Babyteeth #14

Writer: Donny Cates Artist: Garry Brown Publisher: Aftershock Comics Release Date: January 16, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 5
8.8Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

So, hey, welcome back, folks. How about that issue 13, huh? I told you it was bananas. Anyway, look, I'd like to be able to tell you this one is easier or nicer somehow, but real-ly...have any issues of this book not been insane and weird? Would you even believe me If I said it was? No. You wouldn't. So, yeah, this issue is more of all that. Plus: BETRAYAL! (Dramatic music cue!)
From Donny Cates (RELAY, Thanos, Venom, Doctor Strange, God Country, Redneck) and Garry Brown (THE REVISIONIST) comes BABYTEETH-a pulse-pounding horror series that just HAD to be told-and AfterShock is telling it!

  • 10
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jan 31, 2019

    It can be tough to do such a text heavy issue, but the creative team pulls it off in a spectacular fashion. There is not a boring moment in this book, as I was glued to the page every step of the way. This is an incredible story that has some crazy twists and turns in this chapter. It builds to an impressive, jaw-dropping cliffhanger and I cannot wait for more. I don't know how many ways to tell you that Babyteeth is one of the best comics on the stands today. It seamlessly blends horror, comedy, drama, and more into this amazing package. Buy this book with confidence. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comics Bookcase - Zack Quaintance Jan 15, 2019

    An alternately hilarious and deep comic, Babyteeth #14 makes the best use of this comics concept yet. Its filled with self-aware horror tropes that dance around real pathos and theology, and everyone involved is clearly having a blast with all of it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Christa Harader Jan 21, 2019

    "Babyteeth" #14 delights by reminding us that the apocalypse is, above all, weird and that you can't trust anything when dealing with the Devil. Read Full Review

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