Challenge of the Super Sons #7

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Max Raynor Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 27, 2021 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 10
7.2Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Here comes Vandal-Savage, here comes Vandal-Savage, right down Vandal Savage laaaaaane (what? He’s immortal! How do we know Santa Claus isn’t based on him somehow?) That’s right, a specter from our boys’ adventure in the past comes searching for them in the present courtesy of the immortal Vandal Savage! Can the super sons defeat him before he deals a killing blow to their friend Rora? And how can they save the Justice League from the DOOM SCROLL if they’re locked in combat elsewhere?

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 2, 2021

    Challenge of the Super Sons has them face off against Savage in the present and it goes better than it probably should have to a large degree. The boys have their own dynamic but Savage is still one of the big bads out there, though I like that his long life makes it so that he's hampered a bit by it and the way his mind works. The nods to the past work well here and while we do get setup for the next hero that's being threatened here, the focus is entirely on the moment where it needs to be. Hopefully, this isn't the last of the supermobile either! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Oct 20, 2021

    And we see how they had even more adventures which perhaps we will see in the future. As I said, I liked the earlier portions of this story than this closing. But if you look at this in its entirety, it was a ton of fun. I will miss these boys if this is their last hurrah. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    COMICON - James Ferguson Jan 27, 2021

    Vandal Savage has waited 5,000 years to fight the Super Sons and he's kind of pissed. He's never fought someone like these two though. The boys' time-traveling adventures continue in this latest chapter. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Hannan Mouawad Oct 14, 2021

    The story wasn't crazy complicated or deep; it was executed with a simple and rather predictable plot, but one that was fun and engaging, making each issue a worthwhile read. The characters, script, and art were all well done, and ultimately I had a really fun time reading this series. Here's to hoping DC might someday bring it back and continue the tale! Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Batman-News - Matina Newsom Oct 12, 2021

    It's a shame this series didn't end on the same exciting and fun note it opened on. This final issue struggled to wrap it's story up in a way that cleanly tied up the loose ends awaiting readers. Instead opting to do a little too much with the story instead of streamlining an exciting fight and leaving me a little disappointed overall. Read Full Review

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