The Doorman #2

Writer: Eliot Rahal, Daniel Kibblesmith Artist: Kendall Goode Publisher: Heavy Metal Release Date: April 27, 2016 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 5
7.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Henry's marooned on an alien planet. Detective Flower's been shot. Charming gazillionaire, Carlisle Moongale, just murdered every other Doorman in the galaxy. Now, Henry must convince corrupt space cops to go after the universe's richest man - or learn that in space, no one can hear you squeal! Eliot Rahal (The Paybacks, Unity) and Daniel Kibblesmith (Bloodshot, How to Win at Everything) team with artist Kendall Goode (The Pride) to bring funny back!

  • 10
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jun 11, 2016

    The Doorman is sci-fi done right.  It's universe-spanning action and adventure with crazy and terrifying aliens.  At its heart is a very human story about wanting to make a difference before shuffling off this mortal coil.  Along the way is a ton of laughs for good measure.  This is a great, well-rounded comic that delivers across the board. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Apr 27, 2016

    'The Doorman' #2 gives Heavy Metal another fantastic sci-fi adventure along with 'Interceptor' that is pure entertainment. Rahal, Kibblesmith, Goode and Cooper have a winner on their hands. It feels like a true extension of the first issue filled with more action, humor, and clever twists. Just when you think you have it all figured out, there's another dramatic turn that will drive you nuts because you'll have to wait another month. Make sure you add this to your pull list so you don't miss it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Apr 26, 2016

    Heavy Metal is known for being out there, but The Doorman #2 takes a tried and true genre and then blasts it into the far reaches of space with great effect. Eliot Rahal, Daniel Kibblesmith, Kendall Goode and David B. Cooper carefully build their story, along with engaging world-building centered around this society and keep the action and humor building to a crazy cliffhanger that is sure to hook readers that weren't fully sold before. Heavy Metal may have not been in the monthly comics game for long, but The Doorman #2 shows that their publishing division has more than a little potential behind it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Mar 30, 2016

    At first glance, I wasn't that impressed by the book. At all. However, looking at the book again I can see that behind all the chaos there is quite a fertile and fun world in there. I am pretty sure that fans of the more fun episodes of Doctor Who would get a kick out of this type of book. All you got to do to find out, is open the Door. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Big Comic Page - John Wallace May 21, 2016

    Overall, while its an interesting concept with solid art, the storytelling is a little sub-par for the time being. For me, the writers have three options for the third issue; go comedy, go serious, or go home. Of those options, serious would appear to be off the table given the artistic style of the book, and the half-way house they seem to be trying for isn't working very well. Read Full Review

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