Izzy prepares a last-minute soiree to impress Aaron's visiting regional manager, the enigmatic Mr. August, who wants to make sure everything is hunky-dory in the Desert Canyon while the other women at last awake to their witchy wiles and skills. It's a dinner party to end all dinner parties-one that is sure to bring down the house.
Hex Wives #5 is a top-notch issue, and it may just be the best of the series yet. Read Full Review
Overall, this issue sets up the next perfectly and shows enough action and builds enough of the world for it to feel like an issue where a lot happens. I'm excited to see what the women do inHex Wives #6and I'll be counting the days until I get to read it. Read Full Review
Hex Wives has built up to this exciting point where I'm practically shaking from anticipation. These men have gaslit some strong witches, stifling their natural abilities and relegating them into a role of glorified maids and chefs. That will not stand. Now that the cracks are showing, I am eagerly awaiting the moment where they smash everything to pieces. Read Full Review
Mirka Andolfo's art is absolutely gorgeous throughout this issue and complements the story perfectly. There are some amazingly detailed panels in this issue and it looks like the plot is setting things up for Andolfo to push the limits going forward. Read Full Review
Tension is maintained throughout the issue until the end. With all the secrets finally out in the open, the final three pages set-up a vivid confrontation which should make for a suitably dramatic end to the series first 6 issues. Precisely where Blacker and Andolfo take it from there is going to be interesting to see. A series so deeply entrenched in the mysteries of domestic incarceration might suffer a bit with all of the secrets out in the open unless Blacker can find something compelling for the series to transition into in issues to come. Read Full Review
Ben Blacker is consistent with story flow, however he speeds up the plot tremendously in HEX WIVES #5. The combined work of Mirka Andolfo and Marissa Louise showcase their best yet by combining elements of modern and abstract art. The use of layout and composition is strong as well. Overall HEX WIVES #5 is strong and a must read for the month. Read Full Review
A tense issue that is highlights Blacker's great pacing. Questions are brought up that we may not want answers for. Read Full Review
Beyond a cathartic read, it is also very funny. There is a scene in which Margeaux the cat does some unspeakable things that had me laughing out loud. And the final issue includes a makeover scene that finally allows these witches to move out of the swinging sixties and into the 21st century. Read Full Review
A spellbinding feminist drama that delivers an utter masterclass in tension, drama and satire, HEX WIVES is a series that comes highly recommended. If you somehow managed to miss out on it to this point, you really owe it to yourself to pick up the trade as soon as it becomes available. You can thank me later. Read Full Review
Ben Blacker is writing one of the best books on the market with this comic. It's funny, tense and absolutely weird. It's great. The art by Andolfo is perfectly strange and wonderful as well. I'm not sure where we will end up, but I do know that wherever it is, that it'll be a truly unique place indeed. Read Full Review
Hex Wives is almost at the final confrontation and the suspense is at its highest level yet. The fuse has been lit, and the explosion is bound to be huge. Read Full Review
With this issue, the series is poised to head in a different direction as the women have learned what they can do and are not happy with their station in life. It's been a slow reveal so far, but the witches will certainly take it directly to their “captors.” How they do it remains to be seen, but hopefully they will not succumb to stereotypes and cliches. Read Full Review