No Angel #2

Writer: Eric Palicki, Adrianne Palicki Artist: Ari Syahrazad Publisher: Black Mask Studios Release Date: January 25, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
8.4Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Hannah Gregory finds herself suddenly burdened by the lies her father told in life even as she tries to unravel the truth surrounding his death. Meanwhile, the killer continues his mission to eradicate the Gregory bloodline, all of whom are conveniently gathered in one place for Hannah's father's funeral.

  • 10
    Geekery Magazine - Kevin Hamilton Feb 6, 2017

    So Black Mask has done a great job at finding a great story to publish. I have nothing but great things to say and I recommend it to anyone interested in mystery/horror fans out there. Writing is strong and along with great artists this title will surely shine and get people talking. All I wanna do is hurry up and get the next issue in my possession. Which is what I was talking about. Making the reader so interested they want to hurry up and continue. So as I end this review I have to give it flying colors. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Feb 8, 2017

    No Angel flows like a riveting drama with a supernatural twist.  It plays with a trope that authors like Stephen King have used for years, where a normal person with a normal life is thrown into a mystical situation.  You don't need much in the way of explanation as to the origins of this occult angle because you're so wrapped up in the character's life and thinking of what you'd do in their shoes. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    That's Not Current - Rachel Bellwoar Jan 27, 2017

    No Angel #2 brings some smart characterizations but weighs too much action for the ending, leaving a scarcer middle section. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Tracy Sayers Jan 30, 2017

    Since all her family were in town for her father's funeral, Hannah realises that they are all in danger and tries to warn them. Hannah takes Miriam's truck and rushes to the hotel that all her family are staying in. She grabs her gun and her mum. Then the big hitter happens she finds Jessica hiding in the tuck".what to do next?? You need to wait for the next issue for that. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Spock's Brain Feb 1, 2017

    I wasn't sure if I was going to read this after the first issue; I liked it, but wasn't sure if I was down for the whole "angels living in our world" story. However, read this issue I did and I really enjoyed it. The story has me captivated, and the art is really great for a small press book. I'm in for issue #3.

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