOCK!

  • 9.0
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Aug 31, 2018

    A Walk Through Hell #4 is another triumph for the team. Ennis, Sudzuka, and Svorcina have made it is almost certainly my current favorite horror comic being published. Its an unnerving and nihilistic experience rivaled by only the likes of Infidel in recent memory. A Walk Through Hell #4 earns a strong recommendation. Give it a read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Sep 3, 2018

    A Walk Through Hell is like the horrifying cousin of Law & Order. Agents Shaw and McGregor crossed a line, but do they deserve to be put through this maddening gauntlet? Will they make it out alive? If they do, will they still have their sanity? These are the questions that make this book a gripping read. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 30, 2018

    There continue to be interesting moments in A Walk Through Hell and some really disturbing things, such as what's under the little kid's coat from the cover, but it's not holding up well as a full on narrative. As a police procedural there's a lot of interesting things in the flashback side that's being explored and I'm enjoying pieces of that, coming from my enjoyment of shows like Mindhunter and a lot of UK murder mystery dramas. But the tension has been let out of this bag for a bit now and it's needing to do something significant in order to really engage me. Read Full Review

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