Blood and Dust #1
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Blood and Dust #1

Writer: Michael Martin, Adam Orndorf Artist: Roy Martinez Publisher: Action Lab Comics Release Date: August 3, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
8.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Judd Glenny is the first American vampire, once he terrorized the West as its most fearsome predator, but for more than 40 years now he's spent his days in peace, reduced to little more than babysitter for his own vampire offspring. But when the evil that lives in the swamp surrounding the small backwater town he calls home gets ahold of one of Judd's great grandkids, everything changes.

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Aug 10, 2016

    Judd Glenny is a character capable of standing toe-to-toe with the legends of the vampire genre. I'd love to see him make Dracula sit down with a glare. He's a great person to build a story around and there's a helluva tale coming here. This is an ideal first issue, as it introduces mystery and intrigue in such a way that will have you begging for more. The final page is easily one of the most badass images you'll see all year. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author Sep 12, 2016

    While there is this odd Southern Gothic feel to the art style, the comic is bolstered by the dark atmosphere of the issue. There is a clear absent of lightness in either story or art (so far). Judd's vampiric transformation is only seen in one panel, but it brings on a clear physical change and something I look forward to seeing more of. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Aug 3, 2016

    Blood and Dust: The Life and Undeath of Judd Glenny #1 reads well as a solid opening to a story of horror, honor and love. Our lead is not a man or being to be trifiled with while also known there are worse things out there but him. Martin and Orndorf creating plenty of wonderful tension, mystery and dread within the pages; showing one man who wants to protect his family while learning of a blood soaked past that is hinted at, but not fully explained. Eddie Jacobs allows readers to be that character who everyone can relate to, but also ask the questions that readers are interested in. The art was superb, establishing great visual moody and body language to help making this book feel even more tense and moody. And while there are some panels were there is just too many shadows, it does work overall to allow the story's darker themes shine through. Really solid first issue and looking forward to more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Bryan Brown Aug 3, 2016

    If Blood & Dust continues on this course readers are in for a treat in the coming months as this series unfolds. Just what is lurking in the swamp and what connection does Judd have with it? There are questions to be answered and stories to be told in this book and I cannot wait to read more. Read Full Review

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