Gravetrancers #1
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Gravetrancers #1

Writer: M.L. Miller Artist: James Whynot Publisher: Black Mask Studios Release Date: December 13, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 2
8.1Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

On a journey to track down the grave of their estranged father, Maribel and Anthony find their way to the Malort Cemetery, a strange, seemingly abandoned field of mostly unmarked tombs. There they encounter an eccentric clan of grave-robbers who've devised a highly-addictive drug made from human remains--and the fresher the corpse, the stronger the dose. What started out as an attempt to reconnect with the past becomes a descent into a psychedelic, neon-colored nightmare, will Maribel and Anthony find their way through the hallucinogens or will they become the next hit?
Written by M.L. Miller (Pirouette) and featuring mind-shredding artwo more

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Kristopher Grey Dec 19, 2017

    From the cover art to the last page, Gravetrancers is unapologetically horrifying and tragically intoxicating. The original content of the prologue is unique, remarkable, and sets up the overall conflict. In the meantime, the protagonists are dealing with immediate conflicts of their own: Freaky-ass cemetery owners, dealing with family estrangement, and sobriety. Become entranced with this phenomenal hit on the shelves with the psychedelic and menacing cover. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Dec 19, 2017

    I really enjoyed Gravetrancers and if you're looking for something different I'd really recommend giving this a try. The art and story may not be for everyone, but I walked away from this first issue not forgetting it, and wondering just where this story is headed. I'm definitely coming back from more, even though I may be a bit scared to! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Dec 14, 2017

    Gravetrancers will shock you to your core. There is no sugar coating this story. These are dangerous people and there is absolutely no guarantee Maribel and Anthony will make it out alive, let alone in one piece. That makes for one terrifying horror comic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Mexi Gremillion Dec 14, 2017

    If you like horror, you should definitely check out Gravetrancers. Its a disturbing piece that will most likely end on an unnerving note and theres something oddly refreshing about that, even if I do love happy endings more than terrible ones. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Impulse Gamer - Dana Folkard Nov 29, 2017

    Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the introduction to this tale. This is a horror story with a disturbing psychedelic twist, that will make your stomach churn and leave you feeling mighty uncomfortable. It has an interesting concept, and this combined with the detailed art makes for an engaging and gripping read. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Capeless Crusader - Jeremy Radick Nov 30, 2017

    Gravetrancers #1 is a trippy exercise in gruelling and gory horror, boosted by interesting characters, a unique central concept, and disturbing imagery. Gravetrancers #1, in how far it's willing to go to be both weird and gross, does evoke the glory days of the 1980s, when kids went to gas station video rental racks and gleefully took home cheap and grimy grind house flicks. With terrific art, a cool central concept, some genuinely disturbing scares, and top notch character work, horror fans will find lots to love here. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Doom Rocket - Brendan Hodgdon Nov 30, 2017

    Gravetrancers is for sure a great premise, and could've gotten by on that and style alone. But when you add in the depth and emotion that's included here, you get a real winner of a book. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Manny Gomez Nov 29, 2017

    GRAVETRANCERS #1 is a unique arrival in the world of horror comics. The concept is completely original but the execution is pure classic horror comic storytelling. This is one disturbing, graphic and atmospheric tale. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Nov 29, 2017

    Gravetrancers #1 is a story that puts you on edge for all the ways a trip to a cemetery can go wrong. To me this felt like more of a mental thriller which is a great change of pace in contrast to some of the other horror books on shelves. One of the last situations you would like to find yourself in that will turn your world upside down. I don't know how either of these two will walk out of this feeling anything like who they were before they arrived, if they even make it out of this, but that makes you look forward to and brace yourself for the issues to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Dec 7, 2017

    Now, I am not a big horror fan, mainly because I am too analytical when watching movies, which reduces the shock levels to almost clich. Reading this book, I get the impression that Miller may be in the same boat as his book is rooted in Maribel and Anthony. Its their perceptions of the world and how they view their world through the prism of their pain, hurt and addiction that is the key. Sure, there maybe horror tropes in play, but it is to the credit of all involved, that they have produced an uncomfortable, yet enjoyable twist on the familiar. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Outright Geekery - Christa Harader Dec 17, 2017

    Overall, I'm not shocked, appalled or creeped out beyond belief " I'll need more from Miller and team to earn those high notes, but I'm seriously pleased by a juicy visual feast that promises some old-school nods and drug trip-goodness. Miller and team are fans, and they seem to know where they're stepping. Congratulations to Gravetrancers for busting down the door that society keeps trying to close on this side of our beloved pulp " now, you better deliver. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Nov 29, 2017

    Ultimately, while the real meat of the story is only being hinted at for the time being, this first issue does a great job of establishing the unsettling tone of the series. It introduces us to our protagonists, building up a little emotional investment before launching them headlong into a genuinely horrifying situation. And, in spite of some familiar tropes, Gravetrancers proves to be one hell of a weird, disturbing and genuinely uncomfortable trip, and I honestly can't wait to see where Miller, Whynot and Cunniffe take this story as it unfolds. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Pop Break - Sheena Fisher Dec 6, 2017

    There were also a few points in the story I didn't describe that were highly disturbing. Horror fans will appreciate that though, especially if they're more into the violent thrillers. The art meshes well with the story to convey the violent nature. I only had one complaint and that was the character's faces all look very similar. I had to pay close attention to clothing, hair color, and eye color to differentiate between characters. But, overall the story is strong, disturbing, and fresh. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Daniel Vlasaty Nov 22, 2017

    Gravetrancers #1 is a decent book. There's nothing outright wrong with it. It's not terrible, and it's not great. But it's an okay first issue. Read Full Review

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