Undead cars and trucks, driving the Earth! One bite will turn any machine into one of them! Their numbers are multiplying; their hunger is growing. They are ZOOMBIES and they are apart to descend on the sleepy town of Transylvania, Kentucky. But don't worry-genius mechanic VIC FRANKENSTEIN and famed monstercar-hunter MINIVAN HELSING are teaming up to stop the NIGHT OF THE DRIVING DEAD!
In previous reviews for Monster Motors comics I've said that this comic should be a Saturday morning TV show and a line of Hot Wheels toys. I still want those things, but for now, I'd settle for an ongoing series. There is so much to love about this book. It's the kind of comic that you can read with a smile on your face. It's one that you'll want to share because of how fun it is. Each of the characters is unique and provides a suitable homage to the classic monsters that inspired them. Seriously, read this comic. Read Full Review
Recommended for all ages. Read Full Review
Monster Motors is a fun and great series that continues to work. Read Full Review
I think there's probably a misconception thatMonster Motors: The Curse of Minivan Helsingis just a kid's comic, but that's not the case. More than anything else, an all-age comic is something that both kids and adults can enjoy. Younger kids will like it because it's full of crazy looking monster vehicles crashing into each other and firing freeze rays and harpoons. Adults can enjoy the clever comedy and rapid-fire pacing that keeps things from ever getting dull. It's a fun read that's sure to entertain all readers and is a great way for kids and adults to share a comic series together. Highly recommended. Read Full Review