Amazing Spider-Man #55

Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: Patrick Gleason Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 30, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 45
7.5Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

•  "LAST REMAINS" ends and will make you look at Spider-Man differently. It'll make Peter look at himself differently.
•  If you thought the buildup TO Kindred was intense, the fallout FROM Kindred is even more devastating.
Rated T+

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Dec 30, 2020

    Spider-Man's past has been central to Nick Spencer's run, with the re-introduction of old villains, going back to ESU and even bringing MJ back into Peter's life. It makes sense then, that this book features a parallel to a moment of Peter's life which some would say defined the character even more than Uncle Ben. In an industry the features the illusion of change, Nick Spencer has surprised me and with the mere possibility of an actual change. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Dec 30, 2020

    Patrick Gleason delivers some beautiful imagery throughout this issue. Not only do the characters look great, but the small details throughout the panels are evocative and visually engaging. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Comic Watch - Jimmy Hayes Dec 30, 2020

    A fantastic issue that pulls the rug out from under you and will have you standing outside the comic store next Wednesday, waiting for it to open! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - David Weber Jan 5, 2021

    A thoroughly engaging issue with jaw-dropping art, gorgeous coloring, and highly effective lettering. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Ben Morin Dec 30, 2020

    Amazing Spider-Man #55 delivers a startling conclusion to this current arc. Spencer and Gleason are truly doing some of their best work of late and do not disappoint. Taken as a whole, this issue leaves little to complain about other than a rather abrupt ending. Despite this, issue #55 primes readers for the next arc and will leave you on the edge of your seat grasping for more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - CJ Dec 30, 2020

    Amazing Spider-Man #55 takes an unexpected turn as the "Last Remains" storyline reaches its conclusion. Spencer built up this storyline for two years and in my humble opinion, it was more than worth the wait. I only hope that the next two years of Spidey stories live up to this example. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Megan Peters Dec 30, 2020

    While a bit of circular logic throws off the baddie's speech, fans will be enamored by Mary Jane and Gwen in this emotional issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - wolfcypher Dec 31, 2020

    This issue continues the trend of being a solid issue to this heavy arc we've been waiting to get to for the longest. Funnily, now that we're finally here, there's no end in sight. There's so much left still to unpack and we've cleared a total of eleven issues, and this late in the game we're about to get two big A-list enemies to crash the Spider-Man/Kindred party. This issue delivers enough to keep me entertained, still I'm anxious and hoping the endgame of the arc as a whole will be worth it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Dec 31, 2020

    Amazing Spider-Man #55 is a frustrating continuation of the 'Last Remains' story arc. From one end, it was fascinating to see how things played out between Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, and Mary Jane Watson. Nick Spencer is clearly not only using 'Last Remains' as a payoff to the last two years of his Amazing Spider-Man run but also to bring greater importance to all of Spider-Man's history. Unfortunately, the big problem that Spencer runs into with Amazing Spider-Man #55 is how many key plot developments come across as deus ex machinas to lead into the conclusion of 'Last Remains.' Hopefully Spencer is able to overcome these major problems with the conclusion of his big Spider-Man event. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jan 4, 2021

    I'm not in love with the art, but the story hooked me pretty well. until the big swerve at the end. I think I'll be back next issue to find out what it all means, though. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    Sequential Planet - Ethan Maddux Jan 6, 2021

    Amazing Spider-Man #55,as well as the entirety ofLast Remains,is a disappointment. It's too dark to the point of being devoid of humor and fun. I find it comparable to the Star Wars sequels, in that there's so much that is interesting, but it's so devoid of context that I barely know what I'm seeing and why I should care. Kindred has long been the least compelling part of Spencer's run, and this new focus on him is unwelcome. It seems this story plans to continue even past this arc, and in my opinion that's a mistake. The Boomerang shenanigans were fun, let's get back to that. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    COMICON - James Ferguson Dec 31, 2020

    We still have no idea as to why any of this is happening as this series continues to walk in place. At least the art is good. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Harlan Ivester Dec 31, 2020

    Once again, I’ve had a lot of faith in Nick Spencer’s story telling for a long time, but this is ridiculous. Don’t expect much out of this one – certainly not any sense of finality. The art is great, but that’s really all I can say for it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Psycamorean Dec 30, 2020

    The only problem with this issue is that it doesn't really conclude the story like they say it does. The same as Sins Rising, where it just ends on a significant cliffhanger, to be continued in the next arc. Cue a ton of angry readers mad that they don't have all the answers to Kindred yet. It is funny that all this time there were a subset of readers who just didn't care for anything that wasn't about Kindred and his identity... And then we got his identity and it looks like now that Kindred is revealed, we're going to get more than one arc out of it, and now people are mad about that. It looks like the Kindred era will officially wrap up in issue 58, with the next few issues being fallout issues to Last Remains, or more likely, just the n more

  • 10
    Thorson-98 Dec 30, 2020

    One of the best issues in all of Nick Spencer's run.

  • 10
    SenpaifenixJäger Dec 30, 2020

    That was really intense, I loved it.

  • 9.5
    EDiakota Jan 5, 2021

    " If you're--NFF--gonna kill us, Kill US. But spare us the speech about how it's all about him. None of us asked him for a permission slip. You, on the other hand...You seem pretty obsessed."

  • 9.5
    Grifter Jan 1, 2021

    Pretty disappointed it still hasn’t culminated into something big, but it is still seems to be going to bring up OMD thing.
    Please, Nick, if you do this, this might get remembered as one of the definitive SM runs ;)

  • 9.0
    Spacey Medicine May 2, 2021


  • 8.5
    CrazyforRAMU Apr 12, 2021

    With the cast assembled, Harry finally lays out his full grievances against Spider-Man. But he gets blindsided by MJ and Norman launching a play against him that might or might not be a put-on. I admire how neatly the plot threads come together here, reinforcing strong storytelling with interesting content. It's right next door to greatness and I can't wait to see how it wraps up.

  • 8.5
    DDJamesB Dec 31, 2020

    On its own I find this to be a great issue but as an issue labeled as the last issue of a highly anticipated arc it is going to leave you indifferent depending on your thoughts.

  • 8.5
    Flexstyle Dec 30, 2020

    'Conclusion to Last Remains' my ass.

    Good issue, but didn't go nowhere and answered no questions about Kindred and how Harry got these powers.

  • 8.5
    Sollywoods Dec 30, 2020

    I wanted to give it a 10 because it was a great issue BUT nothing concludes here! What the hell are they thinking by saying this is a conclusion issue. It's still on a cliff hanger, nothing is resolved, it's still in the middle of the damn story! It's a good story, I'm enjoying it, but a little pissed off at feeling like I was lied to. If you haven't read it yet, know that it's a great middle chapter, maybe penultimate issue, but in no way is the conclusion. my rage is not about it being bad at all, just that the publisher created an anticipation for a conclusion and didn't offer one at all.

  • 8.5
    tonpas1989 Dec 30, 2020

    It was good, but Conclusion is a bit of a misnomer here.

  • 8.0

    I see a lot of complaints that this story's conclusion ended with another "to be continued." But should we really be surprised? I don't remember more than a mere handful of comics I've read in the last 10+ years that say "The end" on the final page anymore. Like everything else in pop culture, Comics are serialized nowadays, so nothing is ever over, because when it is, something else takes immediate priority. There's also the fact this story has an aftermath installment ahead. Usually when there's an aftermath ahead it does end with a "To be continued."
    Nonetheless, I enjoyed these last 2 connecting stories. Spencer shows he has plenty of ideas ahead, so we should expect more exciting things ahead for the web swinger. 2020 may be rem more

  • 8.0
    Kalaoui Jan 4, 2021

    Well it didn't deliver the end it hyped so much for 10+ issues. As a chapter to an ongoing story it was great from Spencer! It had the drama build up, the beautiful Gleason art but it ended on a bit of a whimper where Kindred just disappears in a tiny panel with some suspected magic from Norman/Kingpin that somehow took care of the Ultra powerful Kindred that couldn't be killed?? We'll see where it goes next but it's a bit of disappointment. I have called it many issues ago. The ASM board/editors just won't let the OMD story get fixed naturally over a 10 issue story arc, they wanna milk it for the next 50+ issues for another 2 years if they ever resolve it. Mephisto is all over the Marvel landscape right now and is going to be a prominent e more

  • 8.0

    The Amazing Spider-Man
    Volume: 5, Issue: 55, LGY: 856
    “Last Remains” Part VI

    Publisher: @marvel
    Writer: Nick Spencer
    Artist: Patrick Gleason
    Colorist: @delgaduck
    Cover: @patrickgleasonstudio
    Letterer: @joecaramagna

    This latest issue of the Amazing Spider-Man brings the “Last Remains” story arc to its epic conclusion. This issue immediately picks up from last issue, 54.LR, where we see Spider-Man and the Order of the Web captured by Kindred as well as Mary Jane seemingly walking into a trap after her encounter with Norman.

    The “conclusion” of the Last Remains story arc contained a lot more dialogue than I expected. Most climax issues are where the epic more

  • 7.5
    Federico Liguori Jan 2, 2021

    The problem here is that I really like SOME parts (Kindred as a character, the atmosphere...) but sometimes this all feels pointless. Spencer is the best Spider-Man writer in decades, but it looks like he kinda lost control of this. To be clear, this is not a story arc ending.

  • 7.0
    Afre Dec 30, 2020

    Well, Last Remains did not conclude since this didn't conclude anything so don't go expect that.

    Spencer reminded me of "City of Bane", worst Batman run I've ever read with this issue so that is "nice".

    I'm currently so confused. I don't know how the editorial messed this up but it seems that the "fallout" of Last Remains will actually be the finale.

    It is hard to review this with this mindset so let's give it a 7/10.

  • 4.5
    C.V.R. The Bard Dec 31, 2020

    I had just got through reading "One More Day" a few days prior, so seeing that iconic "Brand New Day" lead-in for a flashback (no matter how horrible that reboot was) - gave me chills. Albeit, more than MJ getting hit with a pumpkin bomb, because Spidey can always have Spider - Gwen right?
    I mean I will never forget the way Pete talks about her in Loeb's "Blue", so the stakes just never seemed as high as they should whenever MJ is in the picture as threatened.
    Yet, I did not expect Spidey to get so riled up over MJ, that he punched and webbed a hole through Kindred's face.Well while reading this and picturing Zendaya, I began to understand.
    I find it funny that all it took was a love interest to get Spidey to release some more

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