Dana Folkard's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Impulse Gamer Reviews: 213
9.2Avg. Review Rating

Aliens: Dead Orbit #1

Mar 31, 2017

Overall, Ive enjoyed the first issue of Dead Orbit and I look forward to watching this intense game of cat and mouse unfold. I love nothing more than being immersed in a scary, adrenaline-fueled space horror, especially one that involves a xenomorph. I just hope that this story maintains its chilling momentum and offers us something that we havent encountered from this nasty creature yet.

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American Gods: Shadows #1

Mar 11, 2017

Overall, Im excited about this comic adaptation and I look forward to future issues. Its great to be able to revisit this wonderful story, visualised with interesting and unusual art. Im curious to see how such a large novel will be condensed down into twenty-seven single issues without sacrificing the complex story that we have come to know. This is a comic for both old and new fans, for those who have read this book multiple times and for those who have never ventured into this strange world before. Do yourself a favour and grab a copy ASAP!

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American Gods: Shadows #2

Apr 7, 2017

American Gods: Shadows #2 is maintaining its momentum as the story stays true to the original source material. The art reinforces the emotional tone of the story, delivering a visual dose of unease and apprehension. Things are starting to get interesting, as Shadows journey into the mystical world of the gods begins.

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American Gods: Shadows #3

May 12, 2017

Overall, I'm enjoying this comic adaption of American Gods. P. Craig Russell has been very faithful to the original source material and Scott Hampton's art brings a whole new dimension to this wonderful story. I'm curious to see how they'll continue to deliver this classic tale, packaged neatly in a satisfying and enjoyable comic and whether it'll continue to engage and entertain. I've read this novel before but I never tire of this excellent story and seeing it wonderfully adapted by P. Craig Russell makes for a fresh new experience that I'm thoroughly enjoying.

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American Gods: Shadows #4

Jun 12, 2017

Overall, I'm enjoying this comic adaptation of American Gods. This is such an excellent and engaging story, and seeing it imagined with expressive art is an absolute treat. I know I'm enjoying a story when I come to the end and I'm bitterly disappointed that it's over"well, this is how I feel when reading American Gods. Don't hesitate, do yourself a favour and grab a copy ASAP!

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American Gods: Shadows #5

Jul 12, 2017

American Gods #5 is a strange and haunting jaunt into a mysterious world inhabited by gods. Things are slowly being revealed to Shadow, which makes for some compelling developments and curious changes in the way that Shadow perceives the world around him. There is a real sense of respect about the way in which P. Craig Russell delicately handles this adaptation, never sacrificing the bones of what makes this story special.

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American Gods: Shadows #6

Aug 15, 2017

Overall, I found this to be an exciting and wild ride into a warped reality. Things are beginning to unfold, revealing secrets, identities and plans to Shadow at an alarming rate. P. Craig Russell delicately handles this adaptation in a subtle and respectful way, and this coupled with Scott Hampton's art, makes for an enjoyable journey. I'm looking forward to #7 where we'll see Shadow's next move in this bizarre game with the gods.

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American Gods: Shadows #7

Sep 12, 2017

I really liked this issue, as I felt that it captured the ominous and uneasy tone that is driving the narrative forward perfectly. As Shadow's journey unfolds, we learn more about him and his destiny, and this for me is what keeps me coming back. Also, P. Craig Russell has handled Neil Gaiman's novel with a level of delicacy and respect that I believe deserves commending and this coupled with Scott Hampton's art makes for an enjoyable and engaging read.

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American Gods: Shadows #8

Oct 10, 2017

American Gods #8 was an enjoyable and confronting chapter in this story, where we see the introduction of two new curious characters, Mr. Ibis and Mr. Jacquel. A change is occurring within Shadow, heralding a dark and worrying shift in his emotional state. Overall, I found this to be an engaging and compelling issue and I'm looking forward to when the next one comes out.

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American Gods: Shadows #9

Nov 15, 2017

Overall, I found this issue of American Gods to be an engaging and revealing chapter in this tale. There is a feeling of sadness and despair driving the narrative forward, as Mad Sweeney grapples with the reality of his situation, and the desperation that he is feeling.

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Angelic #1

Sep 21, 2017

Overall, I really enjoyed the first issue of Angelic. I believe that this story has the potential to grow into an exciting and engaging narrative that will take us to some exciting new places. The story is unique and compelling, and this coupled with the vibrant art makes for a highly enjoyable read. Angelic is a a coming-of-age story that will appeal to teens and people of all ages.

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Angelic #2

Oct 25, 2017

Angelic #2 is an exciting chapter in Qora's tale, as we see her embark on a thrilling adventure with her new companion. Caspar Wijngaard's art is visually epic and beautiful, capturing the whimsical and curious nature of Qora perfectly. I find this to be an easy comic to immerse myself in, with a well-rounded story and lore to match.

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Beasts of Burden: Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men #1

Aug 21, 2018

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my first taste of a Beats of Burden comic. The characterisation of the individual dogs is excellent and I really enjoyed the sharp banter between one another. The larger narrative has me intrigued, and I'm looking forward to puzzling out this strange mystery with these pooches as the story unfolds.

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Bitch Planet #9

Nov 3, 2016

Overall, Bitch Planet #9 packs a punch! Its a well thought out and stimulating read. I feel like a lot of love and dedication has gone into this story and the women within it. Its confronting and inspiring at the same time and that itself makes it an important comic to read. I find that I take my time reading each new issue of Bitch Planet and I also enjoyreading all of the political and though-provoking essays and interviews at the end of the issue. DeConnick tears down those boundaries that make a lot of people uncomfortable and in doing so creates a truly unique story, filled with powerful characters. I just love this series and this issue is another great instalment to this epic story.

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Bitch Planet #10

Apr 26, 2017

This was an impressive and exciting end to the second story arc of Bitch Planet. Intense, gritty and thought-provoking, this issue truly captures the exciting and stimulating pace of this story.

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Bitch Planet: Triple Feature #1

Jun 14, 2017

Overall, I enjoyed the Bitch Planet: Triple Feature #1. I found it to be engaging and compelling, with each story fitting right into the world of Bitch Planet, but allowing us to explore this dystopian landscape from a fresh and new perspective. I enjoyed the variety of different art, and commend the different interpretations that each artist brings. If you are a lover of Bitch Planet, or new to the series and are curious to enter this world for the first time, then this is a comic you should definitely get your hands on.

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Bitch Planet: Triple Feature #2

Jul 19, 2017

Overall, I thought that this was a clever, entertaining and funny anthology. Each story is unique, smart and well written, fitting perfectly within the larger dystopian world of Bitch Planet. With a mixture of compelling themes alongside satirical humour, these stories all come together to create a powerful and thought-provoking narrative. I have found that the world of Bitch Planet has helped to foster a sense of solidarity and community for people from all walks of life, and this in itself is the biggest reason why you should go grab a copy, and become one of the non-compliant!

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Black AF: American Sweetheart OGN

Jan 17, 2018

Overall, I enjoyed this story, finding it to be a highly compelling read. If you're looking for a story that is politically charged and not afraid to offer a fresh take on the superhero genre, then I recommend giving Black Af American Sweetheart a go. It's a pretty excellent read and has gorgeous art to match.

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Black Hammer #3

Sep 14, 2016

With each new issue of Black Hammer, Im learning more and more about this world, the characters and their personal stories. Its an interesting world, filled with complex personalities that have a lot to reveal and space to grow. Im excited with where this story is going and I look forward to learning more about what is going on and where it is all headed. There is mystery and intrigue littered throughout this story and I look forward to piecing together this cryptic puzzle and discovering more about this world and the characters within it.

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Black Hammer #4

Oct 17, 2016

Overall this issue has piqued my curiosity. Whilst a lot is slowly being revealed to us, there still remains a lot of unanswered questions, with more being added to the mix. I find the story and the characters both mysterious, complex and engaging. Im looking forward to seeing where Lemire is going to take the story and I cant wait until more is revealed to us about the Black Hammer.

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Black Hammer #5

Nov 8, 2016

Black Hammer #5 delivers another intriguing issue to this mysterious story. By this point, I feel like Im really starting to get to know these superheroes, as I learn about their past and the things that have happened to them. Im curious to see where this is all leading to and learning more about these weird and wonderful characters, stuck in this strange and twisted world.

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Black Hammer #6

Dec 14, 2016

Black Hammer #6 has opened up even more mystery for us. Something is very wrong and Im curious to find out exactly what it is. The plot thickens even more, as unexpected developments occur resulting in some curious changes to the story. Its all very interesting and Im actually finding it hard to guess what is going to happen, which makes me even more intrigued. Do yourself a favour and grab a copy ASAP and step into Madame Dragonflys Cabin of Horrors.

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Black Hammer #7

Mar 14, 2017

Black Hammer #7 delivers an emotional dose of reflective storytelling. Joe Webers story is a sad one and it leads to a sad conclusion. Im curious to discover more about Lucy and her journey to the farm and whether this renewed hope will eventuate into something more. Knowing that the hammer must never fall and that someone must always wield it has me intrigued with what will transpire next. Im curious and excited for what the next issue will reveal and looking forward to learnning more about this mysterious story.

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Black Hammer #8

Apr 18, 2017

A spooky and puzzling issue that leaves us with more questions than answers.

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Black Hammer #9

May 22, 2017

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this issue of Black Hammer. Both thought-provoking and moving, Lemire digs deep, revealing more about the emotional state and relationship of Weird and Talky. I'm also very curious as to what Weird is up to and how it will ultimately affect the overall larger narrative. Couple that with Rubin's lovely art and this makes for an interesting and creative instalment to this story.

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Black Hammer #10

Jun 16, 2017

Overall, Black Hammer #10 is an intriguing and compelling issue. There are multiple things unfolding, all of which feel like they are building towards a narrative development or plot twist. I find that the characters are all going through some interesting changes, learning more about who they are and responding to these discoveries. I'm looking forward to when the next issue comes out, where we unearth what Madame Dragonfly is up to.

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Black Hammer #11

Jul 25, 2017

I was sad when I came to the end of this issue, as I didn't want it to end. I really love this story, with its troubled characters, unexpected developments and overall spookiness. This really is an interesting and unique tale, that is illustrated beautifully.

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Black Hammer #12

Aug 23, 2017

It was a pleasure to see David Rubin back to illustrate this issue, with his art bringing a new and interesting visual angle to this world.

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Black Hammer #13

Sep 20, 2017

Dean Ormston is back to illustrate this chapter of Black Hammer, bringing this wonderfully dark and gritty world to life. Emotions are flying in this issue, and Ormston perfectly captures the pain and anguish that these heroes are experiencing.

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Black Hammer Annual #1

Jan 13, 2017

Overall, I enjoyed reading this curious tale and learning more about this mysterious tale. I found that Lemire paces his stories well, which allows for us to take in and absorb everything at a steady pace. Even though a lot happens, I never feel overwhelmed and I believe that this is because of his clever writing and character development. The art delivers so much variety and it brings a totally new and interesting element to the Black Hammer visual narrative. I highly recommend reading this, as its a wonderful addition to this very curious and cryptic tale.

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Black Hammer '45 #1

Feb 20, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was an impactful and moving introduction to this new series. I'm loving the pacing and use of dual storytelling. I'm keen to delve back into this story when the next issue comes out.

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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #1

Apr 2, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a wonderful introduction to the new story arc. There are a few unexpected plot developments, all that left me with a bazillion new questions and theories to ponder over. I really love the new direction that the story has taken and I can't wait until the next issue comes out. I need more of this creepy world in my life.

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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #3

Jun 20, 2018

Overall, I was excited by this issue. Some huge things are revealed to us, changing how you might view this series. Jeff Lemire has been cleverly crafting this shadowy masterpiece, keeping a lot of the details hidden behind smoke and mirrors.

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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #4

Aug 21, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was an intense issue. I believe the reveal was handled perfectly, and I loved the build up of tension that progressed throughout this issue. I can't wait to see where things go from here, as Black Hammer is going to be different from now on.

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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #6

Oct 17, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was another curious instalment in the Black Hammer saga. I highly recommend grabbing a copy today and delving into the unknown with Colonel Weird!

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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #8

Feb 27, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was a strong introduction to the new arc. There have been some crazy developments, and we are finally seeing the consequences of these changes unfold. Im excited about where the story is going to take us, as itll no doubt he one hell of a ride.

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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #9

Mar 26, 2019

Overall, I liked this issue, and Im enjoying the direction that the story is taking.

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Blackbird #1

Sep 5, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a solid introduction to Blackbird. I like this take on a modern fantasy and believe that the leading character is a complex and interesting one. The art is stunning and absolutely magical and yep, I'm on board and keen to see where this tale is headed.

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Blackwood #1

Jun 18, 2018

Overall, I'm absolutely loving this series. The writing is clever and sophisticated, delving into an emotionally complex horror story. I love the supernatural side of this story, bringing a mysterious and ominous tone to the narrative, and this coupled with the lovely art makes for a highly enjoyable read.

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Bronze Age Boogie #1

Apr 4, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was a strong first issue. The concept, characters and plot is original, funny and bold. Seriously, check this one out.

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Burnouts #1

Sep 5, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a great start to this series. It was fun and fresh, and I totally love the concept and characters. The art is ace and has a lovely sense of energy, that matches the pacing of the narrative. I recommend giving this series a go. It's a lot of fun.

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By Chance or Providence #1

Jul 26, 2017

By Chance of Providence is a magical jaunt into an enchanting and tragic world. The stories intrigue and engage, with tormented tales of lost love and regret. Becky Cloonan's art is hypnotic and captivating, transporting the reader into a beautifully detailed world that has a sense of history, lore and culture. I sincerely hope Cloonan plans to spin more tales like this, as this trilogy is an absolute treat.Dana Folkard

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Captain Ginger #1

Oct 17, 2018

Overall, I thought that Captain Ginger was a fun and adventurous frolic. You had me at evolved cats in space.

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Criminal (2019) #1

Jan 9, 2019

Overall, I have to say that I loved this first issue. For a complete CRIMINAL newb, I found the story easy to follow and in no way daunting to delve into. Im totally jumping on board with this series and keen to see what the next issue will bring. Now time for me to go back and begin reading the previous books.

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Crimson Lotus #1

Nov 21, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a strong introduction to the Crimson Lotus miniseries. The foundations have been laid for an engaging, revealing and exciting tale. Definitely add this to your pull list. It's a goodie, I just know it.

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Crimson Lotus #2

Dec 18, 2018

Overall, I thought that this issue was one hell of a crazy adventure. John Arcudi rams up and maintains the pace, delivering a hefty dose of adrenaline fuelled spy escapades. Loving the story so far and looking forward to what the future holds.

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Crimson Lotus #3

Jan 29, 2019

Overall, this is turning out to be an action-packed adventure. My only gripe is that I wish it would slow down a little to allow for other developments to take place and form better.

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Crimson Lotus #4

Feb 27, 2019

Overall, I enjoyed this issue more. Slowing down from the constant chase, the story delivers more complex developments, allowing for the overall story to be fleshed out more. Looking forward to the next and final issue of the series. I have a feeling its going to be intense!

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Crimson Lotus #5

Mar 26, 2019

Overall, I had a lot of fun reading this issue. It has been my favourite of this series so far, and it was a great way to end the story.

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Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows #1

Mar 2, 2018

Overall, I found this to be a heartfelt and compelling opening chapter. I believe that this has the potential to be a great series, with both sad and exciting scenes to come. The art is lovely, and works well with translating this tale into a compelling and engaging visual narrative.

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Edgar Allan Poe (Ahoy): Snifter of Terror #1

Oct 31, 2018

COMIC DETAILSCREATIVE TEAM:Tom Peyer, Fred Harper, Mark Russell, Peter Snejbjerg, Cienna Madrid, Carly Wright, Hunt Emerson, Michael Garland and Rob Steen.PUBLISHER:AHOY ComicsPUBLICATION DATE:October 31, 2018REVIEWER:Dana Folkard

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Empress #5

Sep 20, 2016

So far Im thoroughly enjoying Empress and this weird and wonderful chase through space that Millar and Immonen have created for us. This issue delivers more intense nail-biting moments and swashbuckling heroics, all framed in an epic space opera backdrop. Im looking forward to the next issue and the conclusion of the first story arc and hopefully getting an answer to the one question I have. Will our escapees evade death and danger one final time and be able to find their safe sanctuary?

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Empress #6

Sep 23, 2016

Empress #6 is an impressive conclusion to the first story arc of this series. Millar and Immonen have introduced us to a wonderful space opera that offers us some great characters, hair-raising moments and stimulating plot developments. Ive thoroughly enjoyed reading Empress and I've found it to be consistently clever, gripping and fun.Its concluding issue really ties it all nicely together, making it a cohesive and dynamic story that is well rounded and cleverly thought out. Im looking forward to the next story arc and seeing where this whirlwind of events and dramatic tale is going to take us.

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Ether #2

Dec 20, 2016

Overall, I find Ether #2 to be another enjoyable instalment to this story. Venturing out and exploring this unusual world has been both entertaining and amusing. There is something dark lurking there and I can sense the foreboding nature of it, however, that has yet to be revealed to us. So until then I look forward to reading the next issue and finding out exactly who murdered the Blaze and whether Boone make order from all of this chaos?

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Ether: Copper Golems #2

Jun 20, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a fun and enjoyable chapter in this arc. The story is getting really interesting and exciting, and the group dynamic is just spot on. I'm keen to see some more action in the following issue, hoping that things begin to heat up for this group of rebels.

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Ether: Copper Golems #3

Jul 18, 2018

Overall, I'm finding this arc to be immersive, fun and one big ol' giant adventure. Each new chapter is bringing something fresh and exciting to the table, and I just love the unexpected nature of the story and challenges these characters are facing.

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Ether #3

Jan 17, 2017

Overall, I enjoy venturing into the Ether with Boone and Glum. It's an interesting world filled with magic that is reimagined in an interesting and creative way. The combination of an inventive concept, filled with likeable and funny characters, along with fun and whimsical art makes for an enjoyable read. I look forward to the next issue and once again stepping through the portal with Boone to this weird and wonderful world where magic and science collide!

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Ether: Copper Golems #4

Aug 15, 2018

Overall, I thought that this issue was a curious chapter in this tale, however, it lacked a little cohesion. We have some interesting developments towards the end, which has me intrigued with what will transpire for Boone and his companions in the future.

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Ether #4

Feb 8, 2017

Overall, I enjoyed Ether #4. It was nice to deviate a little from Boone and Glums story for a moment and explore more of Hazels. Im curious about a few things, one being the villain in this story, Ubel. Every good story needs a balance of good and bad and it appears like we are just starting to scratch the surface of this. Im looking forward to learning more about these character's backstories and discovering why they are important.

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Ether #5

Mar 6, 2017

Overall, I've enjoyed the concluding issue for the first story arc of Ether. I found this to be a thought-provoking and intriguing read. It was interesting to discover more of Boones story and learn a little bit about his sad past. He is a broken and damaged man, who has sacrificed a lot to live a life of high-adventure and scientific discovery. Whilst I'm excited about discovering more about the sinister plot that is about to unfold Im keen to learn more about Boone and Hazel and the importance of their complicated relationship.

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Evolution #1

Nov 15, 2017

Overall, I found Evolution #1 to be an edgy and intense introduction to this series. The story is original and the art is beautifully detailed, aptly suiting this story. The creators of this comic have my attention, and I'm keen to follow this story to find out more about this apocalypse, and how the world is going to end.

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Fearscape #1

Aug 21, 2018

Overall, I believe that this is a highly intriguing tale. I love the main character, with all his horrible flaws and shortcomings. This is a story I can't quite pin and that's what I like about it. Give it a go, as I'm sure you'll feel the same way.

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Fearscape #2

Oct 30, 2018

Overall, I have to say that I'm loving this story. It's such a compelling read and I applaud Ryan for doing something completely different with his clever and layered storytelling. The journey is intense and funny, and our host, Henry Henry, is an interesting guy that I'm not entirely sure I like. In summary, I reckon everyone should be reading this quality comic.

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Fearscape #3

Dec 12, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a great issue, probably my favourite so far. Sad, intense and distressing, the story has progressed to places I did not anticipate. Loving the pacing and dark character development as well.

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Fearscape #4

Feb 6, 2019

Overall, I love this comic. I really have nothing negative to say about it. The writing is clever, and the art is lovely, and if you arent reading it already, what the hell are you doing?

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Fearscape #5

Apr 16, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was a satisfying end to Fearscape. I've absolutely loved this story and the risks it has taken, finding it to be truly unique and thought-provoking read. Wow guys, you've all made something very special here.

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Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves #1

Jan 18, 2017

Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Secret House of the Night of Dread Desire is a wonderful story that will leave you entertained and amused. Neil Gaimans writing is witty, whimsical and clever and Shane Oakleys art is a perfect accompaniment to this satirical Gothic tale. I recommend grabbing a copy, so that you may experience this story depicted in a lovely visual narrative.

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Gideon Falls #1

Feb 14, 2018

Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed this first issue of Gideon Falls, finding it to be a mysterious and menacing introduction. I'm incredibly intrigued and puzzled " in a good way " with both the characters and the direction the story is taking. Fuelled by a deep feeling of unease and apprehension, this surreal horror ventures into sinister territory, as it tackles mental illness and the concept of evil.

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Gideon Falls #2

Apr 10, 2018

Overall, I'm really enjoying this story and the mysterious complexities it brings. Little has been revealed to us, but what has been revealed is compelling and has piqued by curiosity. The story and art come together to form a wonderfully complex and clever chapter.

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Gravetrancers #1

Nov 29, 2017

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the introduction to this tale. This is a horror story with a disturbing psychedelic twist, that will make your stomach churn and leave you feeling mighty uncomfortable. It has an interesting concept, and this combined with the detailed art makes for an engaging and gripping read.

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Gravetrancers #2

Jan 31, 2018

Overall, I found this to be an exciting and fast-paced issue that explore some interesting plot developments. Things are looking pretty grim for Anthony, as he slips into a deep and troubling psychosis. I'm looking forward to the next issue, and stepping into this tale of horror once again.

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Hellboy: Krampusnacht #1

Dec 14, 2017

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this dark Christmas tale. Venturing forth once again with Hellboy is an absolute treat. Mignola weaves the kind of Krampus story that will make all lovers of Hellboy smile. What a delightful Christmas treat!

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High Heaven #1

Sep 10, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a clever and entertaining story. David is an excellent protagonist who has dry and sharp banter that gave me a good ol' laugh. The concept is fresh and original, and this combined with the lovely art makes for a highly enjoyable read.

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Hungry Ghosts #1

Jan 3, 2018

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the first issue of Hungry Ghosts, finding it to be an enjoyable introduction. I love the concept, finding it to be a clever take on 100 candles and I'm looking forward to discovering what delectable treats they have in store for us next. If you're a fan of something a little different but no less compelling, then do yourself a favour and grab a copy ASAP!

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Hungry Ghosts #2

Feb 28, 2018

COMIC DETAILSCREATIVE TEAM:Anthony Bourdain, Joel Rose, Mateus Santolouco, Leonardo Manco andJose VillarrubiaPUBLISHER:Dark Horse ComicsPUBLICATION DATE:February 28, 2018REVIEWER:Dana Folkard

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Ice Cream Man #1

Jan 17, 2018

Overall, I enjoyed this introductory issue of Ice Cream Man. The writing is both entertaining and engaging, and this coupled with the art makes for an enjoyable horror story. I'm looking forward to when the next issue comes out, to see what kind of stories will be spun for us.

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Ice Cream Man #2

Feb 21, 2018

COMIC DETAILSCREATIVE TEAM:W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo and Chris OHalloranPUBLISHER:Image ComicsPUBLICATION DATE:February 21, 2018REVIEWER:Dana Folkard

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Ice Cream Man #4

Apr 25, 2018

Overall, I found this to be an enjoyable chapter in this series. I liked the interaction between Joel and Chris' father and I also loved the horrifying interlude that we see involving Chris. There was one particular scene involving Joel and Chris' father that bugged me a little, but aside from that I thought it was pretty ace.

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Jupiter's Legacy: Vol. 2 #3

Sep 18, 2016

Although this issue was slower paced and didnt progress a great deal, the deliberate gradual pace was needed to help establish these new and complex relationships. Overall Im really enjoying the character development and the interesting relationship dynamics that are forming. Im looking forward to when the next issue comes out and we get to see more of the super-villains plan to break into Supermax. Millar is laying the foundations for an all mighty raid and I cant wait to see how its all going to unfold.

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Kick-Ass (2018) #1

Feb 13, 2018

Overall, I loved the introduction to the new Kick-Ass story arc, believing it to be a solid and impactful start. I find the new direction, new characters and new setting to be a refreshing shift in the Kick-Ass saga. I'm really looking forward to seeing Patience grow throughout her journey as Kick-Ass, and seeing where her new life will take her.

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Kick-Ass (2018) #2

Mar 20, 2018

Overall, I found this to be an exciting and engaging issue. Not only do we see Patience embark on some hectic and intense raids but we also see her have a change of heart and embrace her superhero persona. I loved this issue and can't wait for the third one to come out.

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Kick-Ass (2018) #3

Apr 18, 2018

Overall, I loved this issue of Kick-Ass and its dramatic and exciting developments. We are introduced to a new villain who is the apex predator of this town. I'm really looking forward to the next issue, as I'm curious to see how Patience will get out of this new pickle she has found herself in.

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Kick-Ass (2018) #6

Jul 18, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a wonderful end to this arc, capturing all the things we love about a Kick-Ass story. Brutal, intense, clever and unexpected, this issue delivers and in no way disappoints.

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Kick-Ass (2018) #7

Sep 19, 2018

Overall, I thought this was a killer introduction to the new arc. Steve Niles and Marcelo Frusin are a great team, and I love the direction that they are taking the story. I can see a lot of exciting things on the horizon for Patience, and I'm looking forward to when the next issue comes out.

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Kill Or Be Killed #1

Sep 28, 2016

The first two issues of Kill or be Killed so far have given us a tantalising taste of things to come. The dark and unexpected plot twist has added a whole new and interesting dimension to this story of murder. Im curious to see where we will be taken and what we will see Dylan do and his transformative evolution as the story progresses. Kill or be Killed is a unique thriller and Im looking forward to seeing where this wicked story is headed.

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Kill Or Be Killed #4

Nov 14, 2016

Overall, Im really enjoying this interesting twist on a modern horror/crime story. The plot has some interesting developments and I really enjoy watching Dylan evolve into a smart and efficient killing machine. His personal complications, mixed with his desperate situation is an interesting story and Im keen to see where it is headed. I want to see where this deal with the Devil will go and whether Dylan can handle the pressure.

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Kingsman: The Red Diamond #1

Sep 6, 2017

Kingsman: The Red Diamond #1 is an exciting and enjoyable introduction to this new story arc. Rob Williams and Simon Fraser do a top job of taking the helm, creating an interesting story that reflects the original tone of this series. Nothing feels forced, and it all seemed to flow in a tight and tidy way. I'm looking forward to reading more and seeing whether the momentum can be maintained.

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Kingsway West #2

Sep 29, 2016

Overall Im really loving this Old West fantasy. The story has me intrigued, the characters are dark and mysterious and the world is epic. Seriously, give me a well-written gunslinging tale filled with magic and dragons and Ill be lining up for the next issue. Do yourself a favour and grab a copy today!

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Lady Killer 2 #2

Sep 15, 2016

Overall Im really enjoying having Josie Schuller back. I loved the first Lady Killer story arc so much and now it feels like its back to business, as things are once again starting to amp up in volume. In the past Josie has always relished in her job but as things are once again start to get serious, we see a new Josie emerge, as her personal life and work life begin to overlap. I cant wait for the next issue to come out where we can learn more about this mysterious organisation and see whether her new partnership is as sweet as it appears on the surface.

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Lady Killer 2 #3

Nov 9, 2016

Lady Killer 2 #3 delivers another entertaining and grotesque issue to this series. Full of twisted, dark humour and shockingly brutal murder, its hard not to enjoy this series and completely love Josie. Im curious to see what decision Josie will make and how it will impact her life, and whether it will be for better or worse. Do yourself a favour and grab yourself a copy ASAP!

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Lady Killer 2 #4

Mar 1, 2017

Lady Killer 2 #4 is another exciting and gritty edition to this story. Things are getting complicated and intense for Josie and just when it all seemed to be working out perfectly for her, it all begins to come undone. Her relationship with Irving has dramatically changed and she now has a bitter enemy in him. I look forward to the concluding issue of this second story arc and discovering what exactly Josie is going to do next.

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Lady Killer 2 #5

Aug 29, 2017

Overall, I found this to be an enjoyable and engaging issue of Lady Killers. There is nothing like seeing Josie in action, as she fights for survival against a ruthless and unrelenting killing machine. The story has progressed in an interesting and compelling way, and I'm curious to see where this will take Josie and what her next venture will be. I highly recommend you grab a copy ASAP and be prepared to enjoy some bloody good action!

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Little Bird #1

Mar 13, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was a powerful and thought-provoking first issue. The story is clever and well-rounded and the art is lovely in a surrealistic way. I highly recommend this series.

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Maestros #1

Oct 19, 2017

It goes without saying, that I loved this first issue. I found it to be an exciting and compelling introduction. It has a strong story, rich lore, interesting characters and stunning art. I highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a fantasy story with a huge and disturbing twist.

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Maestros #2

Nov 15, 2017

Maestros #2 is an entertaining chapter in this story. There were a lot of laugh-out-loud moments for me, and I particularly loved spotting all of the geeky references to pop culture that Willy makes. The plot thickens, as we are introduced to Lord Rygol, who heralds an even darker and more complex shift in the narrative. I'm looking forward to where this story will progress and how things will unfold for Willy. I recommend grabbing a copy and immersing yourself in this dark, twisted and downright funny tale.

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Maestros #3

Dec 13, 2017

Overall, I'm loving this story and find it to be a truly original and engaging concept. It's well written, filled with likeable characters " yes even the baddies are likeable " and the art speaks for itself. I was sad to reach the end of this issue, as I didn't want the mayhem to end.

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Maestros #4

Jan 24, 2018

Overall, I thought this to be an insightful issue that exposed a lot about Willy and Margaret's past. I found it to be a slower-paced issue that really focused on important and revealing details that will help us to fully grasp how these characters have changed. I'm loving the new location and next phase in their journey and I can't wait until the next issue comes out, so I can see what the hell Willy is going to do next.

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Marilyn's Monsters #1

Sep 13, 2018

Overall, I really enjoyed Marilyn's Monsters. I thought that it was an abstract and otherworldly tale that delves into the reinvention of Norma Jean Baker to the screen legend that took the world by storm. I recommend this comic to everyone and anyone, especially lovers of horror and the macabre.

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Mata Hari (2018) #1

Jan 24, 2018

Overall, I highly enjoyed this introductory issue of Mata Hari, finding it to be a revealing glimpse into a thrilling and interesting life. The art and writing come together to create a compelling and immersive experience and I'm looking forward to when the next issue comes out, so I can delve into Mata Hari's past once again.

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Middlewest #1

Oct 25, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a compelling, though-provoking and enchanting introduction. Everything comes together nicely, from the art, to the writing, pacing and palette. Definitely give this comic a go. I think this is going to be something special.

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Middlewest #3

Jan 16, 2019

Overall, Im really enjoying this story. Ive found myself recommending this series to a lot of friends who are searching for a tale about magic that is a little different from the norm. With beautiful art and wonderful writing, this is a comic you shouldnt be missing.

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Middlewest #4

Feb 20, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was an engaging and fun issue of Middlewest. New characters bring new developments, and Abel finds himself in a rather interesting situation by the end of this chapter.

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Mighty Mite #1

Oct 15, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was an enjoyable and amusing jaunt. I liked the funny nature of this comic and enjoyed the interesting and new way that Johnson reimagined the Mighty Mite. Give it a go, it's a lot of fun.

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Millarworld Annual #2

Sep 21, 2017

Overall, I believe this is another successful Millarworld Annual, and I enjoyed delving into each of these six-engaging short-stories. Each story in their own right holds true to the original feel and vibe of the characters they are emulating, with each delivering an interesting take on each of these Mark Millar creations. I always love seeing new names added to the list of comic creators grow each year, and I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any new work coming from these guys in the future. Congrats to all the winners and good luck on your newfound careers!

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Monstress #8

Dec 2, 2016

Overall, I feel very intrigued with whats to come in Monstress after reading this issue. The story is building and we have been given some interesting nuggets of information that have left us with a lot of unanswered questions. Im curious and want to know more about this skeleton key and the links it has to Maikas mother and I cant wait to see what they will find at the Isle of Bones. I look forward to reading the next issue and discovering the answers to these questions.

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Monstress #9

Dec 27, 2016

Monstress #9 is an intriguing issue, filled with some curious plot developments. So much is going on and I feel like we are only just beginning to scratch the surface of it all. Im looking forward to discovering more about these conspiracies and seeing whether Maika and her companions will make it to the mysterious Isle of Bones.

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Monstress #10

Feb 22, 2017

Monstress #10 is creepy as all hell. We are finally on the Isle of Bones with Maika and confronted with multiple unsettling and curious developments. We are revealed a lot, whilst still having so much of the story shrouded in mystery. Im excited to see where the next issue will take us and what will be revealed as things progress. Im curious to see whether Maika will get the answers shes been looking for from the strange and unknown Lord Carrion.

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Monstress #11

Apr 19, 2017

Monstress #11 is a revealing issue that explores some interesting plot developments as it pushes toward the end of the second story arc. Things are getting interesting as we delve deeper into Maika's personal history and her blood connection to the mask and the Monstrum. I'm looking forward to the following issue and seeing what Maika plans to do with this newly discovered information.

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Monstress #12

Jun 1, 2017

Overall, I must say that I enjoyed this issue. I felt like it was a compelling and though-provoking conclusion to the second story arc. Dark, intense and engaging, Maika's journey continues to develop in an interesting way, that is both intriguing and filled with surprises. I recommend grabbing a copy ASAP and enjoy the wild ride.

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Monstress #13

Jan 24, 2018

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this new issue, finding it to be a great introduction to the third story arc. There is a lot going on here, and I do recommend brushing up on your Monstress lore, reminding yourself of what unfolded in the previous story arc. The wheels are in motion, and Maika is stepping into the next phase of her journey.

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Monstress #14

Feb 21, 2018

Overall, I found this issue to be a slower, gradually building with tension as we reach the point where the attack on Pontus will occur. Time is running out for Maika to activate the shield barrier in time before the Federation attacks. I'm curious to see what the next issue has in store for us, and what will transpire.

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Old Guard #1

Feb 23, 2017

The Old Guard #1 has me intrigued. Its engaging, gritty and thought-provoking. I think this is a creative concept that has the possibility of growing into a really interesting and well-rounded story. Im curious to learn more about Andy and her companions and see where this immortal life will take them next. Trouble is brewing and Im keen to know how its going to unfold.

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Old Guard #2

Mar 31, 2017

The Old Guard #2 has me hooked. Greg Rucka has created a compelling and gripping story, filled with interesting characters that all possess a unique past. The art is striking, dynamic and perfectly suited to this kind of story. There is depth here and I look forward to discovering more about Andy, her crew and the mystery behind their immortality.

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Old Guard #3

Apr 27, 2017

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this issue, with its intense action sequences, witty dialogue and touching moments. This is a compelling and exciting story that keeps gaining momentum as the narrative drives forward. I look forward to reading the next issue and seeing what these immortal warriors will do next and where their adventures will take them.

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Old Guard #4

May 25, 2017

The Old Guard #4 is an exciting and thought-provoking read, that will leave you wanting more. With wonderful art, clever writing and interesting characters, this story continues to engage and entertain on a complex level. A lot is explored and revealed in this issue but many things remain shrouded in mystery. Some unexpected plot developments have me asking many questions, and I look forward to discovering the answers to those in the future. Do yourself a favour and grab a copy ASAP!

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Old Guard #5

Jun 21, 2017

The Old Guard #5 caps off and intense and exciting story arc. I found it to be a thrilling and gripping ride, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I developed an affection for the characters, especially Andy, and yes, even Booker. The art is striking and edgy and that combined with the beautiful colouring, makes for a compelling visual narrative. I'm looking forward to when The Old Guard returns, and joining Andy and her ragtag group of immortal warriors on their next journey.

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Port of Earth #1

Nov 8, 2017

COMIC DETAILSCREATIVE TEAM:Zack Kaplan, Andrea Mutti, Vladimir Popov and Troy PeteriPUBLISHER:Image ComicsPUBLICATION DATE:November 08, 2017REVIEWER:Dana Folkard

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Prodigy #1

Nov 6, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a compelling introduction to this new series. I'm intrigued by the story, the characters and plot twist that's revealed to us. The art is lovely and Edison Crane seems like a cool guy. Go on, you know you want to read it. It's a goodie!

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Prodigy #2

Jan 9, 2019

Overall, I think this is a killer storyquite literally. The bad guys floored me in this issue, and yeah, Im totally keen to see more of them in the future.

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Prodigy #3

Feb 6, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was a fun issue of Prodigy. Im loving the direction the story has taken, and Im pretty keen to see where things go from here.

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Prodigy #4

Mar 13, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was another enjoyable chapter in this series. I love the direction that the story is taking and really look forward to reading the next issue.

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Quantum Age: From the World of Black Hammer #1

Jul 4, 2018

Overall, I found this to be a highly engaging and entertaining introduction to this series. This is shaping up to be a compelling adventure that will hopefully continue to evolve in an unexpected and thrilling way. I'm particularly excited by the new characters, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they will influence the shape of this story.

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Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #1

Nov 16, 2017

Overall, I found Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #1 to be a compelling first issue. I'm really excited about this series and looking forward to venturing forth into Trevor Bruttenholm and Rasputin's past. The story is clever and well written, and this coupled with the wonderfully detailed art makes an outstanding first issue. If you're a Hellboy fan, I recommend that you go and grab yourself a copy ASAP!

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Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #2

Dec 6, 2017

Overall, I found this to be an ominous and engaging chapter in the tale. Trevor is venturing forth into dark territory, and whilst we know how this story ends, it's exciting to see the events leading up to Project Ragna Rok, the arrival of Hellboy and the formation of the BPRD.

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Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #3

Jan 2, 2018

Overall, I found this to be an exciting and fast-paced issue. Things are moving along quickly, with each new obstacle Trevor encounters, dramatically shifting the dynamic of the narrative. I find this to be an engaging and interesting way to keep the momentum flowing. I'm curious to see how things will unfold for Trevor and Sandhu, and I'm even more intrigued with what Rasputin and Albert Mayhew have planned next.

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Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #4

Feb 7, 2018

Overall, I am loving this series, finding it to be a highly enjoyable and thrilling ride. We are at a point in the story that I'm super excited to be at, and I can't wait until the next issue comes out to see where things will go from here.

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Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #5

Mar 7, 2018

Overall, I found this to be an excellent and exciting issue, and I've really only got nice things to say about what transpired. I loved the fast-pace and intensity of everything, and the abrupt change in the pacing towards the end of the issue was clever and helped to shift the tone of the narrative.

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Rat Queens (2017) #1

Mar 3, 2017

I'm happy to have the Rat Queens back, because I honestly missed them. The Queens wisecracking and crass antics are forever entertaining and that coupled with an intriguing story makes for an enjoyable read. This soft reboot has me excited for whats to come and I look forward to seeing more of Owen Gienis art bring this wild fantasy world to life. I cant wait to do more questing with these booze-guzzling, monster killing gals and hear their endless jokes about Gary.

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Rat Queens (2017) #2

Apr 12, 2017

Rat Queens: Cat Kings and Other Gary's #2 has me intrigued and wanting more. Already we are aware of a sinister twist to the story brewing and I'm excited to discover more about this. This issue is action-packed, loads of fun and it's great to see the wisecracking Queens back to their old questing antics. Grab a copy, laugh-out-loud and enjoy the epic fun!

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Rat Queens (2017) #3

May 24, 2017

Rat Queens #3 delivers another hilarious dose of shenanigans and questing. With wonderful illustrations, clever writing, filled with witty jokes and hilarious banter, this is one story that keeps on entertaining. Whilst I focused a lot on the funny side of this issue, I should also mention that I'm curious and looking forward to the larger narrative relating to the mysterious cult. I'm interested in discovering more about this side of the story and seeing where the next big adventure will take out beloved Queens.

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Rat Queens (2017) #4

Jul 7, 2017

Rat Queens #4 takes us on an exciting and mysterious ride, filled with hilarious quips, unusual encounters and unexpected plot developments. Things are getting mighty strange for the Queens, and this is one adventure I'm looking forward to embarking on again. Do yourself a favour and grab a copy ASAP, as this is high-fantasy dungeon delving at its best!

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Rat Queens (2017) #5

Aug 16, 2017

Kurtis Wiebe has created an entertaining narrative, filled with lovable characters that are both relatable and endearing, and this coupled with Owen Gieni's beautiful illustrations make for an enjoyable read.

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Rat Queens (2017) #6

Nov 23, 2017

Overall, I found this to be yet another enjoyable chapter in this story. The Queens never fail to entertain me with the witty banter and hilarious antics. I'm very intrigued with the arrival of this new wizard, who brings with him a dark and compelling new twist. If you're seeking high adventure with a ragtag group of gals, then do yourself a favour and grab a cop ASAP!

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Rat Queens (2017) #7

Jan 3, 2018

Overall, I found this to be both sad and entertaining. Violet is experiencing a lot of personal anguish, which may lead her down a dark and ominous path and I'm curious to see where this will take her in future issues. I recommend you grab a copy ASAP and venture forth with the Queens on their next exciting adventure.

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Rat Queens (2017) #8

Feb 28, 2018

Overall, I found this to be an intense issue of Rat Queens, with the Queens lives in a state of upheaval. This issue raised a lot of questions for me and I'm curious to see how it will all pan out for them. I'm really looking forward to seeing what will happen to Hannah and the reality wizard in the next issue.

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Rat Queens (2017) #10

Jul 11, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a killer conclusion to this arc. The storytelling is ace and the art is gorgeous and diverse. There isn't much more for me to say, other than go and grab yourself a copy now!

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Rat Queens (2017) #11

Sep 12, 2018

Overall, I believe that this is a strong start to the new arc, bringing a fresh dynamic to the Queens and their adventures. I love Sadie, am keen on their new quest and can't wait to find out what is going to happen to Dee next. Good job guys. You reeled me in.

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Rat Queens (2017) #12

Oct 24, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was an interesting and curious issue of Rat Queens. I'm buzzing with questions regarding Dee and her latest venture, and can't wait to discover more about her new role as a god. The Queens are also in a spot of bother, which will no doubt herald an exciting and thrilling adventure in the next issue.

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Rat Queens (2017) #14

Feb 13, 2019

Overall, this was a highly moving and emotive issue of Rat Queens, filled with plenty of heartache and pathos. There is also a lot of action and fast-paced fight sequences that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Prepare yourself, there may be a few damp eyes after reading this chapter.

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Rat Queens (2017) #15

Mar 13, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was a strong end to this arc. Enjoyable, satisfying and heartfelt, it was what I was hoping for when entering this final issue of Kurtis and Owens. Thanks guys, I love your work!

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Rat Queens (2017): Swamp Romp Special #1

Apr 10, 2019

Overall, I thought this was an impressive and highly enjoyable Rat Queens one-shot. Love the story, the banter and clever developments. Good job guys, keep it up!

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Rat Queens (2017): Orc Dave Special #1

Sep 27, 2017

Overall, I absolutely loved this one-shot Orc Dave special. Delving into Dave's past proved to be a delightful and unexpected journey, filled with a lot of emotion and genuine pathos. I highly recommend grabbing a copy of this one-shot, so you can immerse yourself in some forest orc lore.

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Rat Queens (2017): Neon Static Special #1

Jul 17, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a fun and thrilling jaunt into an alternate Queens world. The writing is sharp and witty and the art is filled with a fresh sense of energy. I recommend fans of the Rat Queens to definitely give this one-shot a go, and I also believe that lovers of sci-fi will enjoy this one also.

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Reborn #1

Oct 8, 2016

Reborn #1 is an intriguing and exciting introduction to this highly-anticipated new series. Its thought-provoking, exciting and action filled. We have been introduced to some interesting characters and a unique and complex story with the foundations for what will no doubt be an exhilarating journey. Im excited and curious to see where Millar and Capullo are going to take us and I look forward to when the next issue comes out. If youre looking for a fresh take on a sci-fi/fantasy with some deep concepts and lovely art, then do yourself a favour and grab a copy ASAP!

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Reborn #2

Nov 15, 2016

Reborn #2 has me intrigued. I think its a really cool concept and I just love the sci-fi fantasy setting. I want to go explore this world with Bonnie and her dad and go on an adventure with them both. Im looking forward to seeing where this story is going and how its going to develop and unfold. Seriously, do yourself a favour and grab as copy ASAP!

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Reborn #3

Dec 14, 2016

Reborn #3 has me hooked. Whether it's the characters, the setting, the story or the visuals, its all unique, diverse and fantastical. This is a story that will appeal to not only fantasy lovers but also to those who are looking for an engaging story with wonderful art. Im curious to see more of Bonnie's warrior powers and I want to explore the Dark Lands and see what Lord Golgotha has planned for them. The only disappointment I have is that I have to wait for the next issue. Seriously, get into it and embark on a journey!

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Reborn #4

Jan 24, 2017

Reborn #4 launches straight into action. Bonnie is going through some epic changes and right now it seems like nothing can halt her in her quest to find Harry. All in all, its an impressive issue with epic art, heroic battles and a few interesting plot developments. Do yourself a favour and grab a copy and be prepared to jump into the fray!

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Reborn #5

Mar 24, 2017

Overall this is a slower-paced and more though-provoking issue of Reborn. During these quieter moments, its nice to see Bonnie reflect and ponder things, exploring her feelings and embracing her emotions. It feels like we are getting to know her more, as small fragments about her past and the way she looks at life is revealed to us. Im looking forward to venturing back into the Dark Lands with Bonnie and straight into the gates of hell.

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Reborn #6

Jun 7, 2017

Overall, I have loved everything about Reborn. This is a story that continued to grow and deliver something new with each issue. The conclusion to this story arc was well thought-out, clever and satisfying. Combining clever character development, an interesting concept and stunning art, this is one story that will appeal to all sorts of people, seeking an intelligent and enjoyable piece of escapism. Whilst I'm sad to see the end of this story, I'm excited to see where the next adventure will take us and where Reborn will go from here.

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Redlands #1

Jun 29, 2017

Redlands #1 is everything I hoped and more. From the very first page, I was hooked. I was immersed in a world of brutality, murder and dark magic. I'm looking forward to discovering more about these mysterious witches, and why they've decided to take over Redlands with such ruthless force. This is a story that will appeal to those who love a good horror story with a mysterious and uncertain path, that delivers equal amounts of adrenaline and moody atmosphere.

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Redlands #2

Sep 13, 2017

Redlands #2 dives straight into an intense and gritty story, that is both engaging and immersive. I'm curious to see how this story will unfold and where things will go from here. It's hard not to like what Jordie Bellaire and Vanesa Del Rey have created, with its compelling story-telling, complex characters and striking art.

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Redlands #4

Nov 8, 2017

Redlands #4 is a dark and revealing chapter in this story. Sinister, mysterious and deeply unsettling, this issue explores some curious developments, whilst also focusing on the personal dynamic within the coven. There is a sense of menace in the air!

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Redlands #6

Feb 21, 2018

Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed the end to the first story arc, finding it to be an incredibly moving and provocative end to this chapter. This is a powerhouse team of creatives and I'm looking forward to Redlands return later in the year!

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Rose #2

May 18, 2017

Overall, I'm really enjoying this journey that Meredith Finch is taking us on. It's great to have a story with not only a strong female protagonist but also a strong female villain as well. There is a lot here that has yet to be explored and I'm looking forward to discovering more about the lore of this world and learning about what drives some of the characters. I'm also keen to see more of Thorne in the future and the role that he has to play. If you're interested in venturing into an exciting new fantasy world, filled with intriguing characters and a compelling story, then do yourself a favour and grab a copy ASAP!

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Rose #3

Jun 14, 2017

Rose #3 is an exciting and compelling edition that explores some interesting character developments. Rose is going through some changes, finally embracing her magical abilities and her destiny to become a guardian. We are also introduced to the glorious Thorne, a captivating giant black kitty! The art is vibrant and fresh, and captures the enchanting side to this world. I'm looking forward to going on more adventures with Rose, and seeing her meet Thorne for the first time.

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Rose #4

Jul 12, 2017

Rose #4 is an exciting and adrenaline-fuelled ride that keeps on going. Things are accelerating at a fast rate, forcing us to learn and discover the lore as the story unfolds. Whilst we have established Rose's motivations and character, I would really like to see and learn more about Drucilla. For me, she is a mysterious, maniacal ice queen, who likes to hide out in her tower of doom. Who is she? Why does she do these things? These are things, a stickler like me needs to know!

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Rose #5

Aug 7, 2017

Overall, I found this to be a gripping and engaging issue of Rose, with the tension quickly building as war is on the horizon. Rose and Thorne are together, but they need to find a way back to the rebels before it's too late, so I'm looking forward to seeing how they will overcome this obstacle. I'm also mighty curious to see what Drucilla has planned for this rebellion, as I'm sure it's something brutal and depraved"and I wouldn't expect any less from the vile despot.

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Rose #6

Sep 13, 2017

Overall, I found this to be an exciting and engaging end to the first story arc. I'm looking forward to seeing how the aftermath of the battle with unfold and what steps Drucilla will take next, and whether she will go ahead with the threats she has made. Grab a copy ASAP and prepare for battle!

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Rose #7

Jan 10, 2018

Overall, I enjoyed this issue of Rose, finding it to be a revealing chapter in this tale. It was good to have a small glimpse into Rose and Drucilla's past, giving us more of an understanding of the events that helped to shape these characters. I'm curious to see how things will unfold in the future, and I look forward to when the next issue comes out.

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Rose #8

Feb 7, 2018

Overall, I'm really enjoying the direction the story is taking, finding that things are gaining more depth as the narrative progresses. I'm also curious to see how this ritual will unfold for Rose, and how this will alter her future with Thorne.

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Rose #9

Mar 14, 2018

Overall, I found this issue to be jam-packed with goodies. Things are beginning to move along at a fast pace, as critical events unfold left right and centre. I'm keen to see where this will all lead to and ultimately what Drucilla's next move will be.

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Rose #10

Apr 10, 2018

Overall, I found this to be a revealing issue of Rose. Things have taken a dark turn for Rose and her companions, with the hope of overcoming this evil slowly slipping away from them. Some of the finer complexities of Rose's nature are beginning to emerge, as she begins to undergo more personal change and development.

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Rose #14

Nov 14, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was an intense and fast-paced issue of Rose. Things are certainly progressing at a quick rate, with many interesting developments in the fold. Right now, my main concern is Rose and Thorne, and I hate that I have to wait a whole month until I find out what happens next!

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Rose #15

Dec 12, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a slower-paced issue that really struck some important emotional chords. We see a major shift in the story, as a new development harks the arrival of further complications. Definitely keen for the following issue to see what will unfold in the next chapter.

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Rose #16

Jan 9, 2019

Overall, I loved this penultimate issue, finding it to be an intense and exhilarating ride. Its all coming to a head, with our heroes and the rebels getting ready for the final showdown.

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Rose #17

Feb 27, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was a strong ending from an enjoyable series. Im sad to see Rose finish, but all good things must come to an end. Thanks guys and great job!

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Scales And Scoundrels #1

Sep 6, 2017

Scales and Scoundrels #1 is a fun and engaging introduction, that has me intrigued. I'm already in love with Luvander and her roguish smirk, and I'm excited to jump into this adventure with her. I'm curious to learn more about the secret surrounding her, and these interesting powers that she possesses. Every good story must have an equally good villain, so I'm looking forward to seeing more of this sinister looking figure and what it is they want with Luvander.

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Sharkey The Bounty Hunter #1

Feb 20, 2019

Overall, I highly enjoyed the introduction to this series. I have a feeling this comic is going to be a killer.

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Sharkey The Bounty Hunter #2

Mar 27, 2019

Overall, I think that Sharkey is turning out to be a fun and enjoyable comic. Absolutely loving the character dynamic, and the art is really lovely to match.

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Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil #1

Oct 18, 2017

Overall, I though this to be a strong and engaging introduction to Sherlock Frankenstein. I'm looking forward to diving straight into this adventure with Lucy, as she probes for answers concerning the whereabouts of Sherlock and ultimately her father.

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Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil #2

Nov 23, 2017

Sherlock Frankenstein #2 is a slower-paced, yet revealing issue, as we delve into the origin story of Cthu-Lou. I'm really enjoying how Lemire is introducing us to some pretty wild and new characters, all with their own sad story to tell. I'm looking forward to what the next issue brings and being introduced to the next Spiral City villain.

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Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil #4

Jan 17, 2018

Overall, I really liked this issue of Sherlock Frankenstein. I think I could say that it has been my favourite issue so far, as I really enjoyed venturing into Sherlock's past and seeing how his personal experiences and tragedies shaped him as a man"sorry, ghoul.

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Spy Seal #1

Aug 16, 2017

Overall, I found this to be an entertaining introduction for Spy Seal. Whilst it may have been a little predictable at times, I actually didn't mind, as I loved the overall vibe and flow of the narrative. Malcolm Warner has me intrigued, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this new adventurous life will take him.

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Sword Daughter #2

Jul 4, 2018

Overall, I'm enjoying the pacing of the narrative and the evolving dynamic between Dag and Elsbeth. I'm looking forward to seeing the barriers of their relationship break down as the story progresses, bridging the emotional gap and hopefully bringing them closer together.

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Sword Daughter #3

Aug 8, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a highly-compelling and poignant chapter in this story. It's fast-paced, with a lot of interesting developments unfolding, which brings a whole new dynamic and layer to this tale.

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Sword Daughter #4

Dec 6, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a slower-paced and poignant issue of Sword Daughter. Dag and Elsbeth become more reflective as their lives slow down for the winter months, allowing for us to glimpse into their changing dynamic and the ever-growing bond between them.

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Sword Daughter #6

Feb 6, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was a powerful ending to the first arc. Ive really enjoyed the developments that weve seen throughout Sword Daughter, especially the relationship between Dag and Elsbeth. This is a beautifully drawn comic with a poignant and powerful story. A truly unique Viking revenge saga that I highly recommend.

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The Further Adventures of Nick Wilson #1

Jan 17, 2018

Overall, I must say that I'm intrigued by the first issue. I find the concept to be interesting, the characters complex and the art to be lovely. I feel for Nick and I want to discover more about what his future holds and the path that his life will take. If you're interested in a superhero story, minus the super, then give this series a whirl.

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The Gravediggers Union #1

Nov 1, 2017

Overall, I found The Gravediggers Union #1 to be a hoot. I was skeptical at first, but once I was introduced to Cole and his gang of ragtag monster slayers, I began to suspect that this comic might be a little different. Wes Craig has my attention, as I'm intrigued with the story and want to know what going to happen next. Horror fans delight, as this is a gritty apocalyptic story, filled with plenty of guts and gore.

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The Gravediggers Union #2

Dec 6, 2017

Overall, I found this to be a revealing and informative issue. We discovered a lot about the impending apocalypse, the Black Temple and Morgan's role in all of this. A lot of lore is being explored here, which is important when laying the foundations of the story. I'm curious to see how things will unfold and how the Gravediggers Union will try to stop the rise of the Black Temple.

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The Magic Order #2

Jul 17, 2018

Overall, I think this is a killer issue. There isn't much more I have to say about this chapter other than I think it's pretty great, but you probably gathered that already.

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The Magic Order #3

Aug 14, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a cracker of an issue. We learn more about some key characters, helping to shed light upon what motivates them personally. Some dramatic and intense plot developments occur as well, making this one hell of an exciting issue.

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The Magic Order #4

Oct 3, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a really interesting and engaging issue. Things have dramatically changed for the Magic Order, with their leader and father now dead, leaving the kids to take up the gauntlet. I cannot stress how much I'm hanging for the next issue. The only bummer is that we have to wait for it.

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The Magic Order #5

Dec 12, 2018

Overall, I believe that this has been the best issue so far. Stop listening to me and just grab yourself a copy as soon as you can. Prepare yourself, it's going to amaze you but also make you sad.

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The Magic Order #6

Feb 13, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was a wonderful end to a wonderful arc. One of the best series of 2018/2019. Im gushing, I know, but I really do love this comic. Well done guys!

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The Once And Future Queen #1

Feb 22, 2017

The Once and Future Queen #1 is a story that will appeal to a younger audience wanting to familiarise themselves with the Arthurian tale with a modern twist. This interpretation seeks to make the story of Arthur a more believable in a real-world sense, whilst still trying to capture the magical essence of King Arthur. Its early days yet, so any world building or character development has yet to be established, so these things may unfold in later issues. Im curious to see where this story will go and how it will unfold and whether it can continue to drive forward in a fresh and original way.

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The Resurrected #1

Mar 21, 2018

Overall, I found this to be an intriguing introduction to this series. The story is complex and lore-heavy, filled with heavy philosophical themes questioning ethics and morality. If you're into reading science fiction with a dark historical twist, then go grab a copy ASAP!

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The Resurrected #2

Aug 13, 2018

Overall, I enjoyed this issue of The Resurrected, as it delved deeper into some compelling ideas, which has added more depth to the narrative. A whole new and intriguing layer has been opened up, resulting in some interesting character development with Cain.

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The Resurrected #3

Oct 2, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a revealing and insightful issue of The Resurrected. Things are definitely treading in dangerous waters now, as Cain and his companions venture forth to fight against Drexler and the military. Good luck guys, you're gonna need it!

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The Seeds #1

Jul 24, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was an eloquent and intriguing introduction to this tale. Nocenti has caught my attention with this one, and this combined with Aja's art, makes for something very special. I recommend grabbing a copy of this as soon as you can.

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The Seeds #2

Sep 12, 2018

Overall, this is an excellent chapter of The Seeds. Big things are on the horizon, quite literally, and I'm looking forward to where things will go from here. Don't miss out on this story, as it's something special.

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The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? (2017) #1

Apr 12, 2017

The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? #1 is a great introduction to this new story arc. Intense, wild and absurd, this issue is the beginning of something I'm excited to see unfold. Do yourself a favour and grab a copy ASAP, even if it's just to see Darrow's epic and amazing art. It really is something special.

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The Witcher: Of Flesh and Flame #1

Dec 6, 2018

Overall, I really liked this first issue and felt at home with Geralt once again. This is testament to the writer and artist, capturing this world and its characters perfectly. They do this, but also bring their own unique spin, moulding an original and gutsy tale that is bound to entertain and satisfy fans and those new to the franchise as well.

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The Witcher: Of Flesh and Flame #2

Jan 16, 2019

Overall, Im enjoying the story and loving the fact that we are finally in Ofier. Old fans of the games will enjoy the turn the story has taken. I'm pretty keen to see where things will go from here.

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The Witcher: Of Flesh and Flame #3

Feb 20, 2019

Overall, Im loving this little jaunt in Ofier, even if it is just a brief vacay. Whist we do get some answers, there as still a lot of unanswered questions looming in the periphery. Looking forward to the next and final issue.

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The Wrong Earth #1

Sep 10, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a fun and jam-packed first issue from AHOY Comics. The Wrong Earth #1 is an entertaining and compelling story, and this coupled with the additional content makes for some great reading.

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Twisted Romance #1

Feb 7, 2018

Overall, I enjoyed the first issue of Twisted Romance, finding it to be a highly enjoyable and engaging read. The haphazard combination of stories is a fun and wild ride that I found to be clever and immersive. Next week, the second issue comes out and I'm looking forward to seeing what radical treats are in store for us!

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Twisted Romance #2

Feb 15, 2018

I have to say, I'm really enjoying these weekly short stories from Twisted Love, finding them all to be original, compelling and highly enjoyable adventures in love. Next week the third instalment in this series comes out, and yes, I'm looking forward to seeing what delightful tales are awaiting us.

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Void Trip #1

Oct 25, 2017

Void Trip #1 is an enjoyable and entertaining read that will leave you craving more. The characters are perfectly suited for one another, giving off a vibrant and bubbly energy that will have you in stitches. I'm very intrigued by their mysterious pursuer and why he wishes to ruin the fun for them and what this might mean for their future plans. If you're looking for a fun-filled space adventure with a bunch of space froot munching crazies, then grab a copy and enjoy the trip.

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Void Trip #3

Jan 31, 2018

Overall, I thought Void Trip #3 to be a clever issue, which introduced some interesting and intriguing plot developments. We are left with a bit of an unexpected cliffhanger, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what will transpire in #4.

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Wasted Space #6

Jan 29, 2019

Overall, I thought that this was a strong beginning to the new arc. Things are tense with various new elements introduced to the story, resulting in some curious developments. Keen to see where the next chapter of this story will take us.

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Wasted Space #8

Mar 26, 2019

Overall, I really loved this issue and thought it to be a thought-provoking and wonderfully written chapter of this story. Its nice to have an entire issue dedicated to fleshing out these characters, exploring the depth of their personal emotions in a highly poignant and dynamic way.

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Winnebago Graveyard #1

Jun 15, 2017

Overall, I'm loving Winnebago Graveyard. This is a horror story I can sink my teeth into. It has an engaging story, an unexpected twist, stimulating characters and an awesome setting. I'm excited to see where this story goes and what sinister things lurk around the corner in future issues.

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Winnebago Graveyard #2

Jul 19, 2017

Things are looking grim for this small family, as they desperately try and find a way out of this town and away from these mysterious hooded figures. I really enjoy the unexpected developments that keep popping up in this story, reminding me that this isn't your typical creepy cult. These guys are bad news, and I like it! I'm looking forward to third issue and seeing how these events will unfold for this scared and vulnerable family.

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Winnebago Graveyard #3

Aug 16, 2017

The writing is fast-paced and engaging, and this coupled with the beautifully detailed art makes for an enjoyable and compelling read.

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Winnebago Graveyard #4

Sep 13, 2017

This was such an excellent and climactic conclusion to this dark and twisted tale. Steve Niles delivered us a finale that is both exciting and compelling, whilst Alison Sampson's art offers equal amounts of realistic gore and stunning details. Overall, this is a unique horror story that is suspenseful, menacing and downright terrifying. I want more!

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Witchfinder: City of the Dead #2

Sep 22, 2016

Mysterious, engaging and sinister, Witchfinder: City of the Dead #2 delivers us a dose of eldritch horror, steeped in awe and secrecy. The plot has thickened, as we are introduced to some interesting and unexpected developments. I look forward to reading the next issue and discovering more about this enigmatic story and unravelling the puzzle thats plaguing Sir Edward Grey. Do yourself a favour and pick up a copy today!

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Witchfinder: City of the Dead #3

Oct 26, 2016

Witchfinder: City of the Dead #3 delivers us another exciting instalment to this mysterious case. The veil is finally being lifted, as we begin to unravel more to this case steeped in secrecy and mystery. Im thoroughly enjoying this dark Victorian horror set in the Mignolaverse and I highly recommend that you grab yourself a copy ASAP!

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Witchfinder: The Gates of Heaven #3

Jul 18, 2018

Overall, I'm quite liking the direction the story is taking. There are some really interesting developments in this issue, and that coupled with the fresh dynamic that the new characters bring gives me high expectations of what's to come. I'm keen as mustard to read the next chapter as it ends in an epic cliffhanger!

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Witchfinder: City of the Dead #4

Nov 29, 2016

Witchfinder: City of the Dead #4 delivers us another spine tingling instalment to this uncanny story. The mood is tense and filled with a sense of unease, which matches Greys concerned and troubled mind. Im excited to see how this story will end and what will happen to Grey as he courts damnation and tries to save London and his Queen.

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Witchfinder: The Gates of Heaven #4

Aug 15, 2018

Overall, I thought that this was a thrilling chapter in this tale. Things are progressing at a rapid pace and the cliff-hanger at the end of this issue has me excited for #5!

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Witchfinder: City of the Dead #5

Dec 27, 2016

Overall, Ive really enjoyed this Witchfinder story. The tension slowly built, which really drove the narrative forward in an ominous and foreboding way. I found the story gripping, the characters compelling and it all came together to give us a sinister and atmospheric story. A story that many of us have been waiting to be told. Im excited to see what will happen next for Sir Edward Grey.

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Zodiac Starforce: Cries of the Fire Prince #1

Jun 29, 2017

Witty dialogue, combined with an engaging story and beautiful art, this is a great introduction to the new story arc.

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Reviews for the Week of...


