Cordelia and Regan bargain with Madame Albany to preserve what's left of The Magic Order, while she sets out to slaughter their brother Gabriel. Meanwhile The Horologium, a monster let loose from the fourth dimension, is shredding time and destroying human lives.
Every issue of this title is more amazing than the last. Read Full Review
Overall, I thought that this was a really interesting and engaging issue. Things have dramatically changed for the Magic Order, with their leader and father now dead, leaving the kids to take up the gauntlet. I cannot stress how much I'm hanging for the next issue. The only bummer is that we have to wait for it. Read Full Review
I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter in the series and cannot wait for the next. Read Full Review
You can get hold of your own copy of ‘The Magic Order #4' on Wednesday 3 October, which happens to be tomorrow. Read Full Review
Yet again, Millar and Coipel dazzle readers with an intense issue that's teems with action and supernatural goodness; The Magic Order #4 marks a major turning point for the tale and ends on a not that leaves readers rooting for the home team. Read Full Review
Back To The FutureOne of the coolest low-key things that Millar and Copiel have done is give us a glimpse at the Magic Order from generations past. Not only did we get to see Grandpapi Moonstone in all his regal glory, but we got to see it through the eyes of everyone's favorite misfit. I loved the overlap of the World War and what was going on in the magical community. Time travel is a hard concept to get right, but it's done so well here that you can just enjoy the panels and keep it moving. Read Full Review
For the first time in The Magic Order, much of this emphasizes dialogue above all else and exposes the hollowness of the entire series as a result. Read Full Review