Thomas Alsop #8
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Thomas Alsop #8

Writer: Chris Miskiewicz Artist: Palle Schmidt Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: January 14, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
9.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Thomas' plan to free 3,000 souls has made him a pariah in New York City, but now it is the moment of truth in this final issue! To succeed, Thomas must face more than just demons in the past. Dark, personal secrets shall come to light!

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jan 14, 2015

    The point is that you should read this series. You should buy the back issues or at this point wait for the collected edition and buy the hell out of that. If you're really cool you'll do both because then we'll for sure get more of Thomas and his journey as the Hand of the Island. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Jan 28, 2015

    Issue #8 was a solid conclusion to an outstanding series, perfectly balancing humor, action, drama, and emotion. It gets the strongest recommendation from me. It may be hard to find all the individual issues at this point if you've not been following this along the way, but they're all “in stock” as digital issues on Comixology for those who like reading comics that way. For those of us who prefer reading the dead trees version of stories, a trade paperback collection of the series will be along soon. Keep an eye out for it. At the end it's mentioned this is not the end for Thomas Alsop. Whether it will continue in comic book form is up in the air, but I hope there is more, I'll be back to read it if these creators produce it. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Geek Sushi - Peter Rodriguez Jan 13, 2015

    For Thomas Alsop, it may have always been about the one. But for readers, it was about the introduction to a creative team that delivered an unbelievable series. For readers, it was about September 11, 2001. For readers, it was about the three thousand. For readers, it was about Thomas Alsop. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jan 20, 2015

    Thomas Alsop has been an emotional journey that has shown a man going through a true transformation and finding purpose in his life for perhaps the first time. Writer Chris Miskiewicz has a real talent for character development, as he took someone that I practically hated in the first couple issues and changed him into someone that I can really empathize with and even root for. He also uncovered a secret supernatural history of New York City that I hope to see explored further in future stories. Read Full Review

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