Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil #2

Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: David Rubin Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: November 22, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 20
8.4Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

From the World of Black Hammer! Lou Kamiski was just a regular ol' Spiral City plumber when one day he was plunged into the horrific world of the great Old Ones to become CTHU-LOU! Witness the origin story of how a mild-mannered handyman turned into an emissary for a cosmic god and one of Black Hammer's most feared opponents.

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Erik Koehn Nov 21, 2017

    A roller coaster of emotions with pitch perfect art that is simultaneously a great self contained story and an excellent chapter in a larger arc. Buy it! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 22, 2017

    As I'm digging Black Hammer immensely for a range of reasons, it really is no surprise that I'm enjoying Sherlock Frankenstein & the Legion of Evil. Even with the title character not showing up in this book. Lucy's digging into things like a proper journalist and pursuing whatever avenues she can and even if they don't lead to a specific thing it helps to build a bigger picture. The time with Cthu-Lou is spot on fun with the right kind of humor and creepiness but also ties to the larger narrative. I really liked Lou and wish he had a better family situation and I really like what we get out of Lucy as this progresses. Lemire's nailing the characterizations perfectly and I cannot get enough of what Rubin and Stewart are doing here with the artwork. The settings are rich and engaging, the quirky bits of Lou's initial transformation to his more laid back later look, and the way Louise looks? It's all just so hauntingly perfect. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Doug Warren Nov 22, 2017

    Overall, I can appreciate how in a comic called Sherlock Frankenstein we have a “detective” gathering clues and trying to solve a mystery, and the characters we are meeting are interesting. I think this book held my attention even better than issue 1. It was definitely entertaining. But, if we don’t see some action or meet Sherlock soon, it may start to become dull. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Impulse Gamer - Dana Folkard Nov 23, 2017

    Sherlock Frankenstein #2 is a slower-paced, yet revealing issue, as we delve into the origin story of Cthu-Lou. I'm really enjoying how Lemire is introducing us to some pretty wild and new characters, all with their own sad story to tell. I'm looking forward to what the next issue brings and being introduced to the next Spiral City villain. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Doom Rocket - Clyde Hall Nov 27, 2017

    The mystery widens, the danger mounts, and we're left wondering: Is Cthu-Lou harmless, or simply hiding in the open, biding his Master's time? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Nicholas Palmieri Nov 23, 2017

    A well done issue, as much for its ties to Black Hammer as for its engaging detective story and stunning otherworldly visuals. Read Full Review

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