The Hangman #3

Writer: Frank Tieri Artist: Felix Ruiz Publisher: Dark Circle Comics Release Date: March 9, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
8.4Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

"Damned," Part 3. From the very depths of Hell, a new Hangman arises! Can this newest incarnation of the urban legend do what it takes to save his soul-or will be walk the Earth forever unredeemed? He will if the demon Azmodeus has anything to say about it!

  • 9.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Christopher Calloway Mar 10, 2016

    Put aside any reservations you may have about reading this latest adaptation of a MLJ Golden Age hero. Dark Circle has carefully chosen its writers and artists to keep with the grittier and intense style of itsDark Circle comics. The Hangman #3 by Teri and Ruiz is a must for fans of classic 1970s horror films and one the best new offerings under Archie Comic's Dark Circle imprint. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 10, 2016

    The Hangman is a kind of frustrating book just in the time between installments but the end result is fantastic. I'm looking forward to the first trade just to see how well it flows in that form in building its overall narrative, but I'm glad that the book works well in its single issue form as well. This chapter expands our world now that Minetta is back in the real world and he's just starting to get his education – one that I agree with Jack about in wishing that he was told more prior to starting it. It's an area where it's almost a joke of sorts just to see how long one might survive without any real knowledge, but part of it is just to winnow out the weak and those incapable of truly handling the job so it makes sense. This installment does some great stuff across the board and I can't wait to see what Tieri and Ruiz have in store next. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Mar 15, 2016

    The Hangman plays in a nightmarish corner of Dark Circle Comics.  If you thought The Black Hood was grim and gritty, you're in for a treat with this book.  It's taking its time outlining the players and the rules of this world which pulls you in deeper on every page.  With each new layer, the story hooks me more and more.  The Hangman mixes elements of revenge, supernatural, and good old-fashioned horror in a demonic showcase of terror. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Mar 9, 2016

    There's no doubt that Archie wanted to make Dark Circle its more adult and mature-themed line of comics. Thankfully, with the help of 'The Hangman,' Dark Circle has become Archie's version of DC's Vertigo Comics with a slick, edgy story that draws you in every month. It's a little twisted and dark but also fresh and compelling. It's become worth adding to your pull list so you don't miss it.   Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Mar 8, 2016

    This continues to be one of my favorite origin story series in a long time. The character is dark, twisted, and its biblical connections will make you want more. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Comic Crusaders - 13th Crusader Mar 11, 2016

    Frank Tieri's adaptation of Hangman is simply extraordinary. He set up a world where a criminal who committed an incalculable amount of heinous and unspeakable crimes could keep on thriving by performing atrocities for all of the right reasons. As a long time comic book fan and collector, I have always been fascinated by Golden and Silver Age characters, but not once was I able to take the Hangman character seriously"not until this most recent Hangman series by Dark Circle Comics came along. The artwork for each Hangman book supplied by Felix Ruiz, perfectly personifies violence and represents malice in its purest form. Kelly Fitzpatrick's colors augment the intensity each panel portrays seamlessly. Read Full Review

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